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Wednesday, 4 November 2015


BAM International has received instructions to proceed with phase II of designing and building the new Terminal III of Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA). Fully known as Koninklijke BAM Groep or Royal BAM Group, is a major European construction-services business with headquarters in Bunnik, Netherlands.

The firm said in its website that the Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA), instructed it to proceed with phase II of the JNIA terminal III project in the contract valued over 100 million Euro (about 240bn/-).

The contract value of phase I awarded to BAM in 2013 was more than 130 million Euro (about 312bn/-). However, the Deputy Minister for Transport, Dr Charles Tizeba, said in Dar es Salaam that although he was out of office for the just ended political campaigns trail, but was aware of the initiatives to look for funds to implement the second phase of the JNIA terminal III project.

“Currently, I have no update on how far the process of getting funds has reached but there is hope that the implementation of the project has reached an advanced stage,” he said, adding that the TAA is managing the whole process to make the project a reality.

On his part, the TAA Legal Secretary, Mr Ramadhan Maleta said the status of the JNIA terminal III building is that procurement process for having a contractor for phase II is going on.

“At the same time we are working with the relevant authorities including the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Finance and Planning Commission on approval for securing loans from financial institutions to fund the project,” He added, “Once the funds are availed and procurement process is finalised we shall give feedback.”

The new terminal is designed for the anticipated growth of international air traffic, leaving the existing international Terminal II to cater for domestic flights.

Phase I of the scope of work comprises the construction of the main terminal building facilitating 3.5 million annual passengers including parking lots, access roads, platforms and a taxiway. This second phase will provide further capacity to facilitate six million annual passengers and includes a total terminal building area of approximately 60,000 m2.

Daily News

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