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Thursday, 30 November 2023


Dar es Salaam: The Treasury Registrar, Mr. Nehemiah Mchechu, has outlined operational efficiency and timely strategic decisions as major benefits to be obtained by public institutions due to the establishment of the Public Investment Fund, which has been recommended in the Public Investment Bill 2023.

According to Mr. Mchechu, if the bill, which appeared in the National Assembly for the first reading in early November of this year, is passed into law by Members of Parliament and receives assent from the Head of State, the entities will reap huge productivity, thereby contributing to the socio-economic development of the people and the country.

“The Public Investment Fund is going to act as a reliable financial source of investments carried out by the government, empowering and strengthening cash-strapped public institutions that have failed to tap into investment opportunities and discharge their responsibilities,” said Mr. Mchechu.

Mr. Mchechu disclosed this during a working session with editors and journalists held on Tuesday in Dar es Salaam. He used the platform to explain the operations of the Treasury Registrar’s office.

The Treasury Registrar revealed that the envisioned fund will also act as a catalyst for timely financing of key strategic investment opportunities identified by the entities, such as the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), without facing any hurdles in the process.

Since the fund is expected to operate under the Public Investment Fund Steering Committee, he said clear guidelines should be set, outlining the criteria for investment, coordination and other critical essentials required in the operation.

Similarly, the fund will not attract any interference from financial institutions, taking into account the underlying goal of empowering public entities to obtain investment capital. However, institutions with higher demands will be advised to secure bank loans, he said.


Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya Wakurugenzi ya Benki ya Biashara ya DCB, Bi. Zawadia Nanyaro (wa pili kulia), akimkabidhi nyaraka muhimu Mkurugenzi Mtendaji mpya wa benki hiyo, Sabasaba Moshingi, ikiwa ni ishara ya makabidhiano rasmi ya ofisi, wakati akimtambulisha kwa waandishi wa habari, jijini Dar es Salaam jana. Wengine kushoto ni Katibu wa Benki, Bi. Regina Mduma na Mkurugenzi wa Biashara, Bi. Lilian Mtali.

Benki ya Biashara ya DCB, moja kati ya benki kongwe inayoongoza katika mabenki yenye ukubwa wa kati, imemtambulisha Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wake mpya katika mkutano na waandishi wa habari jijini Dar es Salaam.

Akizungumza, Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya Wakurugenzi ya DCB, Bi. Zawadia Nanyaro alimtambulisha Bwana Sabasaba Moshingi, kuchukua nafasi hiyo adhimu ya kushika usukani wa kuongoza benki hiyo akisema, licha ya mchakato kuchukua muda mrefu lakini kama benki pamoja na wanahisa wake wanayo furaha kwa kumtapata mtu anayekidhi vigezo walivyohitaji.

“Benki yetu, wateja wetu pamoja na wanahisa wake walihitaji mtu sahihi atakayesukuma mbele vyema gurudumu la maendeleo la DCB, kwa weledi, umakini na uhakika zaidi, atakayeweza kuitoa DCB mahali ilipo na kuipeleka mbele zaidi kimafanikio, na baada ya kupitia hatua na taratibu kadhaa Bodi na Menejimenti ya DCB zina kila sababu ya kutembea vifua mbele kwa kumpata mtu sahihi ambaye kutokana na ukongwe wake katika tasnia za kibenki na taasisi za fedha tuna imani matarajio yetu yametimia.

“Bwana Moshingi ni Mtaalamu mbobevu katika masuala ya benki kwa zaidi ya miaka 12, Bwana. Moshingi, analeta pamoja naye hazina kubwa ya uzoefu katika tasnia za kibenki za Kitaifa na Kimataifa akiwa na rekodi thabiti katika Uendeshaji wa Benki, Biashara za Fedha, Huduma za Kibenki kwa Wateja Binafsi, Masuala ya Mikopo na mengineyo.

“Bwana Moshingi ana Shahada ya Uzamili ya Utawala wa Biashara katika Fedha kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, amethibitishwa na Taasisi ya Mabenki Tanzania na kabla ya uteuzi wake wa sasa, Bw. Moshingi alikuwa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya TCB akishika pia nafasi mbalimbali za uongozi katika benki za Standard Chartered, Stanbic na KCB.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023



Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na uongozi wa kampuni, makao makuu ya ofisi jijini Dar es Salaam. Mawakala hao waliagwa kuanza ziara ya kutembelea Afrika ya Kusini ikiwa ni jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia mawakala wa usajili kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa uwanja wa ndege wa Kimataifa wa Mwalimu Nyerere tayari kwa ziara ya kutembelea Afrika ya Kusini ikiwa ni jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa uwanja wa ndege wa Kimataifa wa Oliver Tambo tayari kwa ziara yao ya kutembelea Afrika ya Kusini ikiwa ni jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa katika makao makuu ya ofisi mama ya Vodacom nchini Afrika ya Kusini walipotembelea kujifunza masuala mbalimbali. Ziara hiyo ni jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakimsikiliza mmojawapo wa wafanyakazi wa kampuni mama ya Vodacom nchini Afrika ya Kusini walipozuru kujifunza masuala mbalimbali. Ziara hiyo ni matokeo ya jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia mawakala wa usajili kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.

Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa katika mitaa tofauti nchini Afrika ya Kusini walipozuru kujifunza masuala mbalimbali. Ziara hiyo ni matokeo ya jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia mawakala wa usajili kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa katika mitaa tofauti nchini Afrika ya Kusini walipozuru kujifunza masuala mbalimbali. Ziara hiyo ni matokeo ya jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia mawakala wa usajili kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa katika mitaa tofauti nchini Afrika ya Kusini walipozuru kujifunza masuala mbalimbali. Ziara hiyo ni matokeo ya jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia mawakala wa usajili kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa katika mitaa tofauti nchini Afrika ya Kusini walipozuru kujifunza masuala mbalimbali. Ziara hiyo ni matokeo ya jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia mawakala wa usajili kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.
Mawakala wa usajili wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania wakiwa katika mitaa tofauti nchini Afrika ya Kusini walipozuru kujifunza masuala mbalimbali. Ziara hiyo ni matokeo ya jitihada iliyotambulishwa mapema mwaka huu na kampuni hiyo kuwazawadia mawakala wa usajili kutokana na utendaji bora wa kazi.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023


The Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Wilson Charles (left), presents a medal to one of the top finishers of the ATF Marathon held in Morogoro Region over the weekend, as the Acting Executive Director of TACAIDS, Dr. Jerome Kamwela, looks on.

GGML's Public Relations and Communications Manager, Stephen Mhando (left), Njile Mabula Finance & Administration Officer at GGML Kilimanjaro Challenge Against HIV/AIDS Trust savouring the moment after finishing the ATF Marathon which was held in Morogoro Region over the weekend in preparation for this year's national commemoration of World AIDS Day which will be held in Morogoro Region on 1 December 2023.

The Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Wilson Charles, handsover a prize to the top finishers of the 66km cycle race that was part of the ATF Marathon held in Morogoro Region over the weekend.

In further support of the government's efforts in the fight against the spread of HIV & AIDS. Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) has donated Sh17 million towards the success of the Morogoro Region's ATF Marathon in the lead up to the region's national commemoration of the World AIDS Day on 1st December.

Speaking on GGML's participation in the ATF Marathon held in Morogoro on Sunday 26 November 2023, GGML's Relations and Communications Manager, Stephen Mhando, said, “Geita Gold Mining Limited has sponsored 17m to the ATF marathon because, true to its value of sustainability; ensuring that the community surrounding its operations is better off for AGA having been there, these funds will directly touch the lives of people living with HIV.”

“Geita, having a large number of miners who live within the KVP (key and vulnerable populations), it’s almost impossible that we would shy away from such a responsibility.”


Mradi wa Bomba la Mafuta Ghafi la Afrika Mashariki - sehemu ya Tanzania leo imekabidhi nyumba ya 339 ambayo ni ya mwisho katika utaratibu wa kuwalipa fidia wananchi waliopitiwa na mradi huo kubwa wa bomba la mafuta.

Mpango wa nyumba mbadala, unaojumuisha jumla ya nyumba 339 pamoja na miundo mbinu yake midogo , imekuwa msingi wa dhamira yetu kwa kaya zilizoguswa na mchakato wa utwaaji ardhi.

EACOP tayari imekabidhi jumla ya nyumba 339 kwa Watu 293 walioguswa kwa kupoteza makazi yao katika Mikoa 8 ya Kagera, Geita, Shinyanga, Tabora, Singida, Dodoma, Manyara na Tanga; ikijumuisha Wilaya 21 na Vijiji 1,02I. Kati ya nyumba mbadala hizo 339 na miundo mbinu yake midogo, Nyumba mbadala 43 zilikabidhiwa kwa waguswa 30 walioguswa na utwaaji wa ardhi wa awali kwa ajili ya kambi kuu na yadi za mabomba mwaka 2022 katika Wilaya za Missenyi, Muleba, Bukombe, Nzega na Singida. Nyumba mbadala 296 zilikuwa kwa ajili ya kaya zilizoguswa na utwaaji wa ardhi wa kwa ajili ya mkuza wa bomba wenye urefu wa kilomita 1,143 unaokatiza katika mikoa 8.

Akiongea wakati wa makabidhiano ya nyumba ya mwisho mkoani Tanga, Meneja Mkuu wa EACOP Tanzania Wendy Brown alisema ujenzi wa nyumba hizi ulifanywa na wakandarasi wa ndani walioajiri watu kutoka jamii za wenyeji, na kuhakikisha dhamira ya EACOP ya ushirikishwaji wa jamii za wenyeji na maendeleo endelevu. Makabidhiano ya nyumba mbadala za mwisho yanahitimisha safari ndefu ya mchakato wa utwaaji wa ardhi kwa ajili ya Bomba la Mafuta Ghafi la Afrika Mashariki - sehemu ya Tanzania.


Ecobank Group CEO, Mr. Jeremy Awori (left) and African Guarantee Fund Group CEO, Mr. Jules Ngankam exchange the USD200 million risk sharing agreement after it was signed in Lome, Togo.
Left to Right - AFDB Country Manager Togo, Mr. Wilfrid Abiola, Group CEO AGF, Mr. Jules Ngakam and AGF Chairman Board of Directors, Mr. Felix Bikpo and Ecobank Group CEO, Jeremy Awori.
  • This is the largest guarantee facility in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The risk sharing agreement marks the third renewal of the partnership between Ecobank and AGF.
  • SMEs from across 27 African markets in which Ecobank operates will benefit from the partnership; up from just 7 countries in 2013.
  • The agreement includes favourable lending terms for gender financing and green transactions.
Lomé, Togo, 16 November 2023: Ecobank, the leading pan-African banking group, and the African Guarantee Fund (AGF), a specialized pan-African guarantee provider, have joined forces in a groundbreaking USD200 million risk-sharing agreement, aimed at catalyzing economic growth and supporting entrepreneurial ventures – including women-owned SMEs on the continent.

The two organisations signed a strategic partnership agreement today on the sidelines of the Africa Financial Industry Summit (AFIS) in Lomé, Togo, in the presence of their respective leaders.

The USD 200 million risk-sharing agreement marks the third renewal of Ecobank’s partnership with AGF. The initial guarantee, provided by AGF in 2013, covered seven countries with a total guaranteed portfolio of USD 50 million. In 2018, the scope of the guarantee expanded to encompass 14 countries, resulting in cumulative disbursements of USD 230 million since that time. The renewed partnership now extends to 27 countries within Ecobank’s African network,offering 50% coverage for qualifying SMEs across all target markets.

By leveraging Ecobank's extensive network and financial expertise and merging it with AGF's proven track record in risk mitigation, the collaboration aims to address the challenges faced by SMEs in accessing affordable financing.

Key highlights of the partnership include:
  1. Enhanced 75% guarantee cover for Gender Financing and Green Transactions: Favourable terms have been set to ensure more women-led and green transactions are fast-tracked, incorporating reduced pricing.
  2. Increased Lending Capacity: The USD 200 million facility allows Ecobank to significantly boost its lending capacity to SMEs, enabling the Bank to extend more credit facilities to SMEs seeking to expand, innovate, and contribute to job creation.
  3. Risk Mitigation: AGF will play a pivotal role in mitigating the credit risk associated with lending to SMEs, fostering a more conducive environment for financial institutions to support these businesses without compromising their risk profiles.
  4. Financial Inclusion: By channeling funds towards SMEs, the collaboration aligns with broader financial inclusion objectives, ensuring that a diverse range of businesses, including those in underserved and remote areas, can access the financial resources needed for growth.
  5. Economic Impact: The USD 200 million risk-sharing agreement is expected to have a ripple effect on various sectors, contributing to increased economic activity, job creation, and sustainable development across sub-Saharan Africa.
Commenting on the partnership, Ecobank Group CEO, Jeremy Awori expressed enthusiasm about the potential impact on SMEs and the overall economic landscape, stating, "Our enhanced partnership with the African Guarantee Fund marks a significant step forward in our commitment to supporting SMEs across Africa with affordable financing. Through this partnership, we are taking bold steps to enhance green financing and gender financing. In doing so, we aim to eliminate the rigorous and restrictive requirements for collateral, particularly hindering women-focused businesses’ access to credit."

Monday, 27 November 2023


NMB Bank has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Oryx Gas Tanzania geared towards accelerating the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Tanzania.

Speaking during the signing ceremony held in Dar es Salaam, the NMB Bank’s Chief of Retail Banking, Filbert Mponzi said the strategic partnerships with Oryx Gas compliments the Government’s strategy for ensuring access to modern, clean and safe energy sources.

Mponzi said the move will help Tanzanians to reduce exposure to unhealthy wood-smoke and decreased pressure on the depletion of forest resources.

He noted that the MoU envisages the bank’s sustainability strategy and aligns with SDG 7 that addresses universal access to modern energy services for all by 2030.

“Our collaboration with Oryx Gas will increase the supply of LPG at discounted prices for our customers across the country. As a bank, sustainability of the environment is one of our top priorities and we believe this campaign will act as a pathway to enable people make a quick energy transition,” Mponzi said.

He noted that the bank’s customers across the country will now purchase complete LPG starter-packs at discounted prices of 150,000/- and 43,000/- for 15kg and 6kg respectively through the bank's digital payment solutions.

Mponzi noted that the partnership with Oryx Gas also seeks to develop the entire LPG value chain through provision of cheap loans to LPG wholesalers, retailers and distributors across the country.


Saturday, 25 November 2023


Tarehe 24 November 2023 kwenye siku ya Mlipa Kodi 2023, Benki ya NMB iliibuka Mshindi wa Jumla Kitaifa, kama Mlipa Kodi Mkubwa Zaidi Tanzania na kama Mlipa Kodi Bora Zaidi anayelipa Kodi kwa hiari (Most Compliant Tax Payer).

Huu ni mwaka wa pili mfululizo kwa Benki ya NMB kupata tuzo hizi.

Jumla ya Tuzo ilizopata Benki ya NMB ni:
  1. Mshindi wa Jumla Kitaifa: Taasisi inayolipa Kodi kubwa zaidi nchini Tanzania (Sekta zote).
  2. Mshindi wa Jumla Kitaifa: Taasisi Bora inayolipa Kodi kwa hiari kwa kuzingatia misingi na kanuni bora za ulipaji kodi (Most Compliant Tax Payer).
  3. Mshindi wa Kwanza: Mlipa Kodi mkubwa zaidi katika kundi la Taasisi za Fedha nchini Tanzania (mara ya tatu mfululizo).

Akiongea mara baada ya kupokea tuzo hizo, Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Benki ya NMB, Bi. Ruth Zaipuna alisema tuzo hizo ni matokeo chanya ya misingi imara ya utawala bora na uadilifu, kuzingatia kanuni za ulipaji kodi, ufanisi katika kuendesha biashara na ubunifu wa suluhishi bora za kifedha kwa wateja.

Bi. Ruth Zaipuna alisema: “Nawashukuru wateja wetu na Watanzania wote kwa kuendelea kuiamini Benki ya NMB kama mshirika wao kwenye biashara na shughuli zao, naishukuru Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kwa kuendelea kuweka mazingira wezeshi ya kufanya Biashara nchini na kipekee nawashukuru wafanyakazi wenzangu wote wa Benki ya NMB kwa kuendelea kufanya kazi kwa ari, bidii na kwa uzalendo mkubwa kwa maslahi mapana ya Benki na nchi yetu kwa ujumla.”

Tuzo hizo za Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania zimetolewa na Naibu Waziri Mkuu na Waziri wa Nishati wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Dkt. Dotto Biteko katika hafla iliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam.

Kama mdau wa maendeleo, Benki ya NMB tutaendelea kuendesha biashara yetu kwa kuzingatia sheria na kanuni za nchi ili kuendelea kuchangia kikamilifu ujenzi wa uchumi wa Taifa letu.



Friday, 24 November 2023


Anthony Kimambo, Head, Trade - Business and Commercial Banking, gives a warm welcome to the guests, ready to launch the 2nd edition of the Stanbic Bank Tanzania Trade Barometer Report.
Zainul Chandoo, Economist at Stanbic Bank Tanzania presents the economic highlights and data trends of the country at the launch of the 2nd Edition of the SB Africa Trade Barometer - Tanzania focus report.
Paving the way for trade diversification, Stanbic Bank launched the 2nd Edition of the Stanbic Bank Africa Trade Barometer Report with a focus on Tanzania.
Fredrick Max, Head-Business & Commercial Banking, sheds light on trade trends, data and opportunities within the nation that can drive diverse economic interactions with the rest of Africa.
From the 1st left is Fredrick Max, Head of Business and Commercial Banking, 2nd left is Fauzia Malik, CEO-Super Meals LTD- Cool Blue, Middle - Dunstan Kolimba Head of Transactional Solution, 2nd from the right is Rajab Kondo, CCO- GSM Group, and to the right is Godfrey Mondi, Head of Program, Tanzania Private Sector Foundation, seated on a panel to discuss current trends of the cross-border trade landscape in Tanzania.
  • Tanzanian Businesses Confident in Cross-Border Trade Increase
Dar es Salaam, 23 November 2023: Implementation of pro-business policies has increased intra-Africa trade. Tanzania’s FDI net inflows have been on an upward trajectory, overtaking Kenya and ranking as the third country with the highest inflows in East Africa. While government support on cross-border is relatively positive, issues in recent years such as foreign currency shortages significantly impede cross-border trade, as businesses struggle to acquire the necessary foreign currency to pay for their imports, say findings in the latest Standard Bank Africa Trade Barometer - Tanzania Country Focus Report.

This barometer launched to address the information vacuum surrounding African trade data, is now one of the continent’s leading trade indexes, supporting the growth of intra-Africa trade. The fact that most surveyed businesses were small businesses is one of the central value adds of the publication. In its third issue, the barometer concentrates on ten countries: Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.

Being Africa’s largest bank, Standard Bank, trading in Tanzania as Stanbic Bank, has leveraged its presence and expertise across the continent to create the Stanbic Bank Africa Trade Barometer (SB ATB). This is the second country report for Tanzania that contains the analysis of the primary and secondary data gathered specifically for Tanzania and showcases trends and opportunities in trade within the country. A total of 227 businesses were surveyed in Tanzania with 70% of these being small businesses.


Mkurugenzi wa Mauzo na Usambazaji wa Taasisi ya Kifedha Y9 Microfinance, Fredrick Mtui (katikati) akizungumza na mshindi wa pikipiki droo ya saba kwa njia ya simu Anorld Jacob na Jekapo ambaye amejishindia simu janja wote ni wakazi wa Dar es Salaam ikiwa ni muendelezo wa Y9 kutoa zawadi kila wiki Kwa wateja wake. Hafla ya kuchezesha droo hiyo imefanyika leo jijini Dar es salaam, Wengine pichani ni Meneja Masoko ya Taasisi hiyo Bi. Sophia Mang'enya pamoja na mshindi wa pikipiki Wa droo ya sita Bw Baraka Bazarae (kushoto).
Meneja Masoko ya taasisi, Bi. Sophia Mang'enya akimkabidhi zawadi ya pikipiki mmoja kati ya washindi wa droo ya sita Baraka Bazarae katika hafla ya uchezeshwaji wa droo ya saba iliyofanyika leo jijini Dar es Salaam.
Mshindi wa pikipiki Droo ya sita ya Y9 Microfinance Baraka Bazarae Katikati akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya kuchezesha droo ya saba iliyofanyika leo jijini Dar es salaam, Wengine pichani Mkurugenzi wa mauzo na usambazaji wa taasisi ya kifedha Y9 microfinance, Fredrick Mtui (kulia) na Mkaguzi kutoka bodi ya michezo ya kubahatisha nchini, Salim Buguvi (kushoto).