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Wednesday 1 March 2023


The Senior Manager for Health, Safety, Environment and Training of Geita Gold Mining Ltd, Dr. Kiva Mvungi (second right) together with Executives of the Health and Safety Department from Geita Gold Mining Ltd celebrate the fourth consecutive victory in the Global Safety Award. 

Strong fundamentals of safety control in operations inside and outside Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML), the company made world history by winning its fourth consecutive Global Safety Award.

In the award presented by the AngloGold Ashanti Group of Companies (AGA), GGML won in 2019, 2020 and 2021 and this week won the award for 2022.

Speaking about the succession in an exclusive interview with our Reporter, Dr. Kiva Mvungi, Senior Director of Health, Safety, Environment and Training at GGML, said that the award means that the AGA has recognized GGML as a leading company doing well in security terms in the world.

AGA, which is listed on the stock exchanges of Johannesburg, New York, Australia and Ghana, owns mines in Australia, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Ghana and Tanzania. In all of those countries, GGML or Tanzanians in general are the pioneers in focusing on workplace safety issues.

Dr. Kiva Mvungi said that success did not come easily as GGML had succeeded in promoting the cooperation of workers who showed concern for their health as well as concern for safety at work.

Something they did differently from their colleagues, he said, was that they changed the security communication system, so instead of going from leaders to workers, they set up a system so that the communication system goes from workers to leaders.

"So when we're working, people tell us whether or not it's safe or how they'd like it to be done, so we just add other driving issues to ensure the problem works," he said.

Since they started using the system to listen more to employees, he said, the success has been remarkable in doing business. He gives the example that in over 10 years they have not lost an employee life at work, yet in over five years no employee has been injured enough to not be able to go to work. They've also gone more than four years without injuring anyone on the job.

In addition, he congratulates everyone involved in ensuring that when an employee or contractor comes to work, they work safely and leave home safely.

Additionally, speaking of winning four consecutive awards, GGML CEO Terry Strong congratulated the entire HSE management team as well as all GGML employees for maintaining their safety inside and outside the company.

In addition to the International Safety Award, he said GGML was also awarded for Best Overall Performance.

“Surely this award shows how well we are doing and is appreciated. Your efforts are well recognized by the whole company. As we all know, we still have many challenges to work as a team, but I am sure we can work together and accomplish everything we set out.” said the director.

One of the employees of the Safety, Health and Environment Department at GGML Dk. Subira Joseph who has worked for the company for more than 10 years as a doctor at the GGML health centre with Josephine Kimambo an environmental engineer, she said the successive award win made them see they were working in a safe space. environment.

“If the work environment wouldn't have been safe, we wouldn’t even get this award. But it also made me see that the safety, health and environment department works really well with people,” said Josephine.

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