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Thursday, 31 May 2018


Dar es Salaam. Bank of Africa Tanzania (BoA) has registered 3000 new clients in Mtwara alone during one month of its deposit mobilization campaigns in the regions, The Citizen has learnt.
The two campaigns: ‘Deposit Campaign and SME Campaign’, were conducted in Mtwara from November to December last year (2017), specifically targeting cashew nut farmers in the region.
The Bank’s chief executive officer, Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah said the two campaigns were aimed at boosting the morale of its staff and simultaneously inculcating a culture of savings and financial discipline into the minds of cashew nut farmers in Mtwara.
According to him, the campaign involved all its 18 branches across the country.
“Our Mtwara branch managed to convince cashew nut farmers on the importance of saving their money, earned from their produce. Through the process, we managed to open a total of 3,000 accounts in just one month,” he said.
Following the deposit campaign, the five winning branches were awarded a total of €6500 to share amongst themselves.
They also received €12,500 in total from the SME campaign, bringing to €19,500 the total amount that the bank issued to its outlets in both projects. The winning branches were: Mtwara, Tunduma, Nyerere, Zanzibar, Babati. Mtwara branch was able to open at least 12 accounts per day during the campaign period.
“Savings are crucial in empowering people financially. Through the campaign, we wanted to encourage a culture of saving amongst our customers,” he said adding that savings facilitate consumption smoothing and assists in an emergency as well as accumulation of funds for investment. BOA Bank also conducted an SME campaign from October to December 2017 that aimed to encourage small and medium enterprises to access funds to promote business growth and transformation. Mtwara, Sinza, Victoria and Zanzibar branches won €6700, €1800, € 1200 and €300.
The Citizen

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