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Wednesday, 27 April 2022


“The income generated from NBC Premier league-related transactions enables significant expenditure across supply chains, supports thousands of jobs, and creates progressive tax revenues. We couldn’t be prouder.” - Theobald Sabi.

By Theobald Sabi, Managing Director, NBC Bank.

As the NBC Premier League is getting closer to an exciting finale, I wish to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who made it possible. The financial and non-financial gains that the league has collectively yielded, especially to those in the football value chain, have surpassed our expectations.

What started as a commercial decision resulted in a cross-sectoral empowerment platform that touches and improves lives amicably. Today, we stand tall, advocating our overriding objective: bringing possibilities to life.

On behalf of everyone at NBC, I wish to extend our special appreciation to the Government of Tanzania under Her Excellency President Samia Suluhu Hassan for unparalleled support, the fans for their unwavering passion, and appreciably, to the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) for trusting and endorsing us to be their partners. Asanteni sana.

On a similar note, I wish to bring you up to speed on the recent value addition to the league players’ insurance covers. Thanks to our new agreement with TFF, we can now offer life and health insurance covers to all the NBC Premier leagues players, club staff, and their immediate families. Special thanks to our partners, Sanlam and Britam Insurance companies, for bringing these arrangements to life.

NBC Premier League is beyond football

The league has evolved into reliable machinery for socio-economic empowerment through job creation (direct and indirect), generating tax revenue, advocacy for the national financial inclusion agenda, and a trusted grapevine for supply chains’ trickle-down effects.

The 16 teams in the NBC Premier league play a vital role in their local communities 'socio-economic well-being. The local business enjoys heydays of sales on match days. Reports revealed that a Yanga and Simba match a few years back, attended by almost full capacity of 59 thousand plus fans, yielded revenue of TZS 546million from match ticket sales alone, throwing in millions to the Tax basket.

With a total of 240 games spread across the country, from Dar to Geita to Mpanda, the NBC Premier League provides formidable platforms for revenue collection and income distribution all across the country.

There are also over 3,000 direct employments for players, referees, paramedics, and technical benches. With the country’s average household size standing at five and above, the league stands out as a tool for poverty reduction, improving household welfare, and improving living standards.

Millions of other indirect employments are created in the supply chains in merchandise, broadcasting, distributors, food vendors, sports pubs, transportation, betting, and accommodation.

NBC Bank is also proud to use this platform to support the Government’s efforts in pushing the financial inclusion agenda. We have connected to more customers and prospects to whom we previously had little access. Football stands out as an essential platform for reaching both the unbanked and the underbanked.

The NBC Premier League comprises a mix of international stars and elite homegrown talents. The continent’s football federation (CAF) ranks our league as the eighth-best. At the same time, Yanga and Simba command the highest club followership in East and Central Africa.

It is time to change the foreign fellowship into income. Sports-tourism. Value addition could be game-changers through properly coordinated, matchday hospitalities and options to visit tourist attractions. In 2019-20 alone, the English Premier League garnered USD 602million from international fans traveling to games. Let that be our blueprint.

Our country’s proximity and presence of big names foreign stars playing in our league should provide us with the best-fit tailormade propositions and competitive advantage.

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