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Tuesday, 1 July 2014


THE Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has set up a good mechanism to ensure it effectively collects tax from all foreign companies taking part in the ongoing 38th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF).
There are about 500 foreign companies which are taking part in this year's exhibition. TRA Director of Taxpayer Service and Education, Mr Richard Kayombo said that foreign companies were equally obliged to pay tax whenever they make transactions.
"We have already set a well established mechanism through which the authority will ensure revenue collection from these companies for our national development," he said in an interview with the 'Daily News'.
He pointed out that paying tax was mandatory for any business conducted within DITF or even outside thus the said companies should be ready in teaming up with the authority to accomplish that mission.
Mr Kayombo also noted that even local businesspeople that have already been listed to apply Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) in their transactions were obliged to make use of them.
"Any person who will be selling without issuing receipts should consider himself to have violated the laws of the land; TRA officers are widespread in these grounds to ensure that such unscrupulous deals are controlled," he remarked.
He also advised buyers to ensure that they demand receipts upon purchasing any product as failure to do so would also imply signs of dishonesty. "Our top leaders including president, vice and prime minister have been on several occasions insisting on the need of paying tax including application of the EFDs.
We need Tanzanians to have it in mind that paying tax is one of the major indicators of patriotism," he insisted. Meanwhile, Mr Kayombo noted that the application of the newly introduced Tanzania Customs Integrated System (TANCIS) or customs clearance system starts today (July 1) in Dar es Salaam Region.
The system, among other things according to Mr Kayombo, would bring greater transparency in customs clearance requirements and process which would simplify and speed up the process for clearing import and export goods through customs.

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