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Friday, 21 July 2017


President John Magufuli is joined by the Minister for Works, Communication and Technology, Prof. Makame Mbarawa (sixth left), Government Officials and Members of Parliament in cutting a ribbon to officially open the 154km Biharamulo - Kagoma - Lusahunga road in Kagera Region on Wednesday.
  • Issues 14-day ultimatum for service stations to fit EFPPs
President John Magufuli has added weight to the ongoing Electrical Fiscal Petrol Printers (EFPPs) crackdown, issuing a 14-day ultimatum to owners of petrol stations countrywide to ensure that they fit their pumps with the gadgets or risk losing their businesses.

He has also directed regional commissioners (RCs) and district commissioners (DCs) to closely supervise the exercise. President Magufuli read the riot act ON Wednesday when addressing a public rally at Biharamulo Township, where he launched the 154kms Kagoma-Biharamulo-Lusahunga road.

“For quite a long time, businessmen operating petrol stations have been evading paying tax. The Fifth Phase government is determined to ensure that majority Tanzanians get essential services including health and education. We cannot make that possible if some traders evade paying necessary taxes, leaving the burden to public servants and peasants who toil all the year on the farm,” he said amid applause.

The Head of State explained that the government increased budget for buying essential drugs from 31bn/- up to 250bn/, adding that this was to ensure that majority Tanzanians get health services at affordable prices.

He elaborated that the government is constructing the Kagoma-Biharamulo-Lusahunga highway at a cost of 190.4bn/- which is wholly paid through internal revenue sources.

This is a big achievement. Tanzania is among five African countries that have managed to construct roads using own sources. We must ensure that the infrastructure is well maintained,” he said.

Mr Magufuli reminded Tanzanians to ensure that the existing peace and stability is well maintained. He urged them to learn from experience from some of the neighbouring countries where thousands of people were butchered in civil conflicts.

We should not allow that to happen in our country, he said adding that development does not depend on political or religious lines. He further noted that the government had abolished nuisance taxes and crop levies in order to enable low income people to enjoy fruits of their sweat.

Such nuisance taxes resulted in people being tempted to smuggle crops including coffee to neighbouring countries. He also left the audience in stitches when he told them that district councils should not collect levies from owners of crops under one tonne.

“A peasant with 20 tonnes of food crops should not hire a twenty tonne lorry. Instead, he/she should hire a one-tonne truck and will not be taxed,” he said.

He assured Biharamulo residents that water blues facing the township will soon be history, before directing the Managing Director of Bukoba Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (BUWASA), Engineer Allen Marwa, to ensure that the contractor who was assigned the job fits water pipes before July 30, this year.

President Magufuli also directed the Kagera Regional Commissioner (RC) Salum Kijuu and District Commissioners to ensure that all livestock wandering in Forest Reserves including Burigi are rounded up or confiscated.

He appealed to Tanzanians to maintain few numbers of livestock that will profit them financially, adding that the country had not benefitted much from the livestock sector. Burigi could be a tourist destination.

We have to ensure that our natural resources are well managed, he stressed. He assured Biharamulo small-scale miners that the government will give them areas to benefit from gold mining.

President Magufuli is on a two-day tour of Kagera Region.

Daily News

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