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Thursday, 3 May 2018


MOTORISTS will get relief this month as retail and wholesale prices for petrol and diesel will go down largely due to the falling of prices in the global market and transport costs.
Retail prices for fuel reflect global oil price changes as well and include costs for the government agencies, service levies for municipals and cities to the retailers and wholesalers.
The falling prices of petrol and diesel will send a significant impact in stabilising transport and other business costs. Cap prices for petroleum products published by the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) show that retail prices for petrol and diesel declined by 3.8 percent equivalent to 88/- and 2.75 percent or 61/- respectively.

However, kerosene prices increased by 0.09 percent or 2/- per litre in the month under review. Wholesale prices for petrol, diesel and kerosene decreased by 4.5 percent (100.91), 3.5 percent (973.7) and 0.51 percent (10.4).
There was no new fuel consignment received through the Tanga port during April but the changes in price setting rules made the retail and wholesale prices of petrol and diesel to increase by 3/- and 15/- respectively.
Motorists in Dar es Salaam will have to pay 2,227/- per litre of petrol down from 2,315/- of the previous month, 2,145/- per litre of diesel compared to 2,205/- and 2,156/- compared to 2,154/- per litre for kerosene consumers.
However, motorists in Lugufu, Uvinza District in Kigoma Region will pay higher prices for petrol 2,471/-, diesel 2,388/- and kerosene 2,400.

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