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Monday, 19 September 2016


FLIGHTLINK Air Charters won the Tanzania Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies award 2016/17 during a prestigious corporate event held in Dar es Salaam on Friday evening.
Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies awards is the survey which celebrates business success among the country’s Mid-Sized Companies as well as entrepreneurs for contributing to the employment generation and growth of the Tanzanian economy in general.
The survey ranked Tanzania’s business with a turnover of between 1.0bn/- and 20bn/-, based on profitability, revenue growth, return on equity and level of indebtedness, among other performance indicators.
The award recognises the agency’s contribution to the market and the country’s economy. Bank M has been sponsoring this initiative for a third year in a row.
The chief guest during the event, Ministry for Industry, trade and Investments Permanent Secretary Dr Adelhelm Meru avowed that the government is set to enforce good governance in order to create a fair playfield for the business community for the good of the nation and efforts are in place to implement the second five year development plan which emphasizes on nurturing industrialisation for economic transformation and human development.

“One of the main challenges developing countries like Tanzania facing is the lack of reliable, unbiased and timely data and research. This is why researches and awards like this are so instrumental in the context of the advancement of the Tanzanian economy.
It presents a compilation of all the efforts taken to transform our economy at large.” said Dr Meru. Speaking on behalf of Bank M, the CEO Designate Ms Jacqueline Woiso said “We at bank M are extremely delighted to see that this year’s survey has attracted a huge number of participants about 200 companies.
This is a clear indication that more and more corporates are realising the importance and the advantage of participating in the survey.

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