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Monday, 29 April 2024


GGML's Safety Manager, Isack Senya (left), explains to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, Doto Biteko, how the company uses modern technology in its mining operations to focus on health and safety in the workplace. On the right is the Deputy Minister, Office of the Prime Minister (Work, Youth, Employment and Disabled), Patrobas Katambi, along with other leaders who visited the GGML stand at the ongoing Occupational Safety and Health Authority exhibition in Arusha.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, Dr Doto Biteko, has congratulated Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) for successfully controlling fatalities and injuries in its mining operations and urged other employers to ensure that they always protect the safety of their employees.

Biteko made the statement on World Health and Safety at Work Day when he visited the GGML pavilion at the 2024 OSHA exhibition at the General Tyres premises in Arusha.

Biteko, who was also the Guest of Honor during the commemoration of the World Health and Safety at Work Day, expressed his satisfaction with the health and safety education provided by the participants at the exhibition.

"Let me congratulate those who are exhibiting here, you have given me a great education and those who have visited, but we have learnt that there is still work to be done," he said.

He said workers should focus on safety and health at work because the death of one person statistically represents 100 per cent of their dependents, which are their spouse, children, siblings and even neighbours.

"The death of one person is a big thing that should not happen. A call to all employers at all times: I want you to make sure that you have zero deaths in the workplace.

"To the workers, my call to you is that the first person to protect safety is you yourself, if you see a machine/plant that you are supposed to operate is defective and your employer forces you to operate it, be the first to say that this machine/plant is not safe and you should not be considered as a person who went on strike because you also have a duty to protect your safety," he said.


Police Officers from Arusha who visited the GGML stand at the OSHA exhibition learned about the radar equipment from GGML's Innocent Lusuva a Geotech Supervisor, who explained how the radar monitors the stability of walls during underground mining operations.
GGML's Medical Officer, Cretus Karwani Knowledge, conducts a blood test, one of the health screening services being offered at the GGML pavilion at the 2024 OSHA exhibition in Arusha, which coincides with World Health and Safety Day.
Revocatus Boniphace, Procurement and Contracts Officer, giving information to one of the members of the public who came to visit the GGML pavilion at the OSHA exhibition to learn how to focus on safety in their daily activities.

As part of efforts to educate participants and visitors to the Occupational Health and Safety Exhibition on safety in their activities, Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML), a subsidiary of AngloGold Ashanti, has brought various modern equipment to give participants the opportunity to learn modern rescue technologies.

This is according to GGML's Safety Officer, Isack Senya, who was speaking to journalists at this year's annual exhibition, which coincides with World Health and Safety Day, coordinated by the Occupational Safety and Health Authority and held at the General Tyre compound in Arusha.

"As always, GGML recognises the importance of health and safety at work and it is our first value. GGML has more than 45 employees representing the company at this exhibition who are providing various trainings and demonstrations on health and safety issues at work," said Senya.

Senya said GGML brought various equipment to the exhibition, in line with this year's theme of "Climate Change and the Impact on Safety and the Environment" including a special radar system that has the ability to detect a wall failure as mining activities continue.


Mohamed Mwaimu, Emergency Response Team (ERT) Supervisor at Geita Gold Mining Limited, is pictured at the 2024 OSHA exhibitions in Arusha giving a demonstration on how best to safely extinguish a fire using household items.

Ruth Mharagi, Senior Officer - Social and Economic Development at GGML, presents a canister of cooking gas to one of the women food vendors who received training on fire prevention techniques. The training was provided by GGML in collaboration with OSHA to 50 women food vendors at the OSHA exhibition in the Arusha region, who were also all provided with gas cylinders.
Dr. Kiva Mvungi, Senior Manager - Health, Safety and Environment, speaks to women food vendors in Arusha Region about the importance of safety in their homes and businesses. The training at the 2024 OSHA exhibitions in Arusha was delivered by GGML in partnership with OSHA to 50 women food vendors in the Arusha region.

Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) has partnered with the Workplace Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) to provide specialized training to 50 women food vendors in the Arusha region. The objective of this training is to educate the women on how to respond to various fire disasters and implement fire prevention measures.

In addition to the training, GGML has also distributed 50 units of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to encourage the food vendors to abandon the use of wood and charcoal and then move to the use of clean energy.

The training was delivered during the national commemorations of the World Health and Safety at Work Day, hosted by the Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA). This year's exhibition is being held in Arusha from 23 to 30 April 2024.

In a speech to women food vendors, Dr. Kiva Mvungi, Senior Manager of Health, Safety and Environment at GGML, said that the company had decided to provide education to the food vendors so that they could combat fires at home and focus on safety in their business areas, especially considering that they are the source of many interactions.


Students at Nyakabale Secondary School, another recipient of sanitary pads and menstrual hygiene education donated by GGML, have seen a reduction in absenteeism.
Students at Nyankumbu Girls Secondary School, who fully participate in the school curriculum, are among the recipients of sanitary pads donated by GGML and a comprehensive menstrual health education campaign in 2023. The school has reduced absenteeism since the initiative began.
Nyankumbu Girls Secondary School, one of the recipients of sanitary pads donated by GGML and a comprehensive menstrual health education campaign in 2023. The school has recently seen an upturn in academic results.

In the bustling town of Geita, Tanzania, a quiet revolution is taking place that holds the key to unlocking the full potential of the region's young women. For far too long, the stigma and shame associated with menstruation has prevented girls from accessing the education they deserve, trapping them in a cycle of missed classes and diminished opportunities. But now, thanks to the tireless efforts of one mining company, the tide is turning.

Geita Gold Mine Limited (GGML) has taken on the challenge of addressing the critical issue of menstrual hygiene management in local schools, and the results have been nothing short of life-changing. By distributing sanitary pads and providing comprehensive menstrual health education, the company has empowered girls like Kulwa Lameck, a Form Four student at Nyakabale Secondary School, to reclaim their rightful place in the classroom.

"The menstrual hygiene education we received from GGML is very important because it has given me more confidence, I feel free all the time, even during menstruation, I don't have to worry now that I know what to do and have the facilities to keep me comfortable," says Kulwa, her words brimming with a newfound sense of liberation.

Thursday, 25 April 2024


Great news! Alliance Life Assurance Limited was recently invited to the Parliament of Tanzania. This opportunity allowed us to raise awareness about the importance of life insurance and showcase the diverse products we offer.

We spoke with esteemed members of Parliament about how life cover, savings plans, and investment-linked plans can bring financial security to Tanzanian families. It was an honor to bridge the gap in life insurance knowledge!

This invitation reflects our unwavering commitment to empowering Tanzanians financially. We believe everyone deserves access to life insurance solutions that fit their needs.

Looking ahead, Alliance Life is dedicated to:
  • Expanding our life insurance products
  • Educating the public on life insurance benefits
  • Strengthening partnerships for financial security
By working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of Tanzanians.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today to explore how Alliance Life insurance can benefit you and your loved ones!



Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Masoko wa Benki ya Exim, Stanley Kafu (wa tatu kushoto) akikabidhi seti ya vitanda kwa Mkuu wa Shule ya Polisi Tanzania - Moshi, SACP Ramadhani Mungi (wa nne kulia), kama sehemu ya mchango wa Benki ya Exim katika jamii ikiwemo ulinzi na usalama wa Watanzania na mali zao ambapo makabidhiano hayo yamefanyika tarehe 24 Aprili, 2024.

Kilimanjaro, 24 Aprili 2024 - Benki ya Exim imekabidhi seti ya vitanda kwa Shule ya Jeshi la Polisi Tanzania iliyopo Moshi, Mkoani Kilimanjaro kama sehemu ya mchango wa Benki ya Exim katika jamii ikiwemo ulinzi na usalama wa Watanzania na mali zao.

Akizungumza wakati wa makabidhiano hayo, Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Masoko, Stanley Kafu alisema, “Kupitia mkakati wetu wa kurudisha kwa jamii unayojulikana kama Exim Cares na kama ishara ya mashirikiano yetu ya muda mrefu, tunayo furaha kuchangia vitanda 40 kwa Shule ya Jeshi la Polisi Tanzania ya hapa Moshi.”

Benki ya Exim inaamini mchango huu utasaidia kuboresha mazingira ya mafunzo kwa maafisa wa polisi ili wapate mafunzo bora yatakayochangia kuboresha jeshi la polisi katika majukumu yake ya kuwahakikishia ulinzi na usalama Watanzania wote na mali zao.

“Ushirikiano wetu na Jeshi la Polisi haujaanza leo, mwaka jana Benki ya Exim tumeingia makubaliano na Jeshi la Polisi Tanzania yenye lengo la kuwezesha utoaji wa mikopo ya masharti nafuu kwa askari polisi kupitia programu yetu maalumu ijulikanayo kama ‘Wafanyakazi Loan’”, aliongeza Kafu.


Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya sigara - TCC, Takashi Araki akiongea katika Mkutano Mkuu wa 59 wa wana hisa.

Kampuni ya Sigara - Tanzania Cigarette Company (TCC) imeidhinisha Gawio la Shilingi 500 kwa Hisa kwa Wanahisa wake ikiwa ni baada ya kampuni hiyo kupata faida baada ya kodi ya Shilingi bilioni 66.2 ikiwa ni pungufu ya asilimia 4 ya faida iliyopata Kampuni hiyo kwa mwaka 2022.

Yamesemwa hayo na Mwenyekiti wa Bodi wa TCC, Paul Makanza wakati wa Mkutano Mkuu wa 59 wa Wanahisa wa Kampuni hiyo kwa mwaka 2023, ambapo amesema upungufu huo umetokana na kuongezeka kwa gharama za uendeshaji ambazo zilisababishwa na changamoto za kiuchumi ulimwenguni.

Kwa upande wake, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni hiyo amesema licha ya changamoto, mapato ya Kampuni hiyo yameongezeka kufikia Shilingi milioni 373,527 sawa na ongezeko la asilimia 9.7 ikilinganishwa na mwaka uliopita, ukuaji ambao umechochewa na ongezeko la asilimia 5.1 katika mauzo ya ndani ya Tanzania Bara na Zanzibar.
Mwaka 2022, Kampuni hiyo ili idhininisha Gawio la jumla ya Shilingi bilioni 67 sawa na Shilingi 670 kwa hisa.


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, April 22, 2024 – Today, Stanbic Bank Tanzania, a key player in Tanzania’s banking sector, and Ramani, a leading financial technology firm, are excited to announce a strategic partnership aimed at transforming domestic trade and advancing financial inclusion across Tanzania. This groundbreaking collaboration seeks to leverage technology and strong financial backing to enhance the business capabilities of local distributors and entrepreneurs.

The partnership aims to utilize Ramani’s sophisticated financial technology infrastructure alongside Stanbic Bank’s robust financial resources. This collaboration will support over 100 distributors in its first year, focusing on key value chains in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. By integrating advanced technological platforms and financial strategies, the partnership addresses critical aspects of risk management, sales monitoring, and digital transactions to enhance operational efficiency across the board.

Fredrick Max, Head of Business & Commercial Banking at Stanbic Bank Tanzania, remarked, “Our collaboration with Ramani is more than a business venture; it is a strategic alignment that promises to revolutionise the way trade is conducted in Tanzania. By combining our strengths, we aim to not only support the financial needs of local distributors but also to contribute significantly to the economic growth of our nation.”

The core objective of this partnership is to provide Distributor and Dealer Financing to enhance the supply chain management for distributors and dealers involved with major brands like Coca-Cola. The collaboration will facilitate better procurement management, inventory control, and digital sales tracking, significantly improving business processes and financial transactions.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024


Dr Aalen Mtemi, GGML's Chief Medical Officer (far right), shared insights into GGML's wellbeing initiatives at the inaugural Corporate Wellness Conference in Dar es Salaam. Alongside him on the 'Trendsetters in Corporate Wellness' panel, from left to right: Amos Mugisha, Country Director & Director of Operation at PATH, Scholastica Williams, Senior Manager, Delivery Lead at Deloitte Tanzania and Heri Marwa, Country Director at PharmAccess.
Marsha Macatta-Yambi, Executive Director, Global Compact Network Tanzania (left) and Bhakti Shah, Founder and Managing Director of ImpactAfya Ltd, co-organisers of the first Corporate Wellness Conference held at the Hyatt in Dar es Salaam on 17 April 2024.

In a bold move to champion corporate wellness and sustainability, Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML), a subsidiary of AngloGold Ashanti, recently attended the inaugural Corporate Wellness Conference (CWC) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The event was organised by the local chapter of the UN Global Compact, Global Compact Network Tanzania (GCNT), in partnership with ImpactAfya Limited.

Bhakti Shah, founder and Managing Director of ImpactAfya Ltd, one of the co-organisers of the event, said, "It was important for us to come up with a platform where we can create awareness, where we can discuss wellness issues and non-communicable diseases. And we're able to come up with solutions because wellness is a profession in itself".

The CWC brought together industry leaders to discuss the critical role of corporate wellness programmes in mitigating the impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and promoting sustainable business practices.

Recognised for its unwavering commitment to the well-being of its employees and the wider community, GGML was a natural choice to participate in the 'Trendsetters in Corporate Wellness' panel. Dr Aalen Mtemi, GGML's Chief Medical Officer, took to the stage to share the company's innovative approach to corporate wellness.


Stanley Kafu, Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Masoko wa Exim Bank, akizungumza wakati wa mahafali ya pili ya mpango endelevu wa kuwainua kiuchumi wanawake wajasiriamali ujulikanao kama WEP yaliyofanyika tarehe 23 Aprili 2024, Mjini Arusha.
Mshindi wa kwanza Beatrice Alban Msafiri (wa pili kulia), Zainab Nungu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mikopo, Exim Bank (wa kwanza kushoto), na Faraja Nyalandu, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Ndoto Hub (wa kwanza kulia) wakifurahi pamoja na Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Masoko wa Exim Bank, Stanley Kafu wakati wa mahafali ya mafunzo ya ujasiriamali, biashara na uwezeshaji kwa wanawake wajasiriamali chini ya mradi wa benki hiyo yajulikanayo kama WEP.
Mshindi wa pili, Catherine Assenga (wa pili kulia), Zainab Nungu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mikopo, Exim Bank (wa kwanza kushoto), na Faraja Nyalandu Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Ndoto Hub (kulia) wakifurahi pamoja na Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Masoko wa Exim Bank, Stanley Kafu wakati wa mahafali ya mafunzo ya ujasiriamali, biashara na uwezeshaji kwa wanawake wajasiriamali chini ya mradi wa benki hiyo yajulikanayo kama WEP.
Mshindi wa tatu, Rukia Said Mohamed (wa pili kulia), Zainab Nungu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mikopo, Exim Bank (wa kwanza kushoto), na Faraja Nyalandu, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Ndoto Hub (wa kwanza kulia) wakifurahi pamoja na Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Masoko wa Exim Bank, Stanley Kafu.
Washindi na baadhi ya washiriki wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na wafanyakazi wa Exim Bank wakati wa mahafali ya kumaliza mafunzo ya biashara, ujasiriamali, na uwezeshaji kwa wanawake wajasiriamali.

Arusha, 23 Aprili 2024: Exim Bank, kupitia Mpango wake wa Kuwawezesha Kiuchumi Wanawake (WEP), imetoa mafunzo kuhusu masuala ya ujasiriamali, biashara, na uwezeshaji kwa wanawake wajasiriamali kama sehemu ya kuunga mkono ujumuishwaji wa watu wote, wakiwemo wanawake, katika mipango mbalimbali ya maendeleo nchini Tanzania.

Kupitia mpango wake wa ‘Exim Cares’, mwaka jana (2023) Exim Bank ilizindua Mpango wa Kuwakwamua Kiuchumi Wanawake ujulikanao 'Women Empowerment Program (WEP)' wenye lengo la kuongeza ushirikishwaji na kuleta usawa kwa wanawake barani Afrika, hasa katika nchi ambazo zina matawi ya benki hiyo ikiwemo Tanzania, Comoros, Djibouti na Uganda.

Akizungumza katika mahafali hayo, Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Masoko wa Exim Bank, Stanley Kafu, anasema, “Ukiwa mwaka wa pili mfululizo wa mpango wa Kuwakwamua Wanawake Kiuchumi (WEP), Exim Bank tunafuraha kubwa kuwa sehemu ya mafanikio haya na tunawapongeza washiriki wote kwa kuanza na kumaliza salama mafunzo haya kuhusu ujasiriamali, uwezeshaji, na biashara.”

Washindi watatu, wa awamu hii ya kwanza mwaka huu, walipata zawadi za pesa taslimu zilitolewa kwa washindi watatu ambapo mshindi wa kwanza, Beatrice A. Msafiri, akizawadiwa kiasi cha TZS 8,000,000, mshindi wa pili, Catherine Assenga akipata TZS 5,000,000 na mshindi wa tatu, Rukia S. Mohamed akiondoka na TZS 3,000,000. Pia, wahitimu wote walipata fursa ya kuweza kupata mikopo bila riba kutoka Exim Bank ili waweze kujiendeleza kiuchumi.

Exim Bank inaamini uwezeshaji wa wanawake na ujasiriamali unabaki kuwa sehemu muhimu ya mipango ya maendeleo nchini Tanzania na barani Afrika kijumla. Hii inadhihirishwa na ongezeko la idadi ya wanawake katika nafasi za uongozi katika sekta mbalimbali kama siasa, kijamii na kiuchumi.

Akielezea kuhusu malengo ya mradi, Kafu alisema, “Mpango huu utakuwa ni endelevu kwa muda wa miaka mitano na tunatarajia kuwafikia wanawake zaidi ya 600,000 ifikapo mwaka 2028.”


Dar es Salaam, 18th April 2024: Inchcape Automotive Tanzania, a 100% subsidiary of Inchcape Plc, the world's leading distributor of automotive brands, proudly announces the arrival of Changan Auto, marking the brand's entry into the Tanzanian market.

Changan Auto, a globally renowned Chinese automotive group, stands as the number one selling brand in China and the fourth-largest Chinese automotive group globally, its operations spanning across Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Inchcape plc, headquartered in London, United Kingdom, extends its reach to 40 countries, including Tanzania.

The introduction of Changan Auto in Tanzania is a testament to the confidence in the continuous economic relationship between China and Tanzania but also the importance of the Tanzania market and customers in the global context. Changan Auto's active presence in other East African markets such as Kenya & Djibouti scores its commitment to delivering smarter and better value-for-money mobility solutions to automotive customers within the region.

"Changan" literally translates to "Lasting Safety," reflecting the company's core promise and dedication to research and development. With a wide network of design studios worldwide and advanced R&D capabilities, Changan Auto delivers cutting-edge technology and design in its vehicles.

Inchcape Automotive presents five models from Changan's comprehensive range of vehicles both in passenger and light commercial segments, including the Oshan SUV, Alsvin sedan, Hunter pickup, Star 5 Minivan, and the Star 5 mini truck Single & Double cabin. These models offer superior driving performance, fuel efficiency, advanced in-car technology, and robust safety systems at competitive price points.

All Changan vehicles come equipped with Euro 6 and Euro 4 engines*, backed by warranties ranging from 3 to 5 years depending on the model, aimed at delivering a fantastic driving and ownership experience for Tanzanian customers.

Additionally, NAS Tyres Services Limited (NTS) serves as the official after-sales service partner for Inchcape Automotive and Changan Auto in Tanzania, providing parts and service works at NTS Service Centres in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, and Arusha.

NTS will ensure that Changan Auto customers will have access to a state-of-the-art service center, genuine Changan parts & trained technicians. This will make sure the customers, being private or fleet ones, will always be taken care of wherever they are with their Changan vehicles. We are cognizant of the fact that some of the units are commercial and downtime means loss of money. NTS is here to make sure this does not happen.

Honourable Albert Chalamila, the Regional Commissioner of Dar es Salaam, has commended Inchcape Automotive for providing quality and affordable vehicles to Tanzanians, stating that this initiative will significantly enhance mobility in the city within both the passenger & commercial segments.

The Changan Auto models are now available for viewing and test driving at the Changan Showroom, located at AFED Business Park, Delta Towers on the ground floor along Pugu Road.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024



Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba Madelu (Mb) (kushoto), na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia anayesimamia Kundi la Kwanza la nchi za Kanda ya Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency), Dkt. Floribert Ngaruko, wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja baada ya kumalizika kwa kikao chao kilichofanyika Makao Makuu ya Benki hiyo, jijini Washington D.C, nchini Marekani, wakati wa mikutano ya Majira ya Kipupwe (Spring Meetings) ya Benki ya Dunia na Shirika la Fedha la Kimataifa (IMF), ambapo wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali yanayohusu ushirikiano kati ya Benki ya Dunia na Tanzania.

Na Joseph Mahumi, WF, Washington.

Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba Madelu (Mb), amekutana na kufanya mazungumzo na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia anayesimamia Kundi la Kwanza la nchi za Kanda ya Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency), Dkt. Floribert Ngaruko, wakati wa mikutano ya Majira ya Kipupwe (Spring Meetings) ya Benki ya Dunia na Shirika la Fedha la Kimataifa (IMF) jijini Washington D.C, Nchini Marekani, ambapo wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya ushirikiano kati ya Benki hiyo na Tanzania.
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba Madelu (Mb), akizungumza jambo wakati wa kikao chake na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia anayesimamia Kundi la Kwanza la nchi za Kanda ya Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency), Dkt. Floribert Ngaruko (hayupo pichani) Makao Makuu ya Benki hiyo jijini Washington D.C, nchini Marekani.
Ujumbe wa Tanzania (kushoto) ukiongozwa na Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba Madelu (Mb), ukiwa katika kikao na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia anayesimamia Kundi la Kwanza la nchi za Kanda ya Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency), Dkt. Floribert Ngaruko, Makao Makuu ya Benki hiyo jijini Washington D.C, nchini Marekani, wakati wa mikutano ya Majira ya Kipupwe (Spring Meetings) ya Benki ya Dunia na Shirika la Fedha la Kimataifa (IMF).
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia anayesimamia Kundi la Kwanza la nchi za Kanda ya Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency), Dkt. Floribert Ngaruko (katikati), akizungumza wakati wa kikao na ujumbe wa Tanzania ulioongozwa na Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba Madelu (Mb), kilichofanyika Makao Makuu ya Benki hiyo jijini Washington D.C, nchini Marekani. Wengine katika picha ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Mbadala wa Benki ya Dunia, anayewakilisha Kundi la Kwanza la Nchi za Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency (AfG1), Dkt. Zarau Kibwe (kushoto), Mshauri wa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia, anayewakilisha Kundi la Kwanza la Nchi za Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency (AfG1), Bw. Venuste Ndikumwenayo (kulia).
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba Madelu (Mb) (katikati), Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia anayesimamia Kundi la Kwanza la nchi za Kanda ya Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency), Dkt. Floribert Ngaruko (wa tatu kulia), Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Fedha, Dkt. Natu El-maamry Mwamba (wa tatu kushoto), Katibu Mkuu Ofisi ya Rais Fedha na Mipango-Zanzibar, Dkt. Juma Malik Akil (wa pili kulia), Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Mbadala wa Benki ya Dunia, anayewakilisha Kundi la Kwanza la Nchi za Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency (AfG1), Dkt. Zarau Kibwe (wa kwanza kulia), Mshauri wa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Dunia, anayewakilisha Kundi la Kwanza la Nchi za Afrika (Africa Group 1 Constituency (AfG1), Bw. Venuste Ndikumwenayo (wa pili kushoto) na Afisa Idara ya Fedha za Nje, Bw. Charles Longo (wa kwanza kushoto) wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja baada ya kikao chao kilichofanyika Makao Makuu ya Benki ya Dunia, jijini Washington D.C, nchini Marekani.