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Friday, 26 July 2019


NBC Head of Government Business Noelina Kivaria receives a certificate of appreciation from the Prime Minister Hon. Kassim Majaliwa during the 35th ALAT Annual General Meeting that was held in Mwanza recently. Looking on with a red tie is Gulamhafeez Mukadam ALAT Chairman. NBC was one of the sponsors of the ALAT AGM. 
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa being briefed by NBC Government Relations and Corporate Affairs Manager William Kallaghe at the NBC pavilion during the 35th ALAT Annual General Meeting in Mwanza recently. Looking on the right is NBC Head of Government Business Noelina Kivaria. NBC was one of the sponsors.
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa admiring an information leaflet at the NBC pavilion during the 35th ALAT Annual General Meeting that was held in Mwanza recently. On the left is William Kallaghe NBC Government Relations and Corporate Affairs Manager. Looking on is Joseph Boaz NBC Personal Banker. NBC was one of the sponsors of the ALAT Annual General Meeting.
The National Bank of Commerce (NBC), the oldest bank in the country with over 50 years of service to the financial sector, has pledged its continued support of Local Government Authorities.

William Kallaghe, NBC Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Manager said this during the just ended 35th Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (ALAT) Annual General Meeting in Mwanza. NBC was one of the sponsors of the ALAT Annual General Meeting.

''NBC offers a wide range of innovative electronic solutions for District and Municipal Councils in revenue collections and efficient payment solutions that alleviate financial overheads and improves reconciliation of accounts.'' he mentioned while adding that the capabilities are further enhanced with a GePG compliant NBC footprint of Agency Banking (Wakala), POS collections, and Mobile Banking collections.

He further mentioned that the NBC electronic payments and revenue collection solutions provides LGAs with an efficient payments and collections management capabilities that are secure and make accounts reconciliation easier.

According to Mr Kallaghe, NBC branches are equipped with the requisite manpower and customer service set up to accommodate the financial requirements of LGAs in all the areas in which NBC is located.

“NBC is committed to serve LGAs in providing them with customer friendly electronic solutions to enhance government revenue collections” said William Kallaghe.

NBC is one of the most represented commercial banks in the country with over 50 years’ experience in providing financial services. Apart from offering traditional banking services, NBC also prides itself on an expanded branch network of 50 branches and over 180 Visa enabled ATMs. The bank also services over 230 Points of Sales, over 1,700 agents strategically located throughout the country. NBC employs over 1,200 staff.

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