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Wednesday, 10 April 2019


Dar es Salaam Special Police Zone Commander, Lazaro Mambosasa (left), shakes hands with NBC Managing Director, Theobald Sabi after receiving seven new motorcycles donated by NBC to be awarded to Junior Police Officers who have excelled or went beyond the call of duty. The ceremony was held in Dar es Salaam yesterday.
Dar es Salaam Special Police Zone Commander, Lazaro Mambosasa (left), addresses journalists before receiving seven new motorcycles from NBC Managing Director, Theobald Sabi which the bank donated to Junior Police Officers who have excelled or went beyond the call of duty.
NBC Managing Director, Theobald Sabi (left), addresses journalists before handing a donation of seven new motorcycles to the Dar es Salaam Special Police Zone Commander, Lazaro Mambosasa which is to be awarded to Junior Police Officers who have excelled or went beyond the call of duty.
Dar es Salaam Special Police Zone Commander, Lazaro Mambosasa (fifth left ), shakes hands with NBC Managing Director, Theobald Sabi after receiving seven new motorcycles donated by NBC to be awarded to Junior Police Officers who have excelled or went beyond the call of duty. Looking on are NBC Management Team and  Senior Police Officers.

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