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Wednesday, 2 August 2023


The Vice President of AngloGold Ashanti - GGML responsible for sustainable projects on the part of Ghana and Tanzania, Simon Shayo (left) contributes to the energy discussion through the Mwananchi Thought Leadership Forum which was held in Dar es Salaam recently. Others are participants in the debate that went with the launch of Tanesco's 10-year strategic plan.

Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) has expressed full willingness to work with Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) to use the national electricity grid once the power plant and electricity distribution project for the company's mines are completed.

The mining company also commended TANESCO and the Ministry of Energy for their ten-year strategic plan, which is aimed at the establishment of sustainable sources of energy. This plan is in line with Sustainable Development Goal number seven, which is to provide accessible, affordable, sustainable and modern energy to the citizens of the country.

Simon Shayo, Vice President of AngloGold Ashanti-GGML, responsible for sustainable projects in Ghana and Tanzania, made the remarks during a recent energy discussion organised by the Mwananchi Thought Leadership Forum.

"If the ten-year strategic plan is successfully implemented, Tanzania will be the first sub-Saharan country to achieve the SDGs," he stressed.

He also pointed out that many mining companies have relied on self-generated electricity since the 2000s. The government is now making a conscious effort to integrate the energy sector with larger manufacturing sectors by ensuring adequate power supply for large investors.

Shayo cited GGML as an example, which currently generates 29 megawatts of electricity from oil.

"Once TANESCO's electricity project is completed, the mine will be able to rely on the national grid, resulting in a 50% reduction in electricity costs, which translates into annual savings of USD 19 million," he explained.

By stopping captive power generation and connecting to TANESCO's national grid, GGML also aims to reduce carbon emissions by 81 kilotonnes by 2030. As the country plans to invest heavily in the mining sector and establish mineral mines in various regions, TANESCO is expected to see a significant increase in revenue due to the increased electricity consumption of these mines.

TANESCO is currently constructing a 220-kilovolt line from Bulyanhulu to Geita, followed by a six-kilometre 33-kilovolt line to the GGML mine. At the same time, the company is developing a power plant to reduce the output to 11 kilovolts. The estimated cost is USD 24.4 million.

Speaking at the launch of TANESCO's strategic plan, Energy Minister January Makamba urged the public to be patient as the company restructures its operations. He stressed that the government is actively seeking funding to provide TANESCO with the necessary capital to implement its plans to improve services to citizens and the African continent as a whole.

The Managing Director of TANESCO, Maharage Chande, reiterated the company's commitment to improving services to customers through various projects. These include the generation of electricity from the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project (JNHPP), which is scheduled to come on stream in June 2024.

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