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Thursday, 16 April 2015


The recently introduced Cybercrime Act bill of 2015 by the parliament of Tanzania promises to provide security to all citizens from any sort of cyber-attack that may come their way as they are surfing on the internet. For a developing country like Tanzania this is a big step in trying to make sure justice is served and that all those that are using the internet as a medium to take advantage of people’s rights, privacy and that of the state are dealt with accordingly.

A report by the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) shows that internet services in Tanzania commenced from the year 1995. There has been a steady growth of internet users from 3.5 million people in 2008 to over about 11 million out of the 32 million Tanzanians with access to mobile phones by the end of 2014.

This growth shows that our lives currently depend on the wind of info- technology. We use it for healthcare, transport and most especially for communication. It has made life much easier than it was before, in every sense. There are now several websites that can help one get any product or service simply by the click of a button.

E-commerce in Tanzania is growing fast due to the increasing number of internet users and service providers in the country. The country is at a stage where it is vital that its people feel secure when buying products or booking tickets through the internet via websites like Kaymu or Travel start.

Kaymu Tanzania’s Country Manager Mr. Erfaan Mojgani says that “E-commerce in Tanzania is very exciting. The country has about 49 million people and the number of internet users is still growing very fast.” He added that “Tanzanians shouldn’t be afraid of using online services for fear of conmen as Kaymu is a genuine website for sellers to meet their buyers and this law will definitely help eradicate this fright. “

Mr. Richard Maguluko, one of the Tanzanians with online shopping experience, tells us his thoughts on cybercrime, “In the recent years we Tanzanians have been hesitant in using E-commerce sites because there are a lot of conmen out there trying to deceive the citizens and they get away with it many times.”

The bill is a sign that Tanzania as a developing country is heading in the right direction, like other European and western countries already has; this is a positive step that the country is taking in catching up with the rest of the world. If the new bill passes, using the internet will very much be more enjoyable and comfortable and additionally problems associated with internet scams can be dealt with accordingly and all those who are responsible for misconduct, will be punished as required.

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