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Thursday, 18 December 2014


Dar es Salaam 17th December, 2014. B-PESA has now announced their new partnership with I&M Bank to launch a new B-PESA EMV certified Chip and PIN card to expand its services and offerings to its customers and the public at large.

B-PESA customers can easily load or withdraw their money using any of the I&M bank branches that are available throughout the country.

The partnership between the two companies means that a customer can easily load their B-PESA card at any I&M bank branches across the country.

B-PESA allows users via multiple electronic channels such as via web portal or their mobile devices via Android apps and USSD to manage their B-PESA card. All B-PESA cards can now also be loaded at all EzyPesa outlets after a new agreement with Zantel was signed earlier this week.

B-PESA is also the first of its kind in introducing real-time settlements to merchants whilst also boasting contact & contactless card technology. B-PESA also has its own multi lingual 24/7 call center based in Tanzania with Swahili, English and Hindi speaking agents.

B-PESA has managed to revolutionize the financial services sector by making it easier for both banked and unbanked people to easily transact for purchases or make various payments for different products and services without the need to carry cash in their wallets. This is a safer and convenient way for one to carry and access their money. B-PESA maintains an affordable charge per transaction to the customer and draws customers away from the use of cash.

Speaking at the press conference at the Serena Hotel in Dares salaam, B-PESA’s Managing Director, Mr Sean Merali said that it became apparent that new partnerships were required with other East African banks in this ever-changing market, especially since customers demand for versatile products and new technologies is at an all time high, Mr Merali added that they are in the final stages of launching B-PESA cards with Stanbic Bank and DTB Bank with both banks having already received approval from Bank of Tanzania.

B-PESA has now embarked on East African roll out for 2015 with offices in Kenya and Uganda already established in preparation for the wider reach of B-PESA cards.

I&M Bank currently has 6 branches in Tanzania in the main commercial centers being Dar es Salaam, Moshi, Arusha and Mwanza. With this network, it both increases the convenience of both I&M Bank and B-PESA customers. The I&M Bank customers would be able to enjoy the other multiple services that B-PESA has which includes over 2,500 merchants already accepting these cards and several thousand cardholders already enjoying the services offered.

B-PESA has also gifted it’s customers this Christmas season where cardholders have enjoyed up to 50% cash backs for purchases on their cards for 12 days and at multiple merchant outlets.

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