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Friday 13 September 2024


Serikali ya Awamu ya Sita imesema ipo tayari kuunga mkono uwekezaji katika sekta ya urahisishaji wa miamala ya Kifedha (FINTECH) barani Afrika na kuona namna gani serikali inaweza kufanya kazi kwa urahisi na Makampuni yanayorahisisha makampuni ufanyaji wa miamala na kufanya gharama kuwa ndogo kwa Wananchi.

Hayo yamebainishwa na Naibu Gavana wa Benki Kuu ya Tanzania, Bi. Sauda Msemo wakati akifungua Kongamano kubwa la wafanyabiashara Afrika Mashariki "East Africa Investment Forum" lenye lengo la kuunganisha wafanyabiashara hususani watoa huduma za kifedha kwa njia ya mtandao kutoka nchi za Afrika Mashariki na Kati, Kongamano lililoandaliwa kwa ushirikiano na vyama vikuu vya FINTECH kutoka Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo, na Tanzania, linalofanyika kwa Siku 2 (Septemba 12-13).

Akizungumza baada ya Ufunguzi wa Kongamano hilo, Katibu Mkuu Mtendaji wa Umoja wa Makampuni yanayotoa Huduma za Kifedha kupitia Teknolojia Tanzania (TAFINA), Bw. Shedrack Kamenya amesema zaidi ya Wawekezaji 10 wameshiriki Kongamano hilo, na lengo kubwa la kuwaleta pamoja watoa Huduma za Kifedha, Watunga Sera, Wawekezaji na wadau wa SEKTA ya Huduma za Kifedha barani Afrika limetimia.

Kauli mbiu yetu ni "Wekeza na Ingia Ubia", "Invest and Partner" katika utoaji wa Huduma za Kifedha, jukwaa hili limekusudia kupambanua mada mbalimbali katika eneo wa uwekezaji katika Huduma za Kifedha lakini pia tutaangazia mazingira ya kisera ambayo yatarahisisha upatikanaji wa Mitaji kwa watoa Huduma pamoja na upotevu wa fedha unaotokana na Uhalifu wa Kimtandao (Cyber Security) na maeneo mengine kadha wa kadha ambayo tutaangazia, amesema Bw. Kamenya.

Kongamano hili linaendelea kwa siku mbili, Septemba 12 & 13 Jijini Dar Es Salaam.

Kwa upande mwingine, mmoja wa washiriki wa Kongamano hili la Kihistoria, Bw. Alfred Tembo amewapongeza TAFINA kwa kuwaunganisha pamoja katika Kongamano hilo.


Piga *150*53# kulipia

Thursday 12 September 2024


Kaimu Afisa Mkuu wa Tigo, Jerome Albou (kushoto) akimkaribisha Naibu Waziri wa Habari, Mawasiliano na Teknolojia ya Habari, Mhandisi Maryprisca Mahundi (kulia) alipotembelea Makao Makuu ya Tigo, ikiwa ni ziara ya Naibu Waziri kutembelea makampuni ya Mawasiliano nchini kwa lengo la kujionea utendaji kazi katika makampuni haya. Katika ziara yake Naibu Waziri alitembelea Makao Makuu ya Tigo na kupokelewa na Menejimenti na baadae akapata fursa ya kutembelea Call Center /Kituo cha Huduma kwa Wateja pamoja na Kituo cha Data (Data Centre).


  • Ended the year with a 16.9% increase in customer base to 19.6 million and a 15.1% rise in data users to 10.1 million.
  • Invested in network infrastructure accelerating 4G and 5G roll-out, and modernizing IT infrastructure.
  • Positively contributed to promoting financial inclusion and bridging the digital divide through M-Pesa service offerings, innovative initiatives in digitizing critical sectors.
Dar es Salaam - September 11, 2024: Vodacom Tanzania PLC, Tanzania’s leading technology and communication company held its Annual General Meeting where the Annual Integrated Report for the financial year ending 31 March 2024 was presented to the shareholders. The report provides an overview of Vodacom Tanzania’s business, business model, and operating environment and reviews its strategy, operational and governance performance for the financial year.

Vodacom Tanzania Board Chairman, Judge Thomas Mihayo (retired), addresses the press in Dar es Salaam following the company's annual shareholders' meeting. From left is Vodacom Tanzania CEO - Philip Besiimire, Board Member - Margaret Ikongo and Chief Financial Officer - Hilda Bujiku.

In his address to the shareholders, Justice (Rtd) Thomas Mihayo, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vodacom Tanzania Plc. touched on the operating environment of the past year and the company’s resilience noting that Vodacom had managed to maintain its leading position both in terms of market share and customer satisfaction opinion, measured by a tool called Net Promoter Score (NPS).

“Our investments in infrastructure and innovative products have been strengthened by improved government-business dialogue and regulatory certainty. The removal of the levy on peer-to-peer mobile money transactions is a key example of this positive change. Moreover, our ability to grow and deliver value is underpinned by the contributions of all our stakeholders and customer centricity. This is confirmed by our leading position in customer net promoter score, ending the year with a strong double-digit lead over our closest competitor,” he said.

Vodacom’s annual report indicates that the company’s financial performance has been strong, with EBITDA growth close to 20%, supporting a 65% increase in operating profit and a net profit after tax of TZS53.4 billion.

“This success is due to our comprehensive cost optimization program, which was implemented without compromising customer experience or investments. Given this robust financial performance, the Board has approved a final dividend of TZS 11.93 per share which corresponds to 50% of our profit after tax, in line with our dividend policy. On behalf of the Board, I express our collective appreciation to Vodacom’s executive team, employees, and business partners for their contributions to this year’s successful performance,” concluded Justice Mihayo.

On his part, the company’s Managing Director, Philip Besiimire mentioned that the resilience and effective strategy execution, supported by a favourable regulatory and policy environment being the main reasons behind the company’s strong performance. Notable regulatory developments over and above the removal of levies on peer-to-peer transfers are reduced right-of-way fees for communications infrastructure, the government’s pro-investment and private sector-supportive policies, coupled with substantial public investment. These have provided valuable policy certainty, encouraging the management to confidently plan and invest in the country’s future.


  • The Airbus A321neo and A320neo will replacing older Boeing 737s on European routes.
  • These new-generation aircraft are fuel efficient, emit less emissions and have wider seats, larger tables and more spacious luggage bins.
  • For intercontinental flights, KLM will be adding five new Boeing 787-10s and will then replace its older 777s and A330s with Airbus A350s.
NAIROBI, Kenya, September 9, 2024 – KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has unveiled its first Airbus A321neo, as it begins the journey to replace its Boeing 737 fleet with cleaner, quieter and more efficient aircraft and flight operations.

The new aircraft are equipped with new engines that emit less CO2 than their predecessors. Measured per passenger tonne kilometre, the A321neo is around 21 percent more fuel efficient than the Boeing 737 aircraft it replaces. Additionally, the aircraft has halved its noise footprint causing far less disturbance along its flight paths.

KLM’s President and CEO, Marjan Rintel, said: I’ve been looking forward to this with great anticipation. The arrival of the first A321neo marks the start of replacing our Boeing 737 fleet. The A321neo produces less noise and CO2 and therefore contributes significantly to a cleaner, quieter future. It also offers more comfort. I am looking forward to seeing how our passengers will experience the new aircraft”.

Introductions that give butterflies

The first of the replacement A321neos, christened Butterflies, touched down at the Amsterdam Airport Schipol last week and will be serving several European destinations as from mid-September. More routes will be served with new planes in the next few years, as KLM commits to invest seven billion euros in its fleet renewal programme.


Doreen Dominic, Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Sekta ya Umma wa Benki ya Stanbic.
  • Benki ya Stanbic inashiriki Wiki ya Azaki 2024, ikipigia debe ufadhili endelevu na ujumuishaji.
  • Mada kuu ni pamoja na haki ya kiuchumi ya wanawake, uwezeshaji wa vijana, na fursa za AfCFTA.
  • Benki ya Stanbic inatoa maarifa ya Ripoti ya Barometer ya Biashara, ikilenga biashara ya kuvuka mipaka na suluhisho maalum.
Arusha, 9 Septemba 2024 – Benki ya Stanbic Tanzania inajivunia kushiriki katika Wiki ya Asasi za Kiraia (Azaki) ya mwaka huu, tukio lenye ushawishi mkubwa linalowaleta pamoja mashirika ya kiraia (Azaki), wadau wa serikali, na viongozi wa sekta binafsi kushirikiana na kuendeleza ajenda ya maendeleo endelevu ya Tanzania. Hili tukio linafanyika kuanzia tarehe 9 hadi 13 Septemba 2024 huko Arusha, na lina kaulimbiu ya “Sauti, Dira, Thamani”, wito wa kuchukua hatua ambao unalingana kikamilifu na dhamira ya Benki ya Stanbic ya kuwezesha jamii, kukuza ujumuishaji wa kifedha, na kuunga mkono malengo ya Dira ya Tanzania 2050.

Katika hotuba yake ya ufunguzi, Doreen Dominic, Mkuu wa Sekta ya Umma katika Benki ya Stanbic, alisisitiza umuhimu wa ufadhili endelevu katika kuchochea ukuaji wa Tanzania. “Wiki hii ni kumbukumbu yenye nguvu wa mshikamano kati ya Azaki na jukumu muhimu walilonalo katika kuendeleza malengo ya maendeleo ya Tanzania,” alisema Dominic. “Kaulimbiu ya ‘Sauti, Dira, Thamani’ inafafanua vizuri dhamira yetu ya pamoja ya kuunda mustakabali jumuishi na wenye ustawi. Kwa Benki ya Stanbic, hatujishughulishi tu na masuala ya kifedha bali tumewekeza katika ukuaji wa muda mrefu wa kutoa suluhisho maalum la kifedha litakalowezesha jamii nchini.”

Ushiriki wa Benki ya Stanbic katika Wiki ya Azaki unaonyesha kujitolea kwake kwa dhati katika kuchochea uchumi jumuishi kwa kupitia programu kama Biashara Incubator na Uwezeshaji wa Kiuchumi wa Wanawake (Women’s Economic Empowerment), benki imekuwa mstari wa mbele katika kusaidia wakulima wadogo na wajasiriamali, na kuchangia ongezeko la 40% katika uthabiti wa kiuchumi wa walengwa. Dominic alisisitiza kuwa programu hizi zinaonyesha dhamira ya Stanbic kuhakikisha kuwa Watanzania wote wanapata nyanja za kifedha wanazohitaji ili kufanikiwa. “Jukumu letu wiki hii ni kuendelea kuwawezesha Watanzania kupitia suluhisho maalum zinazochochea athari chanya za muda mrefu,” alisema.

Tuesday 10 September 2024


Absa Bank Tanzania Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Bernard Tesha (right), Head of Retail Banking, Ms. Ndabu Swere and Marketing and Communications Manager, Mr. Beda Biswalo, display the keys to three brand-new 2014 Subaru Forester cars, to be won by the winners of the just-launched Absa "Spend and Win" card usage campaign during a function in Dar es Salaam.
Absa Bank Tanzania Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Bernard Tesha, cuts a ribbon to officially launch Absa's "Spend and Win" card usage campaign in Dar es Salaam. On the left is Absa Head of Retail Products and Strategy, Mr. Heristraton Genesis, and Head of Retail Banking, Ms. Ndabu Swere.
Absa Bank Tanzania Head of Retail Banking, Ms. Ndabu Swere (5th left), and the bank's Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Bernard Tesha, cut a ribbon to officially launch Absa's "Spend and Win" card usage campaign in Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam, [10/09/2024]: Absa Bank Tanzania has launched a “Spend & Win” campaign, an exciting promotion aimed at encouraging the use of digital banking channels while offering customers the chance to win a brand-new Subaru Forester 2014 model each month for the next three months. The campaign underscores the bank’s commitment to driving financial inclusion and aligns with its purpose of “Empowering Africa’s tomorrow, together, one story at a time” and its brand promise “Your story matters.”

Speaking at a media briefing held at Palm Village, Absa Bank Tanzania Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Bernard Tesha who was representing the bank’s Managing Director Mr. Obedi Laiser, emphasized the campaign’s focus on promoting digital adoption across the country.

“We have made significant investments in digital transformation to ensure we meet the evolving needs of our customers while supporting the government’s agenda for increased financial inclusion,” said Mr. Tesha. “The ‘Spend & Win’ campaign is designed to encourage more Tanzanians to adopt digital banking solutions, such as our debit and credit cards, which provide safety, convenience, and access to a range of banking services.”

The campaign, which runs from 10th September 2024 to 10th December 2024, will see one lucky customer each month win a Subaru Forester 2014 model. The Forester, known for being one of Subaru’s top-selling SUVs and voted one of the safest cars in the market, aligns with Absa's commitment to customer safety. Mr. Tesha linked the vehicle’s renowned safety to the security of Absa’s card transactions.


Moses Bateganya, a USAID representative (second left) awards Kassim Hussein who was named the player of the match during the opening of Ndondo Cup tournament in Dodoma between Kikuyu FC and Nkuhungu Terminal FC. The United States Government, through the Breakthrough ACTION project and in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the President’s Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), celebrated the kick-off event of the Ndondo Cup 2024 football tournament in Dodoma, where thousands of youth accessed vital HIV and immunization services through ‘SITETEREKI’ youth campaign and ‘Kuwa Bingwa,’ focusing on immunization promotion. Right is Anthony Mavunde who is the Minister of Minerals and Member of Parliament for Dodoma Constituency and left is Evangelina Chihoma from PEPFAR.

The U.S. Government, through USAID and PEPFAR, initiated a strategic "counterattack" against HIV during the Ndondo Cup in Dodoma, which began on September 8, 2024. This grassroots soccer tournament serves as a robust platform for health intervention, especially targeting underserved young men and boys. Building on the success of previous Ndondo Cup events across Tanzania, where tens of thousands accessed HIV testing and vaccination services, this year's approach integrates essential public health services into a community celebration to ensure that vital HIV prevention and treatment resources reach those in need.

Central to this initiative is the ‘SITETEREKI’ youth campaign, aimed at engaging individuals aged 15-24 by empowering them with key HIV information and facilitating access to essential services. Moses Bateganya of USAID emphasized the campaign’s innovative spirit, stating, “We believe that sports can be a powerful force for promoting behavior change and improving access to services." As part of broader efforts through the Breakthrough ACTION project, the Ndondo Cup exemplifies effective community-centered strategies in Tanzania's fight against HIV, showcasing how sports can be leveraged for health intervention and youth empowerment.


Monday 9 September 2024


Country Gender Lead - International Finance Corporation (IFC), Anna Mushi (second left) presents SDGs business awards to Geita Gold Mining Limited’s (GGML) Public Relations and Communications Manager, Stephen Mhando (first left) for supporting and driving the implementation of SDGs in Tanzania. Others are Senior Travel & Events Supervisor, Layla Mohammed (second right) and GGML's Finance & Administration Officer, Njile Mabula (first left).

Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML), has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to collaborating with the Tanzanian government and other stakeholders to ensure the country's steady progress in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

The steadfast resolve was articulated by GGML's Public Relations and Communications Manager, Stephen Mhando, speaking on behalf of the company's Managing Director, during the prestigious awards ceremony organized by the Global Compact Network Tanzania (GCNT).

The event recognized businesses and organizations that have demonstrated exemplary leadership in driving the implementation of SDGs and delivering positive impact on communities and the environment.

Held in Dar es Salaam at the end of the week, the awards ceremony witnessed GGML securing two significant accolades, a testament to the company's tireless efforts in realizing and fulfilling these transformative goals.

"Cognizant of the importance of the SDGs, GGML, as a frontrunner in implementing critical aspects of these goals, has continued to sponsor these awards to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of Tanzanians in achieving these sustainable objectives," Mhando affirmed.

According to Mhando, GGML's commitment to the SDGs aligns seamlessly with the company's core principles of sustainability, excellency, and collaboration.


Mkuu wa Kanda ya Kati wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc, Joseph Sayi (kushoto) akikabidhi mfano wa hundi ya shilingi milioni 20 kwa mshindi wa mwezi wa kampeni ya Ni Balaa! Amina Gwila mwanafunzi wa Chuo cha Uhasibu Arusha Tawi la Dodoma mwishoni mwa wiki katika hafla iliyofanyika duka la Vodacom jijini Dodoma. Amina amepata nafasi ya kuchagua shule ambayo Vodacom watasaidia kukarabati maktaba yake ili kukamilisha adhma ya kusaidiana na Serikali katika kuboresha elimu nchini.
Meneja Mauzo wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc Mkoa wa Dodoma, Balikulije Mchome (kushoto) akimkabidhi mfano wa hundi ya shilingi 500,000/- mshindi wa droo ya sita wa kampeni ya Ni Balaa! Kila mtu ni mshindi, Bw. Peter Sheka katika duka la Vodacom lililopo jijini Dodoma mwishoni mwa wiki. Endelea kufanya miamala kupitia M-pesa nawe uwe mshindi.
Afisa wa M-Pesa kutoka Vodacom Tanzania Plc, Mkoa wa Dodoma, Musa Kushoka (kushoto) akikabidhi mfano wa hundi ya shilingi 500,000/- kwa mshindi wa droo ya sita ya kampeni ya Ni Balaa! Kila mtu ni mshindi, Bw. Felician Mgimba (kulia) katika hafla ya kukabidhi zawadi kwa washindi iliyofanyika jijini Dodoma mwishoni mwa wiki. Endelea kufanya miamala na kununua vifurushi ili uweze kuibuka mshindi.
Afisa Mauzo wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc mkoa wa Dodoma, Athumani Ngoma (kushoto) akimkabidhi mshindi wa wiki ya sita wa kampeni ya Ni Balaa! Kila mtu ni mshindi, Angel Bahingali (Kulia) mfano wa hundi ya shilingi 500,000/- katika duka la Vodacom lililopo jijini Dodoma mwishoni mwa mwiki Endelea kufanya miamala na kununua vifurushi kupitia M-pesa ili uweze kuibuka mshindi.


MSMEs Highlighted as a Force in Building Africa’s Food Systems in the Latest Leading Agriculture Report 

Tuesday, 4th September 2024: AGRA has launched its 2024 Africa Agriculture Status Report, titled "Harnessing the Private Sector for Food Systems Transformation in Africa." The report provides an in-depth analysis of the significant role that micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) play in transforming food systems across Africa. 

Developed through extensive collaboration with a diverse group of stakeholders, it explores the vital contributions of MSMEs to agricultural and economic transformation on the continent. Dr. Agnes Kalibata, President of AGRA, stated, “The Africa Agriculture Status Report 2024 highlights the transformative role of MSMEs in shaping Africa's agrifood landscape. By harnessing the power of the private sector, we can drive meaningful food systems transformation and achieve sustainable growth. 

This report provides actionable insights on supporting MSMEs to enhance their impact on food security and economic development.” Dr. Kalibata further emphasized, “This report marks a significant milestone in understanding the private sector’s influence on Africa’s agrifood systems. It showcases the crucial impact of MSMEs in driving agricultural productivity and economic development. 

Saturday 7 September 2024


Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange CEO, Peter Nalitolela (R), met with Hon. Jumaa Aweso (L), Minister for Water, for a strategic discussion on harnessing capital markets to accelerate the development of Tanzania’s water sector. Their dialogue focused on fostering innovative financing solutions for water infrastructure projects, with an emphasis on sustainability and long-term water security. Both leaders expressed a strong commitment to collaborating on initiatives that leverage public-private partnerships and capital market instruments to drive transformative progress in Tanzania’s water resources, ensuring resilience and accessibility for future generations.

Friday 6 September 2024



Benki ya NMB inashiriki katika mkutano mkubwa wa madini duniani, Africa Down Under, Perth, Australia unaomalizika leo.

Mkutano huu wa siku tatu unawakutanisha wadau wa sekta ya madini kutoka sekta ya umma na binafsi ikiwemo viongozi wa serikali, makampuni ya uchimbaji, wawekezaji na wadau wengine kujadili fursa zilizopo, sera na hali ya jumla ya sekta hiyo barani Afrika.

Mwaka huu, ujumbe wa Tanzania unaongozwa na Waziri wa Madini, Mhe. Anthony Mavunde, ambaye aliwasilisha mada kwa washiriki kuhusu utayari wa Tanzania kushirikiana na wadau wa Australia na mataifa mengine ili kuendeleza sekta hii inayochangia zaidi ya 9% katika pato la Taifa.

Katika mkutano huu pia, Waziri Mavunde, alieambatana na Balozi wa Tanzania nchini Australia na Japan, Mhe. Baraka Luvanda, alitembelea banda letu na kupokelewa na Mhazini wa Benki ya NMB, Aziz Chacha, ambaye alimfahamisha Mheshimiwa Waziri kuhusu jitihada za benki katika kutoa masuluhisho mahsusi ya kifedha kwa wadau wa sekta ya madini ili kuongeza mchango wa sekta hii katika uchumi wa nchi.

Waziri Mavunde amepongeza juhudi za Benki ya NMB katika kuimarisha sekta ya madini na kuwainua wadau katika mnyororo mzima wa sekta hii, huku akihimiza kuendeleza juhudi hizo hasa kwa wachimbaji wadogo na wa kati.

“Napongeza ushiriki wa Benki ya NMB katika mkutano huu mkubwa wa madini kati ya Australia na Afrika. NMB imetoa mikopo kwenye utekelezaji wa miradi hii kwa baadhi ya kampuni za Australia. Hii ni hatua nzuri ya kukuza sekta ya madini kupitia mchango wa taasisi za fedha,” amesema Mhe. Mavunde.