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Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Envoys representing their countries in Tanzania and representatives of the international organisations have been asked to utilise various investment opportunities, as the government relocates from Dar es Salaam to the designated capital of Dodoma.

The plea was made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Dr Augustine Mahiga, in Dar es Salaam yesterday, during a special meeting to inform them the government’s intention to relocate from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma.

“The decision to relocate the country’s headquarters has created various investment opportunities in different sectors, starting from the construction sector, business and other social services, therefore, I urge you to lobby investors from your countries to grab these opportunities,’’ said the Minister.

According to him, the decision to have the country’s headquarters in Dodoma was made in 1973, but it was yet to be implemented because of various reasons until the Fifth Phase government took over power.

Dr Mahiga said the exercise to relocate the headquarters will be done in four phases, adding that the first phase was complete. During the first phase, that ended last month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation transferred 47 out of 152 workers stationed at the ministry’s headquarters including the Minister, his deputy, the Permanent Secretary (PS) and the Deputy PS.

Dr Mahiga said it was high time, the envoys and international organisations think of relocating from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma to support the President’s decision he made after he was elected as the new CCM Chairman in July 23, last year.

During the transition period, the Minister said some staff will be available in Dar es Salaam who among other issues will help in communication with the embassies.

He added that in its new offices at LAPF building in Dodoma, the ministry will intensify its communication system including internet as well as putting up equipment for video conferencing so as to strengthen communication with the embassies.

“The government will equally allocate a special area for construction of offices by the embassies and international organisations, and after the government’s exercise on urban planning, the embassies will be notified so that they can request for land,’’ he said.

The Minister advised envoys possessing various buildings in Dar es Salaam to enter into agreements with companies that need offices so that the similar companies can help them construct new buildings in Dodoma.

Daily News

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