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Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Kamisheni ya Maendeleo ya Ushirika hapa nchini (TCDC) imeanza kutekeleza mpango ya kubadili namna ya kuendesha vyama vya ushirika na kuviwezesha kutumia teknolojia za kisasa katika kufanya shughuli zao
Mwenyekiti wa Kamisheni ya Maendeleo ya Ushirika hapa nchini Abdulmajid Nsekela ametoa taarifa hiyo wakati wa ufunguzi wa mkutano wa wadau wa ushirika kujadili maendeleo ya ushirika na kuweka mkakati wa kuimarisha sekta ya hiyo hapa nchini.
Nsekela amesema uwekezaji katika mifumo ya kisasa ya kidijitali itaongeza ufanisi wa kiutendaji katika Vyama vya Ushirika, pamoja na Mamlaka za Usimamizi wa sekta hiyo.
“Ni matumaini yangu kuwa Maazimio yatakayofikiwa kupitia Mkutano huu yatapaswa kutekelezwa ipasavyo na kila mdau na kwamba taarifa ya utekelezaji itakuwa inatolewa na kujadiliwa mara kwa mara”-amesema Nsekela.
“Mkutano huu ni muhimu kwa ajili ya kujadili masuala mbalimbali ya maendeleo ya Ushirika hapa nchini, lakini pia tumekutana wadau wote ili kuja na mapendekezo ya pamoja ya kuendeleza sekta hii kwa maendeleo ya Taifa”- amesema Ndiege.
Mwenyekiti wa Kamisheni ya Tume ya Maendeleo ya Ushirika Tanzania (TCDC), Abdulmajid Nsekela akizungumza wakati wa ufunguzi wa mkutano wa wadau wa ushirika uliolenga kujadili maendeleo ya ushirika na kuweka mkakati wa kuimarisha sekta hiyo nchini, uliofanyika kwenye ukumbi wa Mikutano wa Benki ya CRDB, jijini Dar es salaam, Februari 27, 2023.
Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba amekutana na kufanya mazungumzo na Mabalozi wawili, Balozi wa Canada na Japan kwa nyakati tofauti ambapo walizungumzia ushirikiano kati ya nchi hizo katika sekta mbalimbali za uzalishaji ikiwemo sekta ya kilimo, mifugo, uvuvi, na sekta binafsi ili kukuza uchumi.
Mazungumzo hayo yamefanya kwenye Ofisi Ndogo za Wizara ya Fedha na Mipango jijini Dar es Salaam.
Akizungumza na Balozi wa Canada, Mhe. Kyle Nunas, Dkt. Nchemba aliishukuru Serikali ya Canada kwa kutoa fedha kiasi cha dola ya Canada milioni 87.3 kwa ajili ya Mfuko wa Afya na ahadi mpya ya kutoa dola za Canada milioni 75 katika kipindi cha mwaka 2021 hadi 2026, ambazo amesema zitasaidia kuboresha afya ya jamii.
Aidha, Dkt. Nchemba aliipongeza Canada kwa kuahidi kutoa kiasi kingine cha dola za Canada milioni 32 katika mwaka wa fedha 2023/2024 kwa ajili kuendeleza sekta binafsi ambayo ni muhimu katika maendeleo ya nchi na ni injini ya kukuza uchumi.
Whereas the European Investment Bank (EIB) has extended a euro 100 million credit line to NMB, the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank, FMO, has accorded the local lender a US$11 million risk sharing facility.
Speaking before the signing of the deals, NMB’s Treasurer, Aziz Chacha, said the business financing partnerships with the European financiers has come at the right time for the bank and the whole country at large.
“These arrangements will allow us to expand our sustainable and inclusive financing activities as we seek to spur growth in the gender space and blue economy,” Mr. Chacha noted adding that the lender extended new loans amounting to TZS 1.3 trillion in 2022.
He thanked the government for crafting sound economic policies that are making Tanzania attractive to international financing and capital.
Monday, 27 February 2023
Simba Cement imeendelea kuwa kinara wa ufadhili wa mbio za Kili Marathon kwa miaka 20 sasa huku ikielezwa kuwa mbio hizo za kimataifa zimezidi kuboreka zaidi kila mwaka.
Akizungumza mara baada ya kumaliza kwa mbio hizo zilizofanyika 26 Februari 2023, katika Manispaa ya Moshi mkoani Kilimanjaro, Meneja wa Biashara wa Tanga Cement PLC, Peet Brits amesema, huu ni mwaka wa 20 wa ushiriki wao wakiwa wadhamini wakongwe na wakimbiaji kupitia timu za Simba katika mbio hizo ambazo Simba Cement na waandaaji wa Kili Marathon wamekuwa wakiziboresha hadi kufikia miaka 20 kwa mwaka 2023.
Amesema, udhamini wa mbio hizo ni kutokana na umuhimu wa michezo hasa Kili Marathoni ambayo huwakutanisha wafanyakazi wa Simba Cement na kufanya shughuli hii kwa umoja kama wanavyofanya viwandani pamoja kukutana na wadau pamoja na wateja wao.
Akizungumza mara baada ya kumaliza kwa mbio hizo zilizofanyika 26 Februari 2023, katika Manispaa ya Moshi mkoani Kilimanjaro, Meneja wa Biashara wa Tanga Cement PLC, Peet Brits amesema, huu ni mwaka wa 20 wa ushiriki wao wakiwa wadhamini wakongwe na wakimbiaji kupitia timu za Simba katika mbio hizo ambazo Simba Cement na waandaaji wa Kili Marathon wamekuwa wakiziboresha hadi kufikia miaka 20 kwa mwaka 2023.
Amesema, udhamini wa mbio hizo ni kutokana na umuhimu wa michezo hasa Kili Marathoni ambayo huwakutanisha wafanyakazi wa Simba Cement na kufanya shughuli hii kwa umoja kama wanavyofanya viwandani pamoja kukutana na wadau pamoja na wateja wao.
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Baadhi ya wageni waliotembea banda la maonyesho la Bank of Africa, wakipatiwa maelezo ya huduma zinazotolewa na benki kutoka kwa Wafanyakazi wa Benki hiyo. |
Hayo yamebainishwa na Mkurugenzi na Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Bank of Africa Tanzania, Adam Mihayo, wakati akieleza ushiriki wa Benki hiyo katika Jukwaa la biashara la Tanzania na nchi za Ulaya (EU-Tanzania Business Forum) lililomalizika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa wiki.
“Huu ni moja ya mkakati mkuu wa Benki yetu wenye lengo la kuunga mkono dira ya Serikali ya Tanzania katika ajenda ya ujumuishaji katika mfumo rasmi wa kifedha hususani katika makundi ya biashara ndogo na za kati na uwezeshaji wa Wanawake”, alisema.
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African Development Bank (AfDB) President, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina. |
President Hussein Mwinyi has commended the African Development Bank (AfDB) for the impact of its funded projects in Zanzibar and new pledges to support the blue economy agenda.
Dr. Mwinyi was speaking at the State House, Stone Town, where he received a visiting AfDB delegation led by its Head, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina.
“We have made admirable progress with AfDB funded projects including in health, water, roads infrastructure and sanitation, and the on-going Pemba Airport,” President Mwinyi said.
Dr. Mwinyi explained that he was impressed with on-going support and Zanzibar’s priority areas under the blue economy, which include skills building among youths and value addition of sea products - fish and seaweed by establishing processing factories.
“More is needed to be done in the tourism industry such as having skilled young people, employable in the booming hospitality industry. We expect an increase in hotels, therefore, skilled labour remains crucial,” said Dr. Mwinyi.
Amidst a pro-investment climate, the diverse business landscape in Tanzania is rapidly evolving with a mix of traditional and modern industries and a growing number of small and medium-sized enterprises. Under directive from Her Excellency President Samia Suluhu Hassan, the Government has made boosting investor confidence a key priority and continues to make efforts to create a predictable operating environment where businesses can thrive. As a result, the country has seen increased activity within various diplomatic missions bringing in potential investors and policy reforms aimed at supporting Private Sector growth and contribution to sustainable development.

While changes in the investment climate are acknowledged, captains of industry believe their impact on business development, particularly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), can be accelerated. Sharing leadership reflections on business in Tanzania, members of the CEO Roundtable of Tanzania (CEOrt) discussed the importance of skilled talent, sustainable tax systems and making the most of available opportunities in leveraging the booming business sector. This took place during one of the forum’s monthly engagements for members which facilitate dialogue on issues critical to Tanzania’s sustainable development. Membership within the CEOrt includes CEOs from over 200 leading companies in Tanzania, cutting across multiple sectors of the economy to enhance impact in leadership and the country’s growth. Sitting on the panel at the February meeting were Mr. Tournabenne Mnyuku - CEO at Kitivo Investment Company Limited, Ms. Elizabeth Swai - CEO at AKM Glitters Company Limited, Mr. Taha Jiwaji - Founder and CEO of Beem, and CEOrt Executive Director Ms. Santina Majengo-Benson who moderated the discussion.

While changes in the investment climate are acknowledged, captains of industry believe their impact on business development, particularly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), can be accelerated. Sharing leadership reflections on business in Tanzania, members of the CEO Roundtable of Tanzania (CEOrt) discussed the importance of skilled talent, sustainable tax systems and making the most of available opportunities in leveraging the booming business sector. This took place during one of the forum’s monthly engagements for members which facilitate dialogue on issues critical to Tanzania’s sustainable development. Membership within the CEOrt includes CEOs from over 200 leading companies in Tanzania, cutting across multiple sectors of the economy to enhance impact in leadership and the country’s growth. Sitting on the panel at the February meeting were Mr. Tournabenne Mnyuku - CEO at Kitivo Investment Company Limited, Ms. Elizabeth Swai - CEO at AKM Glitters Company Limited, Mr. Taha Jiwaji - Founder and CEO of Beem, and CEOrt Executive Director Ms. Santina Majengo-Benson who moderated the discussion.

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Wakurugenzi wa Benki ya TCB wakiwa katika kikao hicho. |
Wito umetolewa kwa watanzania, hususan wafanyakazi wanaotumia muda mwingi kufanya kazi wakiwa wamekaa kufanya mazoezi, ili kuimarisha afya zao na kujiepusha na magonjwa nyemelezi.

Wito huo umetolewa na Mkaguzi wa Ndani wa Benki ya Biashara ya DCB, Bwana Samwel Mahendela wakati wa mbio za mwaka huu za Kimataifa za Kilimanjaro Marathon, zilizotimua vumbi katika mji wa Moshi, Mkoani Kilimanjaro.

Akiongoza timu ya wafanyakazi 40 wa benki hiyo kushiriki mbio hizo mjini hapa, Bwana Mahendela alisema, mbio hizi ni muhimu hasa kwa wafanyakazi wa sekta ya mabenki kwani hutumia muda wao mwingi kuhudumia wateja wakiwa kwenye viti.

“Kushiriki mbio kama hizi pamoja na mazoezi ya viungo kwa ujumla vinaimarisha afya ya mwili na akili na kuongeza ufanisi wa kazi, mara nyingi tunafanya kazi tukiwa tumekaa na pia hatuna muda wa kutosha wa kufanya mazoezi.

“Natoa wito kwa wafanyakazi wa sekta za mabenki pamoja na watanzania kuchangamkia mbio za Kilimanjaro Marathon ili kuimarisha afya zao.

“Natoa pongezi pia kwa benki yetu pendwa ya DCB kwa kutuwezesha sisi wafanyakazi wake kushiriki mbio hizi lakini pia kwa kuisapoti DCB runners club, DCB tupo imara tunasonga mbele.
Saturday, 25 February 2023
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Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) wa pili kulia, Mkurugenzi wa Shirika la Reli (TRC) Bw. Masanja Kadogosa, wa kwanza kulia, Kamishna Idara ya Usimamizi wa Deni la Taifa, Bw. Japhet Justine, kushoto, wakiwa katika picha na Rais wa Benki ya Maendeleo ya Afrika (AfDB) Dkt. Akinwumi Adesina, wa pili kushoto, alipowasili nchini kwa ziara ya kikazi katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere, jijini Dar es Salaam. |
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Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), mwenye skafu ya Bendera ya Taifa, akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na Rais wa Benki ya Maendeleo ya Afrika (AfDB) Dkt. Akinwumi Adesina, ambaye yupo nchini kwa ziara ya kikazi, pamoja na ujumbe kutoka AfDB na Tanzania, baada ya Rais huyo kuwasili katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere, jijini Dar es Salaam. |
Friday, 24 February 2023
This was announced in Dar es Salaam on Thursday by the Vice-President of EIB, Mr Thomas Östros, during the two-day Tanzania-European Union (EU) Business Forum that has attracted over 700 delegates from the two parties.
According to Mr Östros, the targeted business financing designed in partnership with the local banks includes EIB’s largest ever financing for women-led businesses in Africa and its largest ever support for the blue economy business investments anywhere in the world.
“The EIB’s financing and technical support for new investment will strengthen the impact of the EU’s new Global Gateway arrangement.
“Today marks the return of the EIB to Tanzania after seven years and it is great to be back. The EIB is back and Tanzanian businesses will benefit,” he affirmed.
Mr Östros noted further that the EIB has over the last 45 years worked with Tanzania and other international partners to support clean energy and enhance electricity transmission and improving access to clean water around Lake Victoria and the city of Mwanza.
Through the partnerships, the bank also supported upgrading of Dar es Salaam port and regional airports as well as ensuring that Tanzanian companies can access finance to expand their businesses.
Dar es Salaam - President Samia Suluhu Hassan has on Friday, 24 February 2023 appointed Nehemiah Mchechu as Treasury Registrar.
Prior to the new post, Mchechu was the Director General of the state-run National Housing Corporation (NHC).
In a statement issued by State House, the President has also appointed Hamad Abdallah the Managing Director of Gimcoafrica Ltd, a privately-owned firm that manages several properties owned by Tanzania's Pension Funds, to replace Mchechu as Director General of NHC.
Abdallah's appointment to a state-run organisation is in line with President Samia's stated desire to strengthen public-private partnerships (PPP).
In another development, the Head of State has appointed Mussa Mohammed Makame as the Managing Director of Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC).
Previously, Makame was a Board Member of TPDC. He replaces Dr. James Mataragio, who will be assigned other duties.
According to the statement, the appointments are with immediate effect.
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Vice-President, Dr. Philip Mpango witnesses the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Tanzania Ports Authority Director General, Plasduce Mbossa (right) and Port of Antwerp-Bruges International Director, Mario Lievens for consultancy, training, capacity upscaling, studies and exchange on various ports related activities. |
Speaking during the official opening of the maiden Tanzania-EU Business Forum in Dar es Salaam yesterday, Dr Mpango assured the European investors and businesspersons of conducive environment for trade and investment.
Just last year, the government repelled the Investment Act of 1997 and enacted a new legislation which offers more incentives to strategic investors.
The VP cited some of potential areas of investments for foreign investors as agriculture and agro-processing for value addition of local farm produce,” Dr Mpango remarked during the forum which attracted about 700 delegates from Tanzania and EU member states.
The VP cited some of potential areas of investments for foreign investors as agriculture and agro-processing for value addition of local farm produce,” Dr Mpango remarked during the forum which attracted about 700 delegates from Tanzania and EU member states.
“The government aims at ensuring that the agriculture sector grows by 10 per cent by the year 2030 and that is why we are now embarking on cluster farming by involving the youth. The aim is to make Tanzania a food basket in the region,” he stated.
Dr Mpango mentioned other potential areas for investments which have not been tapped to the fullest as tourism, energy, mining, real estate, transport and logistics, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in addition to livestock and leather industry.
“The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Tanzania is on recovering path after the Covid-19 pandemic and it is among the fastest growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa.
“The government of Tanzania has a strong desire to attract foreign direct investments to tap its abundant natural resources. It is our hope that this business forum between EU member countries and Tanzania will boost and sustain trade and investment between the two parties” he urged.
The VP went on and assured the investors and businesspersons from Europe of reliable market of their products in Tanzania in addition to regional markets of about 177 million people in the East African Community (EAC) and over 300 million people in Southern African Development Community (SADC).
Dr Mpango mentioned other potential areas for investments which have not been tapped to the fullest as tourism, energy, mining, real estate, transport and logistics, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in addition to livestock and leather industry.
“The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Tanzania is on recovering path after the Covid-19 pandemic and it is among the fastest growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa.
“The government of Tanzania has a strong desire to attract foreign direct investments to tap its abundant natural resources. It is our hope that this business forum between EU member countries and Tanzania will boost and sustain trade and investment between the two parties” he urged.
The VP went on and assured the investors and businesspersons from Europe of reliable market of their products in Tanzania in addition to regional markets of about 177 million people in the East African Community (EAC) and over 300 million people in Southern African Development Community (SADC).
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Waziri wa Fenda na Mipango, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (kushoto), akisalimiana na Katibu wa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki, Bw. Peter Mathuki kabla ya kuanza kwa Mkutano wa 43 wa Baraza la Mawaziri la Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki (EAC), unaofanyika Jijini Bujumbura, Burundi. |
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Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (kushoto) na Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, Mhe. Dkt. Stergomena Lawrence Tax (Mb) wakipitia nyaraka mbalimbali wakayti wa Mkutano wa 43 wa Baraza la Mawaziri la Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki (EAC), uliofanyika Jijini Bujumbura, Burundi. Wa tatu kushoto ni Naibu Waziri wa Wizara ya Ujenzi na Uchukuzi– Sekta ya Ujenzi, Mhe. Mha. Godfrey Kasekenya (Mb). |
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Naibu Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Fedha na Mipango Bi. Amina Khamis Shaaban akifuatilia Mkutano wa Baraza la Mawaziri la Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki uliofanyika Jijini Bunjura nchini Burundi. Kushoto kwa Bi. Amina ni Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki Balozi Joseph Edward Sokoine na anayefuatia ni Naibu Waziri wa Katiba na Sheria Mhe. Geoffrey Mizengo Pinda (Mb). |
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Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), akiwa na Naibu Gavana wa Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BOT) Dkt. Yamungu Kayandabila wakiwasili katika Hotel Club du Lac Tanganyika kuhudhuria Mkutano wa 43 wa Baraza la Mawaziri la Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki uliofanyika Jijini Bujumbura nchini Burundi. |
Awali kabla ya Mkutano huo kulitanguliwa na vikao vya Wataalamu na Makatibu Wakuu kutoka katika nchi wanachama vilivyofanyika kuanzia tarehe 19 – 22 Februari, 2023 ambao walipitia agenda na mapendekezo mbalimbali ya Jumuiya. Aidha wataalamu hao walipitia taarifa ya utekelezaji wa maazimio yaliyofikiwa kwenye vikao vilivyopita katika maeneo ya biashara, forodha, miundombinu, ulinzi na usalama, sheria, utalii, ajira, utawala na fedha.
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