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Tuesday, 31 October 2023


NMB Bank Chief Executive Officer, Ruth Zaipuna.
  • Profit After Tax of TZS 398 billion, 22% increase YoY
  • Total Assets of TZS 11.5 trillion, growth of 22% YoY
Dar es Salaam, October 30, 2023: NMB Bank Plc has announced strong financial results for the period ended 30th September 2023 with a Profit Before Tax (PBT) increasing by 23% year-on-year (YoY) to TZS 569 billion compared to TZS 464 billion recorded in September 2022. The market giant recorded an increase of Profit after tax (PAT) of 22% to TZS 398 billion against TZS 324 billion recorded in September 2022.

This strong performance reflects disciplined execution of the bank’s strategy that has continued to demonstrate robust business growth, sustained cost efficiency, and maintained good quality of the loan portfolio. The solid business momentum is supported by a stable and accommodative operating environment.

The bank sustained strong revenue performance during the period, with net interest income increasing by 20% to TZS 692 billion, driven primarily by benefits from increased lending activities in both Retail and Wholesale segments. Non-funded income increased to TZS 334 billion compared to TZS 297 billion in 2022 (12% YoY), driven by increased customer activities on alternative channels, reflecting positive outcome of the bank's accelerated investments in innovative digital financial solutions.

The bank’s balance sheet sustained its steady growth momentum to cross the TZS 11.57 trillion mark as of end of Q3 2023. This growth is attributed to the strong growth in Loans and Advances and investment in Government Securities. The net loans and advances grew 25% YoY and closed the quarter at TZS 7 trillion and Customer deposits increased by 15% to TZS 8.2 trillion mark.

NMB Bank continues to demonstrate efficiency with cost to income ratio (CIR) reaching 38% as of September 2023 from 41% in September 2022, well within the regulatory threshold of 55%. This is attributed to the disciplined cost optimization initiatives whilst accelerating income growth momentum. On the other side, the lender demonstrated improved loans portfolio quality with non-performing loans consistently maintained at 3.5% and within the 5% regulatory benchmark.

Commenting on the outstanding performance, the Chief Executive Officer, Ruth Zaipuna said: "We are delighted that we have been able to consistently deliver strong financial results. The solid financial results reflect a continued trust from our stakeholders and reaffirm our mission of being a catalyst for spurring the overall socio-economic development in the country”.


Airtel Africa Group Chief Executive Officer, Olusegun Ogunsanya.


Monday, 30 October 2023


In this legal update, we discuss key highlights of the Foreign Exchange (Bureau de Change) Regulations of 2023 (the 2023 Regulations), which came into force on 6 October 2023 and revokes the Foreign Exchange (Bureau de Change) Regulations of 2019 (the 2019 Regulations). All bureaux de change licensed by the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) to operate in Tanzania are required to comply with the 2023 Regulations.

Licence Requirements, Prohibitions and Eligibility

Engaging in a bureau de change business without a valid licence issued by the BoT remains prohibited, as stipulated in Regulation 3 of the 2023 Regulations. Violating this requirement constitutes a criminal offence which attracts a penalty of TZS 4 million (~USD 1,600), or imprisonment for a term of up to 14 years, or a combination of both.

Naming Requirements and Ownership and Name Changes

Eligibility for a bureau de change licence is extended to entities that meet specific criteria, including being a company limited by shares or a hotel incorporated under the laws of Tanzania Mainland or Zanzibar.

Licencees must include the terms "bureau de change," "forex bureau," or "foreign exchange bureau" in their business name. In the event of change of name, it should be registered with the Registrar of Companies and thereafter notified to the BoT within 14 days from the date of registration. Any change of ownership must be granted prior approval by the BoT and thereafter the licencee is required to notify the BoT within 7 days after such change is registered with the Registrar of Companies.

Classification of Bureau de Change Licences

The 2023 Regulations introduce 3 classes of bureau de change licences:
  • Class A – this licence allows the licencee to deal in spot transactions, money transfer and other financial services related activities (such as agency banking and mobile money agency). It can be granted to either local or foreign owned entities. Minimum capital required is TZS 1 billion (~USD 400,000) for majority foreign owned entities and TZS 500 million (~USD 200,000) for majority local owned entities.
  • Class B – this licence allows the licencee to deal with spot transactions only and requires 100% local shareholding. Minimum capital required is TZS 200 million (~USD 80,000).
  • Class C – this licence can only be granted to hotels and allows the licencee to deal with spot transactions only with customers of the hotel.
The Regulations define “spot transaction” as a sale or purchase of foreign currency of which settlement is made within the same day using cash, bank, financial institution, mobile money operator or any other means approved by the BoT.

Further, a bureau de change is required to always maintain a working capital equivalent of no less than 70% of its owners’ equity.


Kamishna wa Idara ya Uendelezaji Sekta ya Fedha kutoka Wizara ya Fedha, Dkt Charles Mwamaja (katikati) akiwasili katika hafla ya kutangaza matokeo ya hatifungani ya kijani ya Benki ya CRDB ‘Kijani Bond” iliyofanyika hoteli ya Johari Rotana ambapo Benki ya CRDB imetangaza kukusanya Shilingi bilioni 171.82 sawa na asilimia 429.57 ya lengo la kukusanya Shilingi bilioni 40 ambazo zitaelekezwa katika kufadhili biashara na miradi inayozingatia utunzaji wa mazingira na mabadiliko ya tabianchi. Kamishna alipokelewa na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Abdulmajid Nsekela (kushoto), na Afisa Mkuu wa Fedha wa Benki ya CRDB, Fredrick Nshekanabo (kulia).

Benki ya CRDB imetangaza matokeo ya mauzo ya hatifungani yake ya kijani ‘Kijani Bond’ iliyoweka historia ya kuwa hatifungani ya kwanza ya kijani nchini na kubwa zaidi kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara katika hafla iliyofanyika kwenye hoteli ya Johari Rotana jijini Dar es Salaam.

Kijani Bond iliyozinduliwa Septemba 1, 2023 na kufungwa Oktoba 6, 2023, imekuwa na mwitikio mkubwa na hivyo kupelekea kufikia lengo kwa asilimia 429.57 ambapo jumla ya Shilingi 171.82 bilioni zimekusanywa ikilinganishwa na lengo la awali la TZS 40 bilioni. Kati ya wawekezaji 1,754 waliowekeza kwenye hatifungani hii, asilimia 99 ni Watanzania.

Akizungumza katika hafla hiyo, Kamishna wa Idara ya Uendelezaji Sekta ya Fedha kutoka Wizara ya Fedha, Dkt Charles Mwamaja aliyekuwa mgeni rasmi akimwakilisha Waziri wa Fedha, Dkt Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba ameiopongeza Benki ya CRDB kwa ubunifu na juhudi ilizochukua kuitoa na kuiuza hatifungani hiyo.

Dkt Mwamaja amesema idadi kubwa ya wawekezaji waliojitokeza kuwekeza kwenye hatifungani hii inadhihirisha juhudi kubwa zilizofanywa na Benki ya CRDB na fedha zilizopatikana zitasaidia kwa kiasi kikubwa kuchochea utekelezaji wa ajenda za maendeleo na juhudi za kulinda mazingira.

Kamishna Mwamaja pia amesisitiza umuhimu wa kulinda mazingira katika juhudi za kukabiliana na mabadiliko ya tabianchi na kwamba ushirikiano kati ya serikali na sekta binafsi sio tu unahitajika, bali haukwepeki kwani mahitaji ni makubwa.

"Tanzania inahitaji takriban dola bilioni 19.2 za Marekani mpaka mwaka 2030 ili kutoa mchango wake unaohitajika katika vita dhidi ya uharibifu wa mazingira. Sehemu kubwa ya fedha hizi inatakiwa itolewe na sekta binafsi. Kwa niaba ya Serikali, napenda nawapongeza kwa juhudi mnazozifanya ikiwamo Hatifungani hii ya Kijani na nyinginezo kama vile Programu ya Matumizi ya Teknolojia Endelevu za Kilimo Tanzania (TACADTP) mnayoshirikiana na Mfuko wa Mazingira wa Umoja wa Mataifa (UNGCF),” amesema Dkt. Mwamaja.

Akiwashukuru wawekezaji waliojitokeza kwa imani waliyonayo na ushirikiano walioutoa hata kuwezesha mauzo hayo kuvuka malengo, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Abdulmajid Nsekela amesema kiasi kilichokusanywa kimeongeza mtaji mpya ndani ya taasisi hiyo kwa Shilingi bilioni 140 zitachochea utoaji wa mikopo kwenye miradi inayolenga kulinda mazingira nchini.

Mikopo hiyo sio tu itaongeza upatikanaji wa ajira hasa kwa vijana na kukuza uchumi, Nsekela amesema zitadhihirisha utayari na umakini wa Tanzania kutunza mazingira kwa ajili ya kizazi cha sasa na cha baadaye.

“Ongezeko hili la mtaji wa Benki yetu ya CRDB litatuwezesha kutoa fedha zinazohitajika kwenye miradi tofauti inayojihusisha na kutunza mazingira kama vile viwanda endelevu, nishati safi, ujenzi na usafirishaji, maji, afya na elimu. Nawaomba wawekezaji wa ndani na kimataifa muendelee kushirikiana na benki yetu kufanikisha miradi hii,” amesema Nsekela.

Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Mamlaka ya Masoko ya Mitaji na Dhamana (CMSA), CPA Nicodemus Mkama, ameipongeza Benki ya CRDB kwa mafanikio iliyoyapata na kusema hatifungani hii ya kijani imetolewa kwa muda muafaka kukidhi mahitaji yaliyopo.

Baada ya matokeo hayo kutangazwa, Kijani Bond iliorodheshwa rasmi katika Soko la Hisa la Dar es Salaam (DSE) ili kuuzwa katika soko la upili. Akizungumza wakati wa uorodheshaji wa hatifungani hiyo sokoni, Kaimu Afisa Mtendaji wa Soko la Hisa Dar es Salaam (DSE), Mary Mnisawa amesema mauzo ya hatifungani ya Benki ya CRDB sio tu imeinufaisha taasisi hiyo bali soko zima la fedha nchini.

“Kuorodheshwa kwa Kijani Bond kutakwenda kuongeza uuzaji na ununuaji wa dhamana katika soko hilo mara dufu kutoka wasatani wa sasa wa Shilingi bilioni 150 hadi zaidi ya Shilingi bilioni 300,” alisema Mniwasa.

Mkuu wa Idara ya Uchumi katika Ubalozi wa Uingereza nchini, Euan Davidson amesema Uingereza inayo furaha kubwa kufanikisha kutolewa hata kuuzwa kwa Hatifungani ya Kijani ya Benki ya CRDB. Mchango wa taifa hilo umetolewa kupitia taasisi ya FSD Africa iliyokuwa mshauri huru katika mchakato mzima wa kutoa mpaka kuuzwa kwa Hatifungani ya Kijani. Hayo yote yalifanyika yakiwezeshwa na Shirika la Maendeleo la Uingereza (UK Development).

“Historia iliyoandikwa katika mauzo ya hatifungani hii kwa wingi wa wawekezaji binafsi hata mashirika yanadhihirisha kukubalika kwa sekta ya fedha ya Tanzania na kuonyesha kwamba kuna uhitaji mkubwa wa fedha za kufanikisha miradi ya mazingira mwongoni mwa wawekezaji tofauti, wa ndani na kimataifa,” amesema Davidson.

Shirika la IFC lililo chini ya Benki ya Dunia ni miongoni mwa wawekezaji waliotoa kiasi kikubwa kwenye mauzo ya hatifungani hii. Shirika hilo pekee limewekeza Shilingi ambazo ni sawa na dola milioni 20 sawa na asilimia 29.3 ya uwekezaji wote uliofanyika.

Meneja wa Kanda ya Afrika Mashariki IFC, Jes Chonzi amesema: “Upatikanaji wa fedha za kufanikisha miradi inayolinda mazingira na kukabiliana na mabadiliko ya tabianchi ni fursa iliyo wazi kwa Tanzania na fedha nyingi zinahitajika hasa kutoka sekta binafsi. Hatinfungani hii itaongeza upatikanaji wa mikopo kwenye miradi ya mazingira na kuongeza ujumuishaji wa wananchikatika uchumi.”

Katika mchakato wa kutolewa na kuorodheshwa kwa Kijani Bond, Benki ya Stanbic Tanzania imeshiriki kama msimamizi mkuu, huku kampuni ya Denton Tanzania Law Chamber ikitoa huduma za ushauri wa kisheria. Kampuni ya Orbit Securities Tanzania ilikuwa wakala mfadhili, huku KPMG ikikabidhiwa majukumu ya kutoa taarifa za kihasibu.

Kijani Bond ni awamu ya kwanza ya mpango wa dhamana ya uwekezaji ya Benki ya CRDB wenye thamani ya dola za marekani milioni 300 unaolenga kukusanya fedha kwa ajili ya ufadhili miradi ya kijani, kijamii na endelevu. Benki ya CRDB imejitolea kuendeleza ukuaji wa uchumi wa kijani na shirikishi nchini kupitia ufadhili bunifu na rafiki kwa mazingira.


Geita Regional Commissioner, Martin Shigela (centre), who took time out to visit GGML's stand at the 2023 Tanzania Mining & Investment Forum, receives a gift from Doreen Dennis, GGML's Community Liaison Officer, pictured with Gilbert Mworia, GGML's Senior Manager for Sustainability (right).
At the GGML stand, Geita Regional Commissioner Martin Shigela (centre) takes a virtual tour of part of the mining value chain at the Geita Gold Mine, getting a glimpse of both the open pit and underground mining operations.

When the Geita Regional Commissioner, Hon. Martin Shigela, visited the 2023 Tanzania Mining & Investment Forum at the JNICC on the final day, he cited the opportunities arising from the presence of the major company, Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML), as a source of economic growth for the region.

In addition to GGML, medium-sized companies and small-scale miners were also cited as boosting the economy of the region, which produces 60 per cent of the country's gold.

Speaking to journalists in Dar es Salaam at the JNICC, where Prime Minister Hon. Kassim Majaliwa officiated at the closing ceremony, Shigela said they had come to see the direction of the mining sector, the new technology being used and how small-scale miners could use it.

He said GGML was one of the big companies that was leading in terms of paying taxes in the country, but also in terms of gold production.

He said that President Samia Suluhu Hassan's efforts to administer legislation, policies and guidelines that require the Ministry of Minerals to ensure that small miners participate in mining through the issuance of concessions have further harmonized the sector.

Sunday, 29 October 2023


Omari Mtiga, Head of Personal and Private Banking Stanbic Bank, speaks at the launch of the Wezesha proposition that empowers customers to build their legacies.
Emmanuel Mahondaga, Head of Personal Banking & Retail Sales at Stanbic Bank Tanzania, speaks at the launch of the Wezesha proposition that empowers customers to build their legacies.

Dar es Salaam, 26th October: In support of Tanzania’s rapid ascent to becoming a thriving middle-income nation, Stanbic Bank has announced the launch of its groundbreaking proposition called Wezesha. The bank reaffirmed its commitment to the dreams and ambitions of Tanzania's emerging workforce, positioning itself as a steadfast partner and supporter of individuals on the journey towards a financially prosperous nation, at an event attended by Human Resources practitioners gathered at the Serena Hotel, in Dar es Salaam.

The Wezesha proposition, represents a beacon of hope and empowerment for Tanzania’s workforce. Speaking at the launch, Omar Mtiga, Head of Personal and Private Banking emphasised the bank’s dedication to enabling and empowering the nation’s ambitious individuals to reach unparalleled heights, saying that, “The Wezesha proposition targets salaried individuals and is meticulously designed to help them manifest their dreams into tangible realities.”

The key features of the Wezesha proposition include:
  • Financial Security: Wezesha Account holders enjoy free access to funeral cover for themselves and their families, providing unparalleled peace of mind during challenging times. It also offers employees personalized insurance cover plans, health and business insurance on request, ensuring convenience for the account holder.
  • Financial Freedom: With the ability to withdraw up to 20 million Tanzanian shillings over the counter, coupled with free account transfers and access to government payments, account holders experience a level of financial freedom like never before.
  • Digital Convenience: The Wezesha Account offers the convenience of a Visa debit card privileged with various embedded benefits recognized worldwide, available instantly upon request, as well as the flexibility of managing finances through the Stanbic Bank digital App, WhatsApp banking, and Internet Banking.
  • Expert Guidance: Account holders gain access to premium services such as insurance premium financing and free flexible investment solutions. Furthermore, the Wezesha Account offers expertise from the Contrasave Account and Unit Trust of Tanzania (UTT), empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions.
  • Educational Empowerment: Stanbic Bank’s Financial Fitness Academy opens doors to comprehensive financial education, ensuring account holders are equipped with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of the financial world.
  • Access to Funds: The preposition offers Salaried employees the convenience on accessing funds and getting financial support through loan facilities which are fast and affordable with preferred loan amount to the employees to ensure they meets their needs.
  • Beyond banking: also WEZESHA Account offers the employees banking services from the workplace or office premise visit up on request to provide the banking services through our professional Business Bankers.
  • Digital access to Funds (Short term & Long term): The preposition offers salaried employees the convenience on accessing funds on Stanbic Digital channels, where they can easily access salary advance to the tune of TZS 5million as well as get loan facilities though Digital to ensure they meets their needs.
  • Personalized: Through the bank’s contact centre, the WEZESHA Account offers fast and personalized services which are based on the life style of the account holder.
  • Access on various Offers/Discounts: The WEZESHA account provides employees with the access to different offers that are provided by the bank from time to time.

Friday, 27 October 2023


Prime Minister Hon. Kassim Majaliwa (second right) with Hon. Anthony Mavunde, Minister for Minerals (right) and Hon. Abdulsamad Abdulrahim, Director Ocean Business Partners, exchange pleasantries with GGML's Senior Manager for Sustainability, Gilbert Mworia (left) as he visited the company's exhibition stand on the closing day of the 2023 Tanzania Mining & Investment Forum.

The Prime Minister of Tanzania, Mr Kassim Majaliwa, has visited the Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) stand at the Tanzania Mining & Investment Forum (TMIF) and congratulated the company for fully implementing its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Majaliwa, who also closed the two-day event yesterday on behalf of the President of Zanzibar, Dr Hussein Mwinyi, was briefed by GGML's Senior Manager for Sustainability, Mr Gilbert Mworia. Majaliwa commended the company for the great work it has done in its sustainability projects, including being the main sponsor of the forum.

"We commend you for being a role model in complying with the requirements of the Mining Act in terms of CSR, one of these projects, the construction of the Magogo football pitch, which we would like to see completed and implemented quickly, within six months.

"But don't just build a stadium in the Geita region, take these services to other regions to benefit and develop the talents of our youth," said Majaliwa.

In his briefing to the Prime Minister, Gilbert Mworia not only outlined GGML's strategies to ensure that Tanzanians and the community around the mine benefit from GGML's presence, but also said that the company has been a leader in addressing issues of environmental protection and occupational health and safety.


(26/10/2023, TANGA): Kampuni ya Bia ya Serengeti Limited (SBL) inapenda kutangaza muendelezo wa Programu ya Smashed katika Mkoa wa Tanga. Programu hii inatoa ya elimu kupitia maonyesho kwa kulenga kuvunja utamaduni wa kunywa pombe kwa vijana wenye umri mdogo na kupunguza madhara yanayohusiana na pombe kwa vijana. Programu ya Smashed ya Kampuni ya Bia ya Serengeti inawakilisha hatua muhimu kuelekea kukuza uchaguzi wenye dhamira na kuwawezesha vijana wa Tanzania kuwa na maarifa na stadi wanazohitaji kufanya maamuzi sahihi kuhusu matumizi ya pombe na kuzuia kabisa matumizi ya pombe kwa vijana walio chini ya umri wa kisheria.

Utafiti uliofanywa na Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii mwaka 2008 miongoni mwa wanafunzi wa shule za sekondari katika Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam uligundua kuwa asilimia 5 walitumia pombe, asilimia 10.8 walishatumia pombe kabla ya kufikisha miaka 14, na asilimia 26.2 walikuwa na mzazi aliyekuwa anatumia pombe. Matumizi ya pombe wakati wa utoto na ujana yanaweza kuwa na athari mbaya za kiafya, kijamii, kiuchumi, na kimaendeleo kwa vijana na jamii. Utafiti unaonyesha kuwa vijana wanaoanza kunywa pombe kabla ya umri wa miaka 15 wako mara sita zaidi kwa hatari ya kuwa na matatizo ya utegemezi wa pombe kuliko wale wanaoanza kunywa baada ya umri wa miaka 21.

Kutokana na hili, Kampuni ya Bia ya Serengeti Limited illianzisha programu hii mwaka 2021, na tayari imekuwa na mchango mkubwa kwa vijana wetu. Hadi leo, SBL imefikia shule 22, ikiwaelimisha zaidi ya wanafunzi 24,025 kote nchini. Programu hii haihusishi tu uzuiaji wa kutumia pombe kwa vijana, bali pia kuwezesha akili za vijana wetu kufanya maamuzi yenye msingi na dhamira sahihi. Inawatia moyo wanafunzi kutilia maanani elimu yao na kuendeleza stadi muhimu, kama vile kutawala hisia zao, ambayo itakuwa zana muhimu katika kushughulikia changamoto za maisha.



The Owner and Chairman of the AKO Group, Silvestry Koka stated at the workshop how they provide food services to GGML.
The Managing Director of GGML, Terry Strong (left) and the Vice president of AngloGold Ashanti-GGML, responsible for sustainable projects in Ghana and Tanzania, Simon Shayo (right) receives a gift from one of the Blue Coast employees.

Five years after implementing the Law on Empowerment of Natives (Local Content), successes are starting to appear like pearls for Tanzanians as employment opportunities steadily rise. The 2018 law, amended in 2019, seeks to facilitate Tanzanian participation in the mining industry.

The Sixth Geita Mining and Technology Exhibition showcased the achievements, bringing mining stakeholders together to explore investment prospects. The event took place at the EPZA Bombambili grounds in the city of Geita.

Commissioner for Local Content, Janeth Lukeshingo, reports a surge in job opportunities, procurement of goods and services from Tanzanians, along with progress in technology transfer and research that has improved the comprehension of Tanzanian involvement in the mining sector.

Thursday, 26 October 2023


Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) has once again demonstrated its commitment to society and workplace safety by receiving two awards at the Tanzania Mining & Investment Forum 2023.

The event was officially opened yesterday afternoon by the Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Doto Biteko. This was followed by the Madini Gala Night & Awards where GGML was awarded the overall winner in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) category.

In addition, GGML was recognised as the best company for its focus on environmental protection and occupational health and safety.

The awards bestowed upon GGML by the Ministry of Mines for its contribution to the conference have cemented its status as the foremost company nationwide with respect to health and safety concerns in the workplace. GGML has garnered these accolades for four consecutive years, having been the recipient of similar distinctions from its parent company, AngloGold Ashanti, which operates mines across the globe, including in this country.


Benki ya NMB imesaidia wakulima wa tumbaku zaidi ya 400 mkoani Tabora kulipwa kwa wakati fidia ya hasara waliyopata baada ya mashamba yao kuharibiwa na mvua kubwa za mawe msimu wa 2022/2023. Hundi ya malipo ya madai hayo ya kiasi cha zaidi ya Shilingi milioni 374 kutoka kampuni ya bima ya UAP, imekabidhiwa kwa Mkuu wa Mkoa huo, Balozi Dkt. Batilda Burhani, aliyesema kuwa fidia hizo ni kubwa kuwahi kulipwa wakulima wengi nchini kwa wakati mmoja.

Akizungumza katika hafla ya makabidhiano ya mfano wa hundi wa kiasi hicho cha fedha, Dkt Batilda alieleza kuwa ushiriki wa NMB katika kulikamilisha hili kwa haraka kunaifanya kuwa zaidi ya benki katika kulihudumia taifa, lakini pia kuendana na azma ya serikali kuhakikisha wakulima wote nchini wana bima.

Kiongozi huyo aliongeza kuwa, wakulima waliokatia mashamba yao bima dhidi ya majanga walifanya maamuzi sahihi, kwani bima hizo zimekuwa mkombozi wao na sasa wataweza kuendelea na shughuli zao wakiwa na uhakika. Alizishukuru Benki ya NMB na UAP kwa juhudi za kuhakikisha fidia hii inalipwa kwa haraka si tu zinafanya waathirika kuendelea na kilimo chao, lakini pia zinawapa imani na bima na kuwaonyesha umuhimu wa kuwa na kinga dhidi ya majanga hasa kubima na NMB.


Meneja wa Chapa ya Serengeti Premium Larger na Serengeti Lite - Ester Raphael akiwa na Balozi wa Maokoto Ndani ya Kizibo, Bill Nas Mapema wiki hii wakati wakitangaza washindi Nane (8) wa kwanza ambao ni Washindi wa kampeni ya "Maokoto Chini Ya Kizibo" Rajabu Bakari, Waziri Jamali, Amina Haji, Joachim Kimario, Angel Edward, Melina Fransis, Geofrey John and Mudy Selemani Kibiki walioshinda laki tano kila mmoja.


Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Doto Biteko (left) listens as GGML's PR and Communications Manager, Stephen Mhando (right) discusses new technologies the company is using at its Geita mining operations. Biteko visited GGML's booth at the 2023 Tanzania Mining and Investment Forum held in Dar es Salaam.

Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Doto Biteko has urged both local and foreign investors to invest in Tanzania's mining sector, citing a favourable business environment that guarantees mutual benefit.

The statement was made during the two-day 2023 Tanzania Mining and Investment Forum (TMIF) held in Dar es Salaam and sponsored by AngloGold Ashanti's Tanzania mining operation, Geita Gold Mine Limited (GGML).

He said that the presence of over 2000 stakeholders from within and outside the country demonstrated the government's commitment to improving and developing the mining sector for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Furthermore, he added that the government has upgraded the conference status to conform to the international standard, as desired by everyone.

Dr. Biteko went on to explain that geological information gathering has improved significantly and is now done digitally. The government aims to conduct modern research, named "High Resolution Airborne Geophysical Survey," in all mining areas by 2030.





Wednesday, 25 October 2023



Afisa Mkuu wa Tigo Pesa, Angelica Pesha, akiongea na waandishi wa Habari (hawapo pichani), katika uzinduzi wa Tigo Pesa Rafiki, huduma bunifu inayomuwezesha mteja kufanya miamala yake ya Tigo Pesa kupitia WhatsApp, Dar es Salam.

Dar es Salaam, 24 Oktoba 2023: Kampuni inayoongoza kwa mtindo wa maisha ya kidijitali nchini Tanzania, Tigo Tanzania, leo imetangaza ubunifu kwa wateja kufanya miamala yao ya Tigo Pesa kupitia jukwaa la WhatsApp liitwalo Tigo Pesa Rafiki. Chaguo hili jipya la miamala kupitia programu inayomilikiwa na Meta, ni la kwanza sokoni na litawawezesha wateja kufanya miamala kadhaa, yote ndani ya ukurasa wa WhatsApp unaofahamika zaidi.

Afisa Mkuu wa Tigo Pesa,Angelica Pesha, ameelezea shauku yake wakati wa hafla ya uzinduzi wa Tigo Pesa Rafiki, Anasema, "Tunafurahia kuwaletea Watanzania Tigo Pesa Rafiki, tukionesha dhamira yetu ya kutoa suluhisho la kibunifu na rafiki ambayo itaboresha maisha ya kila siku ya wateja wetu. Huduma hii itarahisisha miamala ya kidijitali na kuharakisha ujumuishaji wa kifedha kote Tanzania."

“Kama kampuni ya mawasiliano ya kwanza kutoa huduma hii ya kibunifu, Tigo inathibitisha kujitolea kwake kwa maendeleo ya kidijitali ambayo yanawezesha ukuaji wa kifedha, kurahisisha malipo, na kukuza maendeleo ya kiuchumi nchini. Hatimaye, lengo la Tigo Pesa Rafiki ni kutoa urahisi kwa wateja kulipa bila matatizo. Tigo Pesa imejitolea kuendesha ushirikishwaji wa kifedha na kidijitali huku ikiboresha uzoefu wa mtumiaji kupitia ubunifu endelevu. Kuunganishwa kwa huduma za Tigo Pesa Rafiki na WhatsApp ni uthibitisho tosha wa dhamira hii.” Ameyasema hayo Pesha


The Tigo Pesa Chief Officer, Angelica Pesha, speaks to members of the press (not in the picture), during the launch of Tigo Pesa Rafiki, an innovative way for customers to make their Tigo Pesa transactions through the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp, in Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam, 24th October 2023: Tanzania’s leading digital lifestyle company, Tigo Tanzania, has announced an innovative way for customers to make their Tigo Pesa transactions through the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp called Tigo Pesa Rafiki. This new transactional option through the Meta-owned app, is the first in the market and will enable customers to perform several transactions, all within the familiar WhatsApp interface.

Angelica Pesha, Chief Officer, Tigo Pesa, expressed her enthusiasm during the live launch event, emphasizing the service's versatility. She says, "We are delighted to bring Tigo Pesa Rafiki to Tanzanians, demonstrating our commitment to delivering innovative and user-friendly solutions that enhance the daily lives of our customers. This service will simplify digital transactions and accelerate financial inclusion across Tanzania.”

“As the first telco to offer this innovative service, Tigo reaffirms its dedication to pioneering digital advancements that facilitate financial growth, streamline payments, and foster economic development in the country. Ultimately, the Tigo Pesa Rafiki goal is to offer convenience for customers to pay right within a chat, seamlessly. Tigo Pesa is committed to driving financial and digital inclusion while enhancing the user experience through continuous innovation. The integration of Tigo Pesa Rafiki services with WhatsApp is a testament to this commitment.” Remarked Pesha.


Head of Public Sector at Stanbic Bank, Ms Doreen Dominic, speaks during the opening of the Civil Society Organisations (CSO) week on Monday.
Stanbic Bank Tanzania Head of Global Market Sales, Ms. Amal Baziad, speaks during a plenary seesion in the on-going CSO week in Arusha, on Tuesday.

Arusha, Tanzania, 24th October 2023 - Stanbic Bank Tanzania reaffirmed its commitment to promoting financial inclusion within Tanzanian communities during the Civil Society Week that is being held at the AICC from 23rd October to 27th October, 2023. This year's theme of, "Tech X Society: Then, Now, and Beyond," closely underlines the bank's dedication to advancing and improving society through innovative financial solutions.

Doreen Dominic, Head of Public Sector at Stanbic Bank Tanzania, inaugurated Civil Society Week with introductory remarks underscoring the bank's dedication to empowering Tanzanian citizens and driving economic growth through financial inclusion, innovation, and literacy. She emphasized the pivotal role of technology in improving people's lives, stating, “We firmly believe in the symbiotic relationship between technology and society, particularly in the context of advancing financial inclusion. At Stanbic Bank, we provide tailored solutions not only for established and high-powered Tanzanian businesses but also for the public sector, non-commercial entities, and youth and women-owned SMEs, ensuring that no one is left behind.”

In a panel discussion exploring technology's potential to revolutionize financial inclusion, the bank presented insights into how digital innovations can bridge economic disparities and empower historically underserved communities like youth and women SMEs. Currently, the Stanbic Biashara Incubator unit facilitates the success of youth and women in entrepreneurship and innovation. Furthermore, the bank highlighted its strategic partnerships, such as EduFinance with Opportunity International and USAID, exemplifying the bank's dedication to advancing society.


Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Labour, Youth Employment and People with Disabilities, Hon. Patrobas Katambi (in the center) holds a symbolic gas cylinder to signify the official launch of the availability of Gas Fasta service on the M-Pesa Super App through a partnership that took place in Dar es Salaam. Alongside him on the right is the Director of M-Pesa, Mr. Epimack Mbeteni, and on the left is the Managing Director of Gas Fasta, Mr. Mohammed Albeiiti. The partnership aims at facilitating and promoting the use of natural gas in the country, during the first 30 days, customers will be refunded for up to ten thousand shillings when they purchase gas through the M-Pesa application.
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Labour, Youth Employment and People with Disabilities, Hon. Patrobas Katambi, addresses invited guests during the official launch of the Gas Fasta service availability on the M-Pesa Super App through a partnership that took place in Dar es Salaam. Listening to him on the stage to his left is the Managing Director of Gas Fasta, Mr. Mohammed Albeiiti, and the Director of M-Pesa, Mr. Epimack Mbeteni. The partnership aims at facilitating and promoting the use of natural gas in the country, during the first 30 days, customers will be refunded for up to ten thousand shillings when they purchase gas through the M-Pesa application.

Customers of Vodacom Tanzania and Gas Fasta have been facilitated in accessing gas through the strategic collaboration between the two companies, allowing them to order, pay for, and have gas cylinders delivered through the M-Pesa Super App.

Speaking during the official launch of this partnership, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office (Labour, Youth, Employment and People with Disability), Mr. Patrobas Katambi, praised the efforts made by the private sector in utilizing their digital innovation to support the government's initiatives, which will increase the enthusiasm of Tanzanians to use natural gas, which is environmentally friendly, throughout the country.

"I applaud M-Pesa and Gas Fasta for this strategic partnership that has combined forces to make it easier for your customers to access gas services digitally. This initiative will not only benefit your customers but also all Tanzanians in general because they all prefer the convenience, agility, and affordability of accessing services and products in line with their daily lives. As the government, we are making significant efforts to work with various stakeholders across the country to build enthusiasm and provide proper education on the use of natural gas, which is environmentally friendly. I urge for more partnerships like this in various sectors to achieve our goal of having all Tanzanians use natural gas for the benefit of public health and the overall economy," said Mr. Katambi.

Explaining the collaboration with Gas Fasta launched in Dar es Salaam, the Director of M-Pesa, Mr. Epimack Mbeteni, noted that this is a continuation of their efforts to make the M-Pesa application self-sufficient and enable Tanzanians to use it for digital purchases and payments for various services and products.