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Friday, 21 July 2023


Dodoma, July 19, 2023: The Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, Honorable Kassim Majaliwa is expected to be the guest of honor in this year’s NBC Dodoma Marathon scheduled for 23rd July 2023.

The annual charity marathon now in its fourth year, targets to raise a total of Tanzanian Shillings 500 million. The funds will be directed towards the fight against cervical cancer, as well as providing scholarships to local midwives as the bank’s support in the fight against maternal death.

Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Rosemary Senyamule told the reporters recently that preparations for the annual event expected to attract over 6,000 runners from inside and outside the country was in top-gear.

“First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to NBC Bank for organizing this great event for the fourth year in a row. Dodoma as a region is well organized and ready to receive all the participants who are going to take part in this year's charity marathon,” she said.

NBC Managing Director, Theobald Sabi said in addition to the goal of supporting the fight against cervical cancer, this year’s marathon would also include a second important objective of supporting maternal health through education funding for midwifery students in collaboration with the Benjamin Mkapa Foundation.

"The good news in this year’s marathon is that we have added a second agenda. Previously, we had only one goal, which was to contribute to the fight against cervical cancer in collaboration with ORCI, but due to the success we have achieved, we felt the need to add another new agenda to contribute to improving maternal health through education funding for midwifery students, in collaboration with a new partner, the Benjamin Mkapa Foundation," he said.

According to Mr. Sabi, through funding for midwifery students, the marathon will help to address the shortage of midwives and thus reduce maternal death.

"We are also continuing our strategy in the fight against cervical cancer, where we have already collected more than TZS 500 million that helped reach the cervical cancer screening for more than 23,500 women and the treatment of more than 1,300 women. We are proud of these successes," he said, calling on the community to participate in the marathon to support the efforts.

The MD thanked the various organizations and companies such as Sanlam, Jubilee General Insurance, Garda World, Cheknocrafts, Icea Lions Insurance, Metropolitan Life Insurance, Strategies Insurance, Hans Paul, SBC-Pepsi, and Aramex for their sponsorship to make the marathon a success.

Dodoma District Commissioner, Jabir Shekimweri thanked NBC for selecting Dodoma for the Marathon and assured the bank that the district government had completed all the necessary preparations to make the race a success.

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