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Tuesday, 11 May 2021


KCB Group CEO Joshua Oigara (right) Chairman Andrew Kairu (centre) and Group CFO Lawrence Kimathi during the release of the full-year results.

KCB Group will spend a total of Sh6 billion to acquire two banks in Rwanda and Tanzania from London-listed Atlas Mara limited.

The Nairobi Securities Exchange-listed firm had earlier estimated it would acquire a 62 percent stake in Banque Populaire du Rwanda Plc (BPR) and a 100 percent ownership in African Banking Corporation Tanzania Limited at a cost of $40 million (Sh4.2 billion).

The amount has increased after KCB sought to make a full buyout of the Rwandan bank by making an offer to its minority shareholders who hold a combined 38 percent stake.

“The group has made an offer to the remaining shareholders of BPR for the acquisition of the remaining stock at the same terms as Atlas Mara's to raise its ownership to 100 percent,” KCB says in its latest annual report.

“Once approved, the aggregate completion consideration that would be payable by KCB for acquisition of the combined assets is estimated at current values and exchange rates to be $56.9 million (Sh6 billion).”

Atlas Mara is selling its African banks to KCB and other lenders to raise funds to pay its creditors, some of whom have launched liquidation proceedings against the multinational that was the brainchild of former Barclays Plc’s chief executive Bob Diamond.

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