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Tuesday, 6 February 2024


Gillian Doran, AngloGold Ashanti's Chief Financial Officer, was recently welcomed to the Geita Gold Mine. In addition, Jacques Labuschagne, Senior Tax Manager - Africa and Himesh Persotam, Vice President: Finance - Africa were also present. Their visit was not only historic as it was the CFO's first visit, but also provided a valuable insight into the heart of Geita Gold Mine's operations.
Gillian Doran, Chief Financial Officer of AngloGold Ashanti (centre), along with Himesh Persotam (far left), Vice President: Finance - Africa, and Jacques Labuschagne, Senior Tax Manager for Africa, (second from left) pose for a picture at Nyamulilima Open Pit with a few members of the GGML management team.
Zulu Nkanyiso, the Process Plant Senior Manager, answered questions from Gillian Doran, the Chief Financial Officer at AngloGold Ashanti, about GGM's Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) management protocols. Also present were Gilbert Chamlonde, the Manager for Open Pit Mining (far left). From right to left: Yusuph Mhando, Environment Manager, Ikingo Gombo, Senior Manager - Finance & Supply Chain, Godvictor Lyimo, Senior Manager - Tax Disputes Resolution.
Yusuph Mhando, Environment Manager (with his back to the camera), discuss GGML's industry-recognised environmental practices with Gillian Doran, CFO of AngloGold Ashanti (second from the right). Also pictured, from left to right, are Ashraf Suryaningrat, Operations Manager; Zulu Nkanyiso, Process Plant Senior Manager; Dr Kiva Mvungi, the Senior Manager of HSE; Ikingo Gombo, Senior Manager - Finance & Supply Chain; and Godvictor Lyimo, Senior Manager - Tax Disputes Resolution.
Gilbert Chamlonde, Manager - Open Pit Mining, summarises the production history of the Nyamulilima Open Pit for AngloGold Ashanti's Chief Financial Officer, Gillian Doran.
Maftah Seif, GGML's Principal Reliability Engineer, provides further details on the advanced technology that will be implemented at the new TANESCO-connected GGM substation. This project is evidence of our ongoing efforts to improve sustainability and operational efficiency.

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