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Thursday 13 April 2017


President John Magufuli yesterday directed a new team sworn-in to probe mineral sands to conduct thorough investigations to establish the amount of containers that have been exported for the last 19 years.

In the same vein, the head of state has tasked the squad to establish types of minerals, their monetary value and amount contained in such containers, a statement issued in Dar es Salaam by the Directorate of Presidential Communications stated.

Dr Magufuli issued the instruction after swearing-in the second special team he named on Monday to examine the contents of mineral sand in containers held in various parts of the country.

This time around, the team comprises economists and lawyers while the first was made up of geologists, chemists and scientists. The team members are Professor Nehemiah Eliachim Osoro, Professor Longinus Kyaruzi Rutasitara, Dr Oswald Joseph Mashindano and Mr Gabriel Pascal Malata.

Others are Mr Casmir Sumba Kyuki, Ms Butamo Kasuka Philip, Mr Usaje Benard Usubisye and Andrew Wilson Massawe. “Get on with it … we need to know how many containers have been exported since 1998…types of minerals … how many tonnes of gold, coppers and silver.

“How many containers are being shipped per month? Your study should answer these questions,” he directed, adding that the team must also find out how much the country had earned … thus far … from the exports.

He also tasked the team to examine the legal aspects and see what law says about the exportation. The president noted that it was high time the country benefited from her natural resources, adding that he was not ready seeing Tanzanian resources benefit foreigners while locals were suffering.

Meanwhile, Dr Magufuli yesterday received the 2015/2016 Performance Report from the Prevention and Combatting of Corruption Bureau (PCCB). The report presented by the anti-graft body’s Director General, Mr Valentino Mlowola, among others, dwells on ‘success stories’ recorded in the anti-corruption campaign as well as the challenges facing the force.

Mr Mlowola noted that there had been positive response from the citizens in reporting corruption claims, consequently pushing up number of graft cases filed in various courts of law.

The DG said the anti-graft body has been able to save 53bn/- since President Magufuli came into power up from 7bn/- recorded in the last administration. He said they successfully managed to control revenue losses through tax evasion and project funds mismanagement.

Dr Magufuli hailed PCCB for ‘work well done’ and pledged that the government would lend its full support to ensure the war against graft succeeded, urging that all “those proved to have been involved in corruption are dealt with seriously.”

“We can’t make it without containing corruption. I thus ask Tanzanians and all other relevant authorities to cooperate in fighting corruption,” he said, showing dissatisfaction with legal actions against the culprits.

Daily News

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