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Friday, 18 September 2020


If you don't respond to emails, your coworkers may perceive you as lazy or disinterested , argues Frost & Sullivan CEO Richard Moran.
Psychologists say the way you clean (or don't clean) your inbox actually does say something about your personality.
Those who delete quickly and efficiently might be control freaks, while those with 1,000 unread emails may not be as unorganized as you'd think.

When I texted a friend to say I was thinking about writing an article on what your inbox might reveal about your personality, he immediately texted me back:

"I've got three emails in my inbox. What does that say about me?"

"It means you're the worst," I texted back.

By "you're the worst," of course, I meant, "your ability to manage your digital life is everything I aspire to, and I am therefore insanely jealous."

Managing your inbox is an underrated workplace virtue , argues Richard Moran, CEO of consultancy Frost & Sullivan. When employees don't respond, coworkers perceive them as unorganized and lazy.

At that moment, my personal inbox contained 57 unread emails but if I'm being completely honest, I'd recently spent a weekend whittling it down from close to 1,000.

As Moran suggests, is my inability to keep a tidy inbox something I should worry about? In other words, if it signaled that I suffered from some deep-seated emotional issue or cognitive deficit beyond simple disorganization. Likewise, I wanted to know if inbox heroes like my friend were actually destined to be more successful than the rest of us.

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