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Friday, 31 August 2018


Watumishi Housing Company CEO, Fred Msemwa.
Watumishi Housing Company (WHC) is finalising the establishment of Nyumba Fund, a collective investment scheme to promote individual savings and house purchases.

“We are determined to construct affordable houses for low earning Tanzanians and have in place a solid mechanism to enable individuals to raise funds and buy houses,” WHC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Fred Msemwa said in Dar es Salaam yesterday.

He said the fund, which is scheduled for official launch by next January, will encourage individuals, especially new entrants into the labour market, to invest gradually, albeit small amount over time for house purchases.

Said Dr Msemwa: “And, we want the fund to operate as flexibly as possible…investors will have the discretion on the best way to use their money.” The Nyumba Fund will be investing the raised money to generate profits that will be credited to the investors, said Dr Msemwa, “So, the investors’ principal investments will be growing through earned profits.”

WHC, which the government established in 2013 to build 50,000 houses under the public servant housing scheme for sale to public servants, has so far invested about 42bn/- in the construction of 943 housing units.

The company has as well constructed 186 teachers’ houses in remote areas as part of the government initiatives to improve the working environment for teachers in rural areas.

“We are particularly proud of the teachers’ housing project that we have successfully implemented in 19 regions,” said Dr Msemwa, recalling the hitches experienced during the project execution, “We had to use donkeys to get construction materials to some project sites.”


Mkutano wa Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali wa Jukwaa la Ushirikiano kati ya Afrika na China (FOCAC) utafanyika Beijing kuanzia tarehe 01 hadi 04 Septemba, 2018.

Ujumbe wa Tanzania kwenye mkutano huo utaongozwa na Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa. Viongozi wengine watakaoshiriki Mkutano huo ni Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, Mhe. Balozi Dkt. Augustine Mahiga; Mhe. Khalid Salum Mohamed, Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar na Mhe. Rashid Ali Juma, Waziri wa Kilimo, Maliasili, Mifugo na Uvuvi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar, na Viongozi wengine Waandamizi.

Mkutano huo utafunguliwa na Rais wa China, Mhe. Xi Jinping ambaye pia ni Mwenyekiti wa jukwaa hilo, kwa kushirikiana na Mwenyekiti Mwenza, Rais wa Afrika Kusini, Mhe. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, utahudhuriwa pia na Mwenyekiti wa Umoja wa Afrika ambaye pia ni Rais wa Rwanda, Mhe. Paul Kagame, Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa, Mhe. Antonio Guterres na Mwenyekiti wa Kamisheni ya Afrika ambaye pia ni Rais wa Chad, Mhe. Idriss Deby Itino. Mkutano huo pia utashuhudia uchaguzi wa Mwenyekiti Mwenza mpya kutoka Afrika.

Kaulimbiu ya Mkutano wa Jukwaa la Ushirikiano kati ya China na Afrika kwa mwaka 2018 ni “China na Afrika: Kuelekea Jumuiya Imara kwa mustakabali wa wote kupitia ushirikiano kwa manufaa ya wote” (China and Africa: Toward an Even Stronger Community with a Shared Future through Win-Win Co-operation).

Mkutano wa Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali utatanguliwa na kikao cha Makatibu Wakuu kitakachofanyika tarehe 01 Septemba, 2018. Kikao hicho pamoja na mambo mengine kitapitia agenda za mkutano huo na kuziwasilisha kwenye kikao cha Mawaziri kitakachofanyika tarehe 02 Septemba, 2018.


National carrier Kenya Airways narrowed its net losses by 28.8 per cent to Ksh4 billion ($40 million) in the half year ended June, but the improved performance was not enough to stop the airline from sinking back into negative capital position.

The national carrier’s cost-cutting measures paid dividends as “other costs” dropped 41.3 per cent to Ksh2.9 billion ($29 million) while revenue rose 3.1 per cent to Ksh52.1 billion ($517 million) in the six months.

The airline, however, dropped back into negative equity of Sh3.8 billion, indicating the need for additional capital injection to soften the impact of its continued losses.

Biggest threat

The airline says higher fuel prices present the biggest threat to its margins in the short term.

“I just recall that when I started working for KQ, which was June 1 last year, the barrel was at $52. I just opened my phone now it's $75.99, which means $76, so just imagine this bigger cost has just grown like this over the last 12 months,” said KQ CEO Sebastian Mikosz after the release of the half-year figures yesterday.

“This is why the board has approved refreshed and a little reorganised hedging policy and as an airline we will start hedging soon and building our hedging position to protect our cash flow and to protect us against what seems to be not only an African problem but a worldwide industry problem.”

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Naibu Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango, Dk. Ashatu Kijaji (wa tatu kushoto), akibonyezxa kitufe cha kompyuta kuashiria uzinduzi rasmi wa huduma za kibenki katika mfumo wa kidigitali za Benki ya Biashara ya DCB jijini Dodoma juzi. Wanaoangalia kutoka kushoto (mstari wa mbele ni; Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa DCB, Godfrey Ndalahwa, Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya DCB, Prof. Lucian Msambichaka, Mbunge wa Viti Maalumu, Mama Janeth Masaburi, Waziri Mkuu Mstaafu, Mizengo Peter Pinda na Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Dodoma Mjini, Patrobas Katambi. Huduma hizo ni pamoja na DCB Akaunti Kidigitali, Kibubu Kidigitali, Nusu Mshahara Kidigitali na huduma ya kutoa pesa katika ATM bila kadi.
Naibu Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango, Dk. Ashatu Kijaji akizungumza katika uzinduzi huo.
Naibu Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango, Dk. Ashatu Kijaji (kushoto), akiwa na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa DCB, Godfrey Ndalahwa alipokwenda kuzindua huduma ya DCB Digital jijini Dodoma juzi. 
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya Biashara ya DCB, Godfrey Ndalahwa akikaribisha wageni mbalimbali waliohudhuria uzinduzi huo mjini Dodoma juzi.
Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya DCB, Prof. Lucian Msambichaka (kulia), akikabidhi tuzo kwa Naibu Waziri wa Fedha, Dk. Ashatu Kijaji aliyekuwa mgeni rasmi katika uzinduzi huo.
Baadhi ya waalikwa waliohudhuria tukio la uzinduzi wa DCB Digital mjini Dodoma juzi.
Dodoma, Agosti 29, 2018 - Benki ya Biashara ya DCB imezindua huduma maalum ijulikanayo kama DCB DIGITAL BANKING ambayo ni huduma za kibenki zinazopatikana kwa njia ya simu.

Akiongea wakati wa uzinduzi huo Jijini Dodoma Naibu Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Dk Ashatu Kijaji alisema sote tumesikia DCB walikua wakwanza kuorodheshwa kwenye soko la hisa na leo DCB inakwenda kidijitali na ni ya kwanza kuzindua bidhaa zake nne muhimu hili ni jambo zuri sana kwa Benki ya DCB na Taifa letu hongereni sana.

Alisema ‘’Napenda pia niwashukuru sana uongozi wa benki hii kwa kutupatia nafasi sisi Wizara ya Fedha na Mipango kuja kua sehemu ya kihistoria katika sekta yetu ya fedha”.

Nikiwa kama kiongozi wa kusimamia maswala ya fedha nimefarijika sana kuwa pamoja nanyi lakini pia nimefarijika zaidi baada ya kuisikia historia ya DCB ikielezwa hapa mbele yetu na viongozi wa benki hio. Kwakweli ni tukio muhimu sana kwetu sekta ya fedha kwasababu kwa kauli mbiu hii ya SIMU YAKO,TAWI LETU inamaana Benki inawafikia watanzania kule walipo.


Finance and Planning Minister, Dr. Philip Mpango (second right), bids farewell to visiting Standard Chartered Group CEO, Bill Winters in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday moments after talks on bilateral cooperation. Others are Standard Chartered Bank, East Africa, Executive Director, Lamin Manjang (right) and Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania CEO, Sanjay Rughani (left).


Industries, Trade and Investment Minister, Charles Mwijage.
The Minister of Industries, Trade and Investment Charles Mwijage has called on the new Board of Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) to cooperate with the government in building a middle income, inclusive and industrial economy by 2025.

“The task ahead of transforming the country’s economy relies heavily on all of us. Let’s join hands by working hard to achieve our common goal,” Mr Mwijage noted during the launch of the new TPSF board.

Mr Mwijage said the government was committed to ensuring an enabling environment for the private sector to create more jobs and pay tax.

“The fifth phase government under President John Magufuli wants to see the strong private sector that can contribute significantly to the national economy for the growth and development of the country and its people,” he explained.

The new board is chaired by Mr Salum Shamte, who replaced Mr Reginald Mengi, whose tenure of office expired, while the post of vice chairman went to Ms Angelina Ngalula. Both of them promised to work diligently.

The minister also praised Mr Mengi for the good job he did to support the growth of the private sector in Tanzania and urged him to continue working closely with TPSF members.

“I am optimistic that the government will work closely with the private sector. We want to move forward and bring development to Tanzanians,” the minister explained.

New board members are Mr Subhash Patel, Dr Charles Kimei, Ms Fatma Kange, Mr Dhrur Ashtosh Jog, Mr Sylivestry Koka, Mr Peter Shayo, Mr Octavian Mshiu, Mr Abdulsamad Abdulrahim, Ms Jacquiline Mkindi and Mr Sanjay Rughani.


Dodoma - Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB) has underscored the need for government to inject into the bank 800bn/- as working capital for efficient loan issuance to many farmers.

Unveiling the bank’s investment and strategic plan before the Parliamentary Public Investment Committee (PIC) here on Wednesday, TADB Board Chairperson, Rosebud Kurwijila, said the bank is in dire need of capital to transform the country’s agricultural sector through loans to as many farmers as possible.

She said the bank is embarking on various initiatives to look for capital from other areas but with increasing demand, the government intervention is inevitable.

The Chairlady added that the bank wished to have all major agricultural projects in the country adequately financed through the bank to spur the government spearheaded industrial drive.

Ms Kurwijila told the committee that the bank has eight clusters whose ultimate goal is to reach a diverse of farmers’ needs across the country, with plans to introduce agricultural pack in each cluster. TADB acting Managing Director, Japhet Justine, said the bank presently serves small, medium and commercial farmers.

But for the commercial farmers, he said, loans are issued only after the applicants indicate clearly how the small scale farmers will benefit and be involved throughout the project period.


Prime Minister, Kasim Majaliwa speaks to reporters upon completion of his inspection tour of the Multi-billion TAZARA Flyover in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday. Second left is Minister of Works, Transport and Communications, Engineer Isack Kamwelwe, Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner, Paul Makonda and Japanese Ambassador to Tanzania, Masahara Yoshida. 
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa on Wednesday toured the construction works on Tazara Flyover, expressing approval on the progress of project whose construction has reached 98 percent.

The premier said the project is advancing well and President John Magufuli is expected to officially launch it in October this year. Mr Majaliwa appreciated the project executors, saying the construction works had observed all the required standards.

He asked the contractor to complete the remaining two percent within the given deadline. The country’s historic flyover in the commercial capital is constructed, thanks to a 4.847 billion Yen (over 92bn/-) grant from the Japanese government through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The Tanzanian government has injected in the project 8.46bn/-. The flyover is expected to be named after Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS) Chief Executive Officer, Engineer Patrick Mfugale as per President Magufuli’s directive when launching the 384-metre bridge in Kilombero last May.

The president gave the directive in recognition of the steadfast contribution and expertise of Eng Mfugale in supervising and personally taking part in designing road and bridge projects in many parts of the country.

He instructed the Minister for Works to ensure the country’s first and historic flyover was named after Eng Mfugale.


Standard Chartered Bank Group on Wednesday pledged a 1.4 billion US dollar (over 3.3tri/-) soft loan to Tanzania for construction of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) from Morogoro to Dodoma.

The good news follows talks between Finance and Planning Minister, Dr Philip Mpango and the bank’s Executive Director Bill Winters in Dar es Salaam, on Wednesday.

Dr Mpango appreciated the bank’s acceptance to finance the project that seeks to strengthen transportation of passengers and goods within the country and landlocked countries of the Great Lake Region.

“We are constructing the railway from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma through Morogoro in two phases...but we will also extend it to Isaka and Mwanza before stretching it to Rusumo from where our neighbours Rwanda will elongate it further to Kigali,” said the minister.

Dr Mpango told the visiting bank’s CEO that the country’s priorities include improvement of Air Tanzania Company Limited (ATCL) and execution of Stiggler’s Gorge power project.

“We are strengthening our airline to support tourism sector because we have abundant tourist attractions but visitors from Europe are compelled to land in neighbouring countries before coming to Tanzania due to lack of direct flights,” he explained.

The minister noted that Tanzania is second after Brazil in the ranking of countries that are heavily endowed with tourist attractions.

Thursday, 30 August 2018


Mkurugenzi wa Biashara Airtel Tanzania Rohit Tandon akizungumza leo jijini Dar es Salaam wakati wa uzinduzi wa TIMIZA AKIBA ambayo ni huduma itakayowezesha wateja wa Airtel Money kujiwekea Akiba wao wenyewe kwa kutumia simu zao za mkononi wakiwa mahali popote. Huduma ya TIMIZA AKIBA ni ushirikiano baina ya Airtel Tanzania kupitia huduma yake ya Airtel Money, Benki ya Letshego na watoa huduma ya teknolojia JUMO Tanzania.
Mkurugenzi wa Biashara Airtel Tanzania Rohit Tandon wa kwanza kushoto, Mkurugenzi wa Sera na Mipango kutoka Benki Kuu ya Tanzania James Masoy wa pili kulia, Mkurugenzi wa biashara JUMO Tanzania Townsend Rose wa kwanza kulia na Mwenyekiti wa Bodi wa Benki Letshego Tanzania Simon Jengo kwa pamoja wakionyesha bango baada ya kuzindua TIMIZA AKIBA ambayo ni huduma itakayowezesha wateja wa Airtel Money kujiwekea Akiba wao wenyewe kwa kutumia simu zao za mkononi wakiwa mahali popote. Huduma ya TIMIZA AKIBA ni ushirikiano baina ya Airtel Tanzania kupitia huduma yake ya Airtel Money, Benki ya Letshego na watoa huduma ya teknolojia JUMO Tanzania.
Mkurugenzi wa Sera na Mipango kutoka Benki Kuu ya Tanzania James Masoy akizungumza leo jijini Dar es Salaam wakati wa uzinduzi wa TIMIZA AKIBA ambayo ni huduma itakayowezesha wateja wa Airtel Money kujiwekea Akiba wao wenyewe kwa kutumia simu zao za mkononi wakiwa mahali popote. Huduma ya TIMIZA AKIBA ni ushirikiano baina ya Airtel Tanzania kupitia huduma yake ya Airtel Money, Benki ya Letshego na watoa huduma ya teknolojia JUMO Tanzania.
  • Airtel Money, Benki ya Letshego na Jumo wazindua huduma maalum kwa wateja wao kuweka akiba kupitia Timiza 
  • Akiba. Airtel, Benki ya Letshego na Jumo wawajengea wateja wao utamaduni wa kuweka akiba kupitia Airtel Money
Dar Es Salaam 30 Agosti 2018: Kampuni ya simu za mkononi ya Airtel Tanzania kupitia huduma yake ya Airtel Money, Benki ya Letshego na watoa huduma ya teknolojia JUMO Tanzania wamefanya ushirika wa pamoja na kuzindua huduma kabambe itakayowawezesha wateja wao kuweza kujiwekea akiba wao wenyewe kwa kutumia simu zao za mkononi wakiwa mahali popote. TIMIZA Akiba ni huduma rahisi, isiyo na makato na itakayompa mteja zawadi ya fedha kila mwezi kwa kujiwekea akiba binafsi ili kufikia malengo. Zawadi hii itakuwa ni kiasi cha asilimia 5% ya salio l mteja aliloweka kama akiba ili kuhamasisha ari na ukuaji wa akiba.

Huduma hiyo maalum itakayojulikana kama TIMIZA AKIBA imezinduliwa leo na Gavana wa Benki Kuu ya Tanzania wakati wa hafla maalum iliyofanyika katika ofisi za Airtel Makao Makuu. Huduma ya Timiza Akiba itakuwa suluhisho kwa wateja kuweza kuweka akiba kupitia simu zao za mkononi ambapo kwa sasa inapatikana kwa wateja wote wa Airtel Money. Wateja wa Airtel Money wataweza kujiwekea akiba zao bure kabisa kuanzia kiwango cha chini kabisa cha TSH100 na watakuwa wanapata riba kila mwezi. Huduma ya TIMIZA Akiba inatumia mfumo usiotoza ada wala gharama za uendeshaji kwani baada ya mteja kupata gawio la faida yake ya akiba ya kila mwezi mteja ataendelea kubaki na kiasi kilekile alichojiwekezea. Mfumo huu wa uendeshaji wa huduma hii ya Timiza Akiba unadhamiria kukamilisha lengo la ushirikiano kati ya Airtel, Benki ya Letshego na JUMO la kuendelea kutumia teknolojia na kubuni huduma bora zaidi ili kuongeza kasi ya utoaji wa huduma jumuishi za kifedha kwa Watanzania.



Tanga Cement shareholders will get no dividend for 2017 after the cement maker made loss despite increased sales and production volumes.

The Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) listed cement manufacturing company trading under Simba Cement brand made a 35bn/- loss before tax last year from 6bn/- profit in 2016 even after recording increased sales revenue by three per cent to 172bn/- last year from 167bn/- in 2016.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Lau Masha told shareholders at the Annual General Meeting in Dar es Salaam over the weekend that competitive market headwinds had impacted on profitability due to lower sales prices dictated by the market compared to 2016.

He said the Group had not declared an interim dividend for the 2017 and did not anticipate proposing a final dividend to shareholders in line with financial performance for the year.

“The Board elected to be prudent by committing available cash resources to the operational and debt service commitment,” he said.

Gross profit for 2017 declined by 46 per cent to 29bn/- from 54bn/- in 2016 and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EDIBITA) declined to 9bn/- from 38bn/- in 2016.

The reduction in edibita was mainly caused by lower sales prices dictated by the market compared to the prior year, he said. Selling and administrative expenses had increased by 10 per cent to 20bn/- to support significantly improved sales and production volumes.

The increase in the depreciation charge of 6 per cent was driven by depreciation of the new integrated production line for the full year last year compared to 10 months in the prior year as well as additional capital investments in 2017 to improve production efficiencies.

The Board Chairman said they remained optimistic about their sales and cost optimisation production initiative banking on government heavy investment in mega infrastructure projects and the ongoing industrialisation drive which will boost cement demand.


The Bank of Tanzania (BoT) has cut its discount rate to 7 per cent from 9 per cent effective Monday this week to boost credit growth.

It said in a circular to commercial banks that the review reflected continued to promote credit growth for supporting economic activities.

It comes as private sector credit growth has steeply declined in the past two years. A year ago, the BoT cut its discount rate from 12 per cent to 9 per cent.

“This review reflects the continued need to promote credit growth for supporting economic activities,” the statement said.

The revised discount rate has also taken into account the prevailing monetary policy stance and recent development in the 91-day and 182-day Treasury bills yields.

The discount is meant to be passed on to the customers by lowering commercial banks’ lending rates that have declined from 22 per cent to an average rate of 17 per cent this year.

Bank Lending Rate in Tanzania decreased to 16.01 per cent in May from 16.23 per cent in April of 2018.

The lending rates averaged 12.72 per cent from 2003 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 17.91 per cent in September of 2017 and a low record of 7.53 per cent in March of 2004.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018


Vodacom Tanzania net profit for the year ending March has jumped up almost four times to 170.24bn/- after selling its stake in Helios Towers Tanzania (HTT).

Vodacom, the first telco to list on Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE), said in a financial statement issued yesterday that it earned 120.25bn/- to boost its revenue for the year ending March after selling its 24 stake in HTT.

Revenue grew by 5.0 per cent to 978bn/- thanks to data, M-Pesa and sales of devices. Vodacom Managing Director Ian Ferrao said the strong results were achieved in the context of an uncertain regulatory environment, as well as some aggressive competition.

“This has been a very pleasing year for Vodacom Tanzania, characterised by a turnaround in the growth of service revenue and underlying profitability that has been seen over the past three years,” Mr Ferrao said.

He furthermore added that recent developments in the regulatory environment have raised additional challenges in the telecommunications sector.

“These include strict enforcement of customer registration requirements, mandatory investment in a new government electronic revenue collections system, as which has had an adverse impact on our business,” the outgoing Voda Chief said through a statement.


CBA Tanzania CEO, Dr. Gift Shoko (right) shares a light moment with Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA) Commercial Law Department Head, Rehema Kitambi shortly before he opened a one-day workshop for Small and Medium Businesses organised by the Bank in Dar es Salaam over the weekend. Looking on is an official with the Bank, Joyce Ndyetabura.



Tanzania Minister for Works, Transport and Communications, Eng. Isack Kamwelwe (centre) greets his Ugandan counterpart, Aggrey Baggire after an Air Tanzania aircraft landed at Entebbe International Airport on Sunday, after its inaugural flight.
Air Tanzania, has recommenced its flights to Entebbe International Airport in Uganda after a decade of absence.

The airline extended its services to Entebbe Airport with its inaugural flight on Sunday, 26th August 2018, touching down at 13;01pm with the 76-Seater Q400 series plane.

The airline, that rejuvenated its glorious flights 2 years ago, after years of dormancy, has been flying mainly domestically to Mbeya, Dodoma, Songea, Mwanza, Tabora, Kigoma, Mtwara and Bukoba.

It has only one international flight to Moroni in the Comoros Islands.

Air Tanzania touchdown at Entebbe International Airport, marked its second international flight, planning to mount flights into Entebbe four times a week.

It will charge $363 for a return ticket to Entebbe, flying on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The airline has plans to launch new routes to Bujumbura, Harare, Johannesburg, and Lusaka after which it will then consider the Rwanda and Nairobi routes.

Aggrey Bagiire Uganda’s State Minister Transport said this is a huge step towards easing connections between the East African countries and that it will help boost trade between the two countries.

The Tanzanian Ambassador to Uganda confirmed that Air Tanzania will offer affordable flights with high frequency through Entebbe International Airport totaling to 4 times a week. He was optimistic that the entry of Air Tanzania to the Entebbe route will meet the travel demands of East Africans.

“On top of the low fares, Air Tanzania will offer customers the ability to customize their travel to their needs and budget by allowing excess luggage and issuing tickets that don’t expire”, he added.

The Managing Director and CEO of Air Tanzania; Eng. Ladislaus Matindi in a statement that was released said that, the Wings of Kilimanjaro was proud to once again serve East Africa with direct flights and smooth connections to and from Tanzania.


Theresa May will take a 29-member trade delegation with her on her three-day trip.
Theresa May will become the first British leader in five years to visit sub-Saharan Africa this week, making a three-day trip that includes meetings with the presidents of South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.

The prime minister will bring a trade delegation with her on a chartered RAF Voyager in an attempt to boost Britain’s post-Brexit export prospects, although she comes at a time when the government has been accused of a paying insufficient attention to the region.

The last time a British prime minister visited sub-Saharan Africa was in December 2013 when David Cameron attended Nelson Mandela’s funeral. He had intended to return in the summer of 2016 in the final days of his premiership but the planned visit was abandoned when May took over as Conservative leader earlier than anticipated.

May has never visited sub-Saharan Africa. Her only previous trip to the continent was a visit to Tunisia in 2015 in the aftermath of the Sousse hotel terror attack.

Speaking ahead of her flight to South Africa on Monday evening, the prime minister said: “Africa stands right on the cusp of playing a transformative role in the global economy” and that “a more prosperous, growing and trading Africa is in all of our interests”.


Standard Chartered Bank Group Chief Executive Officer, Bill Winters.
29th August 2018, Dar es Salaam - Standard Chartered Bank’s Group Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Bill Winters is expected to visit the Bank’s offices in Tanzania today.

According to a statement issued by Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania Limited, Bill is visiting the Bank in Tanzania as part of his regular visits to the various countries in which the Bank operates.

“Bill has visited Tanzania before and we are delighted that he is coming back to see the progress that the Bank has continued to make since his last visit.” The Bank’s Chief Executive Officer in Tanzania, Mr. Sanjay Rughani, said in the press statement.

During his visit Mr. Winters will meet with various internal and external stakeholders of the Bank in Tanzania with a view of exploring ways in which the Bank can further enhance its business and support economic growth in the country.

Mr. Winters was appointed to the Board of Standard Chartered PLC as Group Chief Executive on 10 June 2015, having joined the Group in May 2015. Since he took over the Bank’s leadership, Mr. Winters has reviewed the Bank’s strategy and confirmed the Group’s commitment to Africa.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018


Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki ya NIC Bw. Mick Karima akikata utepe kuashiria uzinduzi rasmi wa kadi mpya ya visa waliyo ianzisha na inayokwenda kwa jina la 'NIC Visa Move Debit Card' katika Tawi lao la Ohio leo.
Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki ya NIC Bw. Mick Karima (kulia) akiwa na Bw. Deepak Doshi ambaye ni mteja wa kwanza kutumia huduma ya 'NIC Visa Move Debit Card' (wa tatu kutoka kushoto) pamoja na Mkuu wa kitengo cha Masoko kutoka Benki ya NIC Bi. Natasha Cathles wakionesha mfano wa kadi hiyo ya Visa.

Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki ya NIC Bw. Mick Karima akitoa neno la ufunguzi rasmi wa Kadi yao mpya ya Visa inayokwenda kwa jina la 'VISA MOVE DEBIT CARD'. Wakati wa uzinduzi huo Bw. Mick Kirima alisema kuwa "Uzinduzi huu unaashiria hatua muhimu sana kwa Benki ya NIC kadri tunavyoendelea kuwapa wateja wetu huduma mbalimbali ambazo zinaboresha maisha yao, Benki inaendelea kutafuta ufumbuzi wa kuwaboreshea wateja matumizi ya huduma zetu na kwenda mbele tutaanzisha huduma za unafuu zaidi".


Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Dar Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi), Mhandisi Dkt. George Mulamula (wa pili kulia) akiongea na wafanyakazi wa Vodacom wakati wa uzinduzi wa duka jipya la Vodashop lenye sehemu maalum ya kutengenezea simu na kuhifadhi na kuhamisha kumbukumbu lililopo makao makuu ya kampuni hiyo Vodacom Tower, Morocco jijini Dar es Salaam. Wapili kushoto ni Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano na Uhusiano wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc, Rosalynn Mworia, Kushoto ni Mkuu wa Kanda ya Dar es Salaam na Pwani George Lugata na Meneja wa maduka ya Rejareja ya Vodacom Tanzania, Happiness Macha.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Dar Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi) Mhandisi Dkt. George Mulamula (kushoto) na Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano na Uhusiano wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc, Rosalynn Mworia wakikata utepe wakati wa uzinduzi wa duka jipya la Vodashop lenye sehemu maalum ya kutengenezea simu (Techzone) na kuhifadhi na kuhamisha kumbukumbu lililopo makao makuu ya kampuni hiyo Vodacom Tower, Morocco jijini Dar es Salaam.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Dar Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi), Mhandisi Dkt. George Mulamula (katikati) na Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano na Uhusiano wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc, Rosalynn Mworia (kulia) wakimsikiliza mtaalamu wa Data, Hendrick Rupia wakati wa uzinduzi wa duka jipya la Vodashop lenye sehemu maalum ya kutengenezea simu na kuhifadhi na kuhamisha kumbukumbu lililopo makao makuu ya kampuni hiyo Vodacom Tower, Morocco jijini Dar es Salaam.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Dar Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi), Mhandisi Dkt. George Mulamula (wa kwanza kushoto) akikata keki wakati wa uzinduzi wa duka jipya la Vodashop lenye sehemu maalum ya kutengenezea simu na kuhifadhi na kuhamisha kumbukumbu uliofanyika leo katika makao makuu ya kampuni hiyo Vodacom Tower, Morocco jijini Dar es Salaam. Wanaoshuhudia ni Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano na Uhusiano wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc, Rosalynn Mworia (wa pili kushoto) na wafanyakazi wa kampuni hiyo. 
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Dar Teknohama Business Incubator Mhandisi Dkt. George Mulamula (kulia) na Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano na Uhusiano wa Vodacom Tanzania Plc. Rosalynn Mworia wakigonga glasi ya shampeni wakati wa hafla ya uzinduzi wa duka jipya la Vodashop lenye sehemu maalum ya kutengenezea simu na kuhifadhi na kuhamisha kumbukumbu lililopo Makao Makuu ya kampuni hiyo, Vodacom Tower, Morocco jijini Dar es Salaam.

Monday, 27 August 2018



Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki ya CBA Tanzania, Dk. Gift Shoko (kulia) akizungumza na Mkurugenzi wa kampuni ya Ultimate Finance, Elius Mtunguja (katikati) baada ya kufungua warsha iliyoandaliwa na Benki hiyo kwaajili ya kuwafunda wafanyabiashara wadogo na wakati jijini Dar es Salaam. Kushoto ni Mkuu wa Idara ya Wateja Binafsi, Masoko na Mawasiliano CBA. 
Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki ya CBA Tanzania, Dk. Gift Shoko (kulia) akisalimiana na Mkuu wa Idara ya Sheria za Biashara (BRELA), Rehema Kitambi kabla ya kufungua warsha iliyoandaliwa na Benki hiyo kwaajili ya kuwafunda wafanyabiashara wadogo na wakati jijini Dar es Salaam. Kushoto ni Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Wateja Wadogo na Wakati CBA, Joyce Ndyetabura. 
Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki ya CBA Tanzania, Dk. Gift Shoko akifungua warsha.
Wafanyabiashara wakimsikiliza Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki ya CBA Tanzania, Dk. Gift Shoko.
Wafanyakazi wa Benki ya CBA Tanzania, na wageni waalikwa wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja.


Exim Bank Tanzania employees cut a cake to celebrate the bank's 21 years of service in the country at an event which took place at Samora Avenue Branch in Dar es Salaam recently. From left is Group Head of Branch Operations, Eugen Masawe, Bank Officer, Learning & Development, Melkiada Makongela and Manager, Alternative Delivery Channels, Mita Shah.

Exim Bank Tanzania Head of Human Resources, Fredrick Kanga addresses employees during the Bank's 21st anniversary celebrations which took place at the Bank's Samora Avenue Branch recently.

Friday, 24 August 2018


Benki ya NMB mapema wiki hii walifanya uzinduzi wa huduma tatu mpya za Benki hiyo uliofanyika Hotel ya Hyatt na kuhudhuriwa na wadau mbalimbali wa sekta ya fedha, teknolojia na baadhi ya wateja wa NMB. Huduma zilizozinduliwa ni uwezo wa mwananchi kufungua akaunti kupitia simu yake ya mkononi, App yenye huduma zote ambazo mteja anaweza kufanya mwenyewe badala ya kwenda kwenye tawi na Scan to Pay huduma ya kufanya malipo kwa kutumia QR code na hivyo kuwawezesha kulishikishwa kifedha. App ya NMB KLiK inapatikana katika Playstore na kupitia AppStore

Mgeni rasmi katika uzinduzi huo alikuwa ni Naibu Gavana Usimamizi wa Fedha Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BOT) Dk. Benard Kibese ambaye alisema kwamba ubunifu huo utarahisha Watanzania wengi kufungua akaunti za benki hiyo kupitia simu zao za mikononi na kwamba hivi sasa watumiaji wa simu za mkononi ni wengi na hivyo huduma hiyo ya NMB imekuja wakati sahihi.

“Tunaipongeza NMB kwa ubunifu huu ambao wamekuja nao wa kuhakikisha wanatumia teknolojia iliyopo kuanzisha huduma za kufungua akaunti kupitia simu ya mkononi na kizuri zaidi hata wenye simu za tochi bado wanaweza kufungua akaunti kupitia huduma hiyo,” alisema Dk. Kibese.

Huduma hii imepokelewa vizuri na watumiaji wa mtandao wa Twitter ambao wamesema kwamba uzinduzi huo ni muhimu sana hususani katika mchakato wa kuipeleka Tanzania katika Uchumi wa kati.

Been through that NMB TL and that #NMBJourney imefungua memories mob and sone good throwback vibe too! Good to see how this bank (formerly MuAlizeti) have come along! Can’t wait to use their new app!

— PATRICE (@PatNanyaro) August 14, 2018

Life made easy! NMB KLiK 🔥🔥 Tried it, and it worked magic! Beautiful app @NMBTanzania

— Mafuru (@MafuruJ) August 15, 2018

@NMBTanzania hii app yenu nimeirate 4.9 out of 5. Ipo designed proffesionally
Great job#changeTanzania
I am banking at my comfort with NMB KLiK app. Download here

— Senior Citizen™ (@heliufoo) August 15, 2018

The new NMB KLiK App is revolutionizing the mobile banking in Tanzania like never before 🔥🔥🔥🔥 congrats @NMBTanzania for major milestone

— Julius J. Mbungo (@007juelz) August 15, 2018

Tuesday, 21 August 2018


Sylvia Mulinge is a Kenyan so she needs a work permit to
take up her new appointment in Tanzania.
Vodacom Tanzania's new managing director Sylvia Mulinge is yet to take up her new position, four months after her appointment, as the firm awaits a work permit from the Immigration Department.

The telco, which is Tanzania’s largest wireless telecommunications network, says it applied for the document on May 23, and is still awaiting a response.

But, the firm is still confident that the long wait will not affect operations, saying it has a business continuity plan in place.

The commercial director, Hisham Hendi, is heading the company in an acting capacity, Vodacom Tanzania PLC chairman Ali Mufuruki said in response to an inquiry by The EastAfrican.

“The pending work permit has no impact on business operations and we hope to know the outcome as soon as possible so it does not affect future performance,” Mr Mufuruki added.

Ms Mulinge, previously director of the consumer business unit at Safaricom in Kenya, was appointed in mid-April to take up the position then held by Ian Ferrao. She was to assume office on June 1.

Mr Ferrao led Vodacom Tanzania through the $213 million initial public offering in August 2016 — the country’s largest.

Vodacom controls 32 per cent market share of the country’s 40 million mobile subscribers. Its half-year results showed that its customer base grew 5.5 per cent to 13.2 million customers, up from 12.6 million over the same period last year.

Tanzania media reported that Ms Mulinge’s was not among the more than 400 work permits the Immigration department issued last week.


A Kenya Airways plane: About 7,000 travellers have booked seats on KQ’ direct flights to New York ahead of the October 2018 inaugural journey.
About 7,000 travellers have booked seats on Kenya Airways’ direct flights to New York ahead of the October inaugural journey.

The bookings are spread across the year starting October 28 when the first ever direct commercial flight from Nairobi to New York will take off.

Kenya Airways’ sales director, Julius Thairu, in an interview, said the inaugural flight alone is already more than 80 per cent full.

“To date we have over 7,000 bookings for the New York route with expected cabin factor of above 80 per cent for the inaugural flight. We are entering the booking window and expect to take off with a much higher occupancy,” said Mr Thairu.

The airline expects the inaugural flight to be fully booked with last-minute reservations.

The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) director-general, Gilbert Kibe, and the agency’s board members will be leading an advance team from Kenya to New York two days before the inaugural flight to receive the airline at the JFK International Airport.


Tanzania na Uganda zinatarajiwa kusaini Mkataba wa Makubaliano (MoU) kuhusu uendelezaji wa Bomba la kusafirisha gesi asilia litakaloanzia hapa nchini na kuishia Uganda na makubaliano ya kushirikiana katika masuala ya elimu na mafunzo (Education and Training).

Uwekaji saini wa MoU hizo utafanyika katika Mkutano wa Pili wa Tume ya Kudumu ya Pamoja ya Ushirikiano (JPC) Kati ya Tanzania na Uganda utakaofanyika Kampala kuanzia tarehe 21 hadi 23 Agosti 2018.

Ujumbe wa Tanzania katika mkutano huo utaongozwa na Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, Mhe. Dkt. Augustine Mahiga (Mb).
Mkutano huo wa JPC unafanyika pamoja na mambo mengine ni utekelezaji wa azma ya Viongozi wa nchi hizo, Mhe. Dkt. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli na Mhe. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ya kuimarisha ushirikiano wa kibiashara hususan, katika ujenzi wa miundombinu itakayoboresha biashara kati ya Tanzania na Uganda.

Maeneo mbalimbali ya ushirikiano yatajadiliwa katika mkutano huo yakiwemo ujenzi wa miundombinu ya barabara, usafiri wa majini, reli, anga, nishati ya Umeme na vituo vya kutoa huduma kwa pamoja mipakani ambayo yana mchango mkubwa katika ukuaji wa uchumi na biashara ya nchi hizo.
Maeneo mengine yatakayojadiliwa ni pamoja na ushirikiano katika Kilimo, utalii, biashara za mipakani na afya. Aidha, Mkutano huo utatoa fursa ya kuimarisha ushirikiano katika sekta za mazingira, maji na michezo.

Mkutano wa kwanza wa JPC ulifanyika Arusha mwezi Aprili 2017 ambapo pande mbili zilikubaliana kushirikiana katika maeneo mbalimbali ambayo mkutano wa Kampala utapata fursa ya kutathmini utekelezaji wake na kuibua maeneo mapya ya ushirikiano.

Imetolewa na:
Kitengo cha Mawasiliano ya Serikali,
Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki,
Dar es Salaam.
20 Agosti 2018