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Monday, 12 February 2018


Founder and CEO, Jack Langworthy of NINAYO, accepts an award at the Annual AMBA Gala Dinner and MBA Excellence Awards (#Gala18), hosted by The Association of MBAs (AMBA) on 2 February 2018 in London.

LONDON: FEBRUARY 2018. the online trading platform for agriculture used by over 30,000 farmers and markets across the Southern Highlands of Tanzania made waves on Friday night. The websites idea is simple: give farmers and markets the information they need to connect more efficiently. NINAYO does this for free, and even for 0 data cost on Airtel and Vodacom networks when entering directly into the browser.

When asked the motivation behind the platform, Langworthy explained, “A product’s price will always be what you can negotiate. I saw a lot of farmers with little negotiating power in my Peace Corps Volunteer days. There was clearly an opportunity to empower farmers with the business information they need to lift themselves out of poverty. With NINAYO farmers can now contact hundreds of buyers directly, by phone, SMS, or through the site. Buyers love the site too- everybody wins.”

NINAYO, launched in Tanzania in 2015, uses crowd-sourced data to provide actionable business intelligence for its users. NINAYO users, typically small holder farmers, can earn significantly more money by selling further up the supply chain. By eliminating middlemen, farmers and markets both win. NINAYO has started using their collected commercial data to pilot loans to unbanked farmers, in partnership with the UNCDF DF+.

NINAYO has brought investment from Silicon Valley’s most successful and disruptive entrepreneurs to Tanzania via their partners at Expa Labs. NINAYO caught the attention of the prominent San Francisco incubator run by Uber cofounder, Garrett Camp, and other heavy hitters in the international tech scene.

“Too often Tanzania is seen only as a poor country. Yes, poverty is a problem, but Tanzania is a land of great opportunity. There are millions of talented Tanzanians eager to build the prosperity of their country. Thanks to Expa Labs, we are connecting Silicon Valley with the Rift Valley and changing the face of African agriculture.”

NINAYO was also endorsed in a speech by US former President Barack Obama during the seventh annual Global Entrepreneurship (GES) Summit in Silicon Valley on 25 June 2016.

Jack Langworthy added: ‘This award being given to a Tanzanian company highlights the potential that is in East Africa.  We are not a charity or an NGO, but a company investing in Tanzania because we believe it is a great country with undervalued talent.  Nairobi better lookout, because Dar is becoming the new tech hub.”

Notes to Editors

For more information, images or interviews, contact David Woods-Hale, Head of Communications at AMBA or Clementine Boyer Duroselle, PR and Public Affairs Executive at AMBA

MBA Entrepreneurial Venture Award
Winner: Jack Langworthy for, Copenhagen Business School

Amir Reuven Kaplan, IE Business School
Emmanuel Aidenehi Okosun, Lagos Business School
Gabriel Méndez Labbé, Facultad de Economía y Empresa UDP

Gerardo Salandra, CUHK Business School
About Copenhagen Business School
Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was founded in 1917 to meet the business sector demand for highly qualified people. Today, it is the leading Business School in Northern Europe. CBS offers a comprehensive range of programs in business economics and modern languages for international business communication on bachelor's, master's, and PhD level.
    Developing Competencies for the Future
At the cutting edge of lifelong learning and leadership development for executives and professionals, CBS offers Full-time MBA, Executive MBA and a wide range of Executive Master programmes as well as a strong portfolio of company specific course and industry specific courses.
We believe that managers can only create true value for their companies when their management knowledge is leveraged by personal competencies. Developing competencies - skills development - is a natural part of the quality assurance of CBS programmes.

·   International Quality Marks
Internationally-oriented, CBS maintains close partnerships with the business community and has exchange agreements with more than 300 universities and Business Schools worldwide. In addition to the AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS accreditations, CBS is the Danish member of CEMS Community of European Management Schools; which only accepts one university as member from each European country. Furthermore, CBS is also a member of PIM Partnership in International Management a corresponding international consortium of prestigious Business Schools.

·   The CBS Full-time MBA
Every year, a select group of 50 individuals gets to participate in the exclusive Full-time MBA Programme at Copenhagen Business School, where classes are kept small to give the participants a more personal experience.
In addition to being rooted in the Scandinavian culture of trust, team work and respect for the individual, the CBS Full-time MBA is truly international with nearly 80% of the participants being from outside of Denmark. The participants come from diverse professional backgrounds and have an average working experience of nine years from various industries, making them part of the most experienced Full-Time MBA programmes in the world.
The programme itself is in the Top 100 of the Economist MBA rankings for 2011 and internationally acclaimed for its incorporation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability issues into its teaching.

The Copenhagen MBA is #30 in Bloomberg Business Week's International Full-time MBA Ranking 2017 and #4 in the world in 2016 & 2017 Corporate Knights' Better World MBA Ranking 2017. Copenhagen Business School Full-Time MBA was awarded place #34 in Financial Times' European Business School Ranking 2016 and #88 in Economist Ranking 2017QS Top MBA 2018 also recognised the Copenhagen MBA #26 globally and #13 in Europe.

About is an online trading platform that thousands of Tanzanians use to get a better price for their crops. We are quickly expanding into surrounding regions.
Founder, Jack Langworthy, conducted business for years in the Tanzanian agriculture sector. is a tool to solve specific problems facing that sector. Those issues are:
• Lack of supply visibility (buyers don’t know what crops farmers are selling)

• Lack of demand visibility (farmers don’t know how much buyers are willing to
• Lack of logistical coordination (inefficient transportation skyrockets costs)
An understanding of emerging markets is necessary to explain our value proposition. As Tanzania exemplifies these markets, consider:
• 80% of Tanzania’s work force are independent farmers
• Farmers have little bargaining power over the sale of their crops due to poor
infrastructure and a lack of communication with food processors (markets)
• Internet access has recently become widespread, even in poor and remote

By enabling Tanzanian farmers to post their supply (crops) they gain access to a far wider range of demand. Food processors, likewise, have a much clearer view of the crops available in their region. Each side of the value chain is incentivised to use this website.
Consider that, in Tanzania, 40% of food rots while malnutrition and poverty run rampant. If there were ever an industry in need of disruption, it’s this one. By improving supply visibility, demand visibility, and logistical coordination, more food will go to those in need at a fairer price.
Cash flows are quickly available by linking farmers to agricultural input advertisements at their point of sale. Tanzanian farmers often do not use the pesticides, seeds, and fertilisers that will allow them more bountiful harvests because they do not save their money accordingly. Through targeted advertising, Group-on type bulk deals [NINAYO organizes group deals], NINAYO can help the agricultural dealers reach their customers when the customers are able to purchase their products.

NINAYO was also endorsed in a speech by US former President Barack Obama during the seventh annual Global Entrepreneurship (GES) Summit in Silicon Valley on 25 June 2016.

US Former President Obama quotes for the GES Summit:
That’s why we’ve invested so much time and effort to make sure that America is helping to empower entrepreneurs like you. We held our first summit back in 2010.  Since then, we’ve brought entrepreneurs like you together in Turkey, and the Emirates, and Malaysia, Morocco, Kenya. And all told, we’ve helped more than 17,000 entrepreneurs and innovators connect with each other, access capital, find mentors, and start new ventures — 17,000. I think of the Tanzanian startup that helps farmers reduce their harvest losses.’  

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