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Thursday, 19 January 2017


A Dar es Salaam based company has introduced a new application to connect passengers and motorcycles, three-wheelers, and taxi drivers to make travelling easier.

The app is known as Twende and can be downloaded on a smart phone, according to the Chief Executive Officer of Twende Company, Justin Kashaigili.

He told the press in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday that his company was working closer with 1,000 taxi drivers, 1,500 three-wheelers’ drivers as well as 5,000 bodaboda that operate in the city who have all been connected to Twende app.

“I was inspired by Dar es Salaam’s rapidly developing infrastructure and its spirit of entrepreneurship. I look forward to giving people in the city an affordable, easy and flexible choice to move around safely and convenient”.

Meanwhile, Tigo’s Head of Digital Devices, Tawonga Mpore, said the App is a demonstration of Tigo’s commitment to digital lifestyle transformation by providing solutions to challenges facing its customers.

Twende App will provide better passenger experiences by connecting them with more reliable, cost effective options.

“We believe by offering a friendly alternative to the existing transport options, we can help improve urban mobility in Tanzania.

Being mindful of the city’s current traffic congestion, Tigo’s current aim is to be part of the solution in addressing it.

Ultimately, we hope to reduce the strain on the city’s roads and minimise the environmental impact of traffic congestion that is part of a growing economy,” said Mpore.

Daily News

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