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Monday, 26 March 2018


Barclays Bank Tanzania Head of Legal and Compliance Department, Dotto Kahabi, hands over clothes, various food items and specially designed tables and chairs for disabled children to the Director of Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehabilitation Centre Director, Janet Manoni (third left), donated by the Bank as part of its corporate citizenship commitment. A brief function was held at the centre’s premises, Vikindu, Mkuranga in Coast Region over the weekend.
Barclays Bank Tanzania Head of Legal and Compliance Department, Dotto Kahabi (left), hands over a specially designed table and chair for a disabled kid cared for at Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehabilitation Centre, donated by the Bank as part of its corporate citizenship commitment. Assisting the kid is the centre’s Director, Janet Manoni. During the function at the centre’s premises, Vikindu, Mkuranga in Coast Region over the weekend, the Bank's Legal Department officials also handed over clothes and a variety of food items. 
Barclays Bank Tanzania Head of Legal and Compliance Department, Dotto Kahabi (third left), hands over a special design table and chairs for disabled kids to Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehabilitation Centre Director, Janet Manoni (centre) donated by the Bank as part of its citizenship commitment at the centre’s premises, Vikindu, Mkuranga in Coast Region over the weekend. The Bank's Legal Department officials also handed over clothes and various food items.
Barclays Bank officials serve refreshments to some of the kids cared for at the Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehalibitationcentre during the function.

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