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Monday, 31 May 2021


Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Labour, Youth and Employment, Mr Patrobas Katambi (3rd right), Temeke DC, Godwin Gondwe (2nd right) and NMB’s Chief of Retail Banking, Filbert Mponzi (3rd left) unveiling together a platform ‘Go na NMB’ which aims to give youth access to financial literacy programmes, loans, networking and career fair events.

NMB Bank Plc has launched a banking solutions platform to help serve and empower the country’s youth whose ultimate goal is to nurture them into financially responsible and economically productive citizens.

The government has lauded the innovative initiative whose trade name is “GO na NMB,” saying the youth-focused value proposition aligns with its policies and vision to constructively engage young men and women.

Officiating its unveiling in Dar es Salaam over the weekend, the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Labour, Youth and Employment, Mr Patrobas Katambi, said its introduction has been timely and worth the investment.

Why? Because the youth segment is an invaluable asset and strategic human resource on which the country’s future and prosperity hinges on hence the need to enlighten it on money matters, engage financially, support commercially and empower economically, the youthful minister noted.

“The ‘GO na NMB’ platform I am about to officially launch today has all those virtues and it is an innovative scheme the government fully supports because such initiatives help us to address challenges encountered by young people,” Mr Katambi said.

He added that the good thing about “GO na NMB” is that it does not consider the social or economic status of any young person. They will all be served and supported equally regardless of whether one is engaged in farming, formal or informal business or they are high school, university or college students, the deputy minister noted.

NMB said it has invested in the proposition that will be rolled out across Tanzania to help promote digital finance as the country aspires to become a cash less economy. The youth proposition packaged with unique benefits is also part of NMB’s contribution and support to the national financial inclusion agenda.

Some of the immediate benefits of “GO na NMB” are digital enrolment, targeted deals and offers through all NMB channels, access to Masterboda loans and QR payment discounts deals. The benefits package also comprises free mobile phone insurance, financial literacy progammes as well as access to networking events, career fairs, internship opportunities and free Wi-Fi spots at some university campuses.

Speaking at the bash to inaugurate the platform of its kind in the market, Chief of Retail Banking, Filbert Mponzi, said “GO na NMB” offers the youth access to customized banking and financial solutions that serve their needs.

“Every child and youth has a right to safe, accessible financial services, and we need to empower them to grow into productive economic citizens,” Mr Mponzi noted, adding: This is one of many of NMB’s initiatives in response to the Government’s goal of driving financial inclusion.”

According to him, the goal of the leading financial services provider in the country to introduce “GO na NMB” is ensure more youth have access to formal financial services as well as enable them to establish a disciplined culture with regards to their finances.

He added that this in turn would build their future and in the process stimulate the entire economy. With 64 per cent of Tanzanians being below 35 years, NMB Bank will through the platform reach out to and support the youth across the board.

“Tanzania has a young population, which means the youth play a major role in economic growth now and in the future. As such, it is important to build their financial capabilities, which requires concerted efforts from the public, private, and social sectors,” Mr Mponzi said.

Speaking earlier, NMB Dar es Salam Zonal Manager Donatus Richard said the platform was an opportunity for the youth to leverage the bankj’s empowering services for personal benefits and development of the country. He added that the initiative was a strategic move to help broaden the customer base of the bank through productive partnerships.

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