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Wednesday 22 October 2014


Tanga Cement Public Ltd Company (TCPLC) Managing Director, Reinhardt Swart (3rd left) hands over a part of 1,000 bags of cement worth Tsh 12,390,000 to Mkinga District Commissioner, Mboni Mgaza for the construction of secondary schools laboratories in Mkinga. Looking on from left are Mkinga District Executive Director, Amina Kiwanuka, TCPLC Plant Manager, Eng. Ben Lema and other company officials.

Tanga Cement Public Limited Company (TCPLC) has donated a total of 1,000 bags of Simba cement brand to Mkinga District as part of its Corporate Social Investment programme which aims at supporting Tanzania communities.

The donated cement, valued at Tsh 12,390,000, will be used for constructing science laboratories for secondary schools in the district.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, Tanga Cement Managing Director Mr Reinhardt Swart said: “Tanga Cement understands the value of development of the communities in the areas around its operations in various parts of the country.”

“In doing so, we have been supporting different communities in the country in focusing mainly on health, education, environment preservation and community development and sustainability.”

He noted that education consumed the largest percentage of Tanga Cement’s expenditure in community support programme.

Education projects financed by the company, which are located in various parts of the country, includes construction of classrooms, laboratories, libraries, teachers’ houses, toilets as well as donating desks.

Said the Tanga Cement MD: “The donated cement will help in improving students learning environment since they will be able to learn practically.

He took the opportunity to call upon other firms in the country to support education by working together with government in identifying critical needs that can catalyse growth of the sector.

Speaking at the occasion, Mkinga DC Ms. Mboni Mgaza thanked the company, and noted that the assistance will help the district achieve the national target set by President Jakaya Kikwete, which requires every secondary school to have a science laboratory.

Tanga cement has so far spent a total of Tsh 211.2 million for various CSR activities in the country during the year 2014.

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