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Thursday, 21 December 2017


Sanlam Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Manasseh Kawoloka opening the event.
Dar es Salaam 20th December 2017 - Sanlam General Insurance conducted a day long training session at Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The event was attended by over 45 agents from different firms and regions.

The training focused on different areas such as Use of Modern Technology on Premium Payments and Collections the insuring public, Finance management, Market Developments and new regulations.

The Chief executive Officer, Mr Manasseh Kawoloka, who officially opened this event shared with gathering new developments and regulations that have been recently introduced in insurance industry. He emphasized the requirement that all agents should understand and comply with the regulatory changes introduced in the market. The new law requires the client to pay premium before or on the date of commencement of the insurance cover.

On the other hand, as part of improving service delivery on how Agents do business, Sanlam General has introduced a new system to their Agents that will assist to improve the work flow and business in general. The system will reduce manual transaction between the Agents, their Clients and Sanlam General especially on covernote issuance, premium payments and collections.

“Sanlam General believes that training Agents is part of doing business the right way and it is something that is enjoyed and like to do. Trainings on this nature offers opportunities to interact with agents more freely and in informal way”, said Business Development Manager Mr. Jabir Kigoda.

Agents were very excited and pleased with the training and they are looking forward for more opportunities for training in the year ahead 2018.

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