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Friday, 5 June 2020


GGML Vice President Sustainability, Simon Shayo speaking with the Press during Minister’s tour in CSR projects in Geita.
The Minerals Minister, Hon. Dotto Biteko giving Government remarks after his tour to the CSR projects. Looking on are the Geita RC Eng Robert Gabriel (centre) and the Geita District Commissioner Hon. Josephat Maganga(right) together with Geita Town Council officials.
The Minerals Minister, Hon. Dotto Biteko walking to inspect the Geita Market frames, with him is the Geita Regional Commissioner Eng Robert Gabriel (left) and the Geita District Commissioner Hon. Josephat Maganga (left) together with Geita Town Council officials.
The Minister for Minerals, Dotto Biteko commended Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) for being a good partner in supporting development projects in Geita Region.

The Minister gave a statement during a short tour in Geita Town where he inspected and launched various projects being implemented by the local authorities in collaboration with Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML).

The Minister highlighted that the Government’s intention is to see areas with mineral resources, including Geita transforming lives and the economy of the surrounding communities.

“I have been impressed by the way; government authorities in Geita manage collection of revenues from the mining sector. We have already achieved our target of Sh 400 billion of revenue collection in Geita because of mining sector contribution.

“Most of Geita region’s contribution comes from Geita Gold Mining Limited. It is very encouraging now that the sector contributes more than five percent in the GDP of our economy,” he said.

One of the projects that were launched during the visit is the Special Economic Investment zone which will be managed by the Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) and the Geita Town Council.

The Minister also visited other strategic projects including: the Geita Central Market Frames, Katundu market and the Gold refinery. As a responsible corporate citizen, GGML spends about TZS 9.2billion annually on community projects in Geita region.

GGML Vice President for Sustainability, Simon Shayo said that the execution of the visited projects is part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility projects for the year 2018/19.

“As a responsible corporate citizen, GGML continues to support communities around the operation. The execution of the CSR projects and similar other initiatives is a clear testimony that the Company, the Government, and the host communities can work together to improve livelihoods through investing in socio-economic infrastructure and services”, he said.

He said in 2018, GGML supported several Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects.

“These include amongst others: the installation of solar powered street lights along the main roads in Geita town; construction of the state-of—the- art tower at the Geita Town roundabout; a sunflower processing factory; construction of a modern market facility for Geita Town;completion and roofing of more than 600 health and education infrastructures.

“In 2018, GGML was the first mining company in Tanzania to develop and implement a credible CSR Plan in line with section 105 of Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) No. 7 of 2017 which amends the Mining Act No. 14 of 2010,” he said.

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