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Wednesday, 21 August 2019


By Ben Ndunguru, CoET UDSM

Educating the next generation is a key part of the country’s development.

Education these days is, however, not just teaching children how to do their sums and spell correctly. It is making sure that they know how to use the technology of today.

It is vital that the children of tomorrow are computer literate and can craft their careers using the technology which is now all around us.

It is therefore great to see that the private sector in the country is helping us drive forward the next generation’s education.

In recent weeks, one of the telcos in Tanzania donated 10 computers with free internet connectivity to a secondary school in Kisutu. It is reported that the school is already running initiatives to enable girls in the school to access Information Communication Technology tools.

Teaching these girls how to use essential digital technology – like computers – will help create future opportunities, such as improving their employment potential. Embracing this kind of education at such a young age allows the next generation to become tech-savvy, preparing them for a future where technology is embedded in their daily lives.

This recent initiative, launched by Tigo Tanzania, is working towards increasing access for computers.

To date, Tigo’s e-schools project has connected over 60 schools and the telco has donated 77 computers to public institutions.

As developments in technology continue, it is important that our education system adapts accordingly.

Tigo’s work in this area is not only helping the everyday lives of normal Tanzanians, but is helping to safeguard our education system as we continue to develop as a country.

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