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Wednesday, 28 September 2016


DSE Market Turnover for Week Ending 23rd September, 2016

The week ending Friday 23rd September, 2016 recorded a weekly market turnover of TZS 16.2 Billion, up more than 9 times from last week's market turnover of TZS 1.7 Billion.

The volume of shares traded also increased 14 times from the previous week and closed this week at 4.8 million shares traded. The market leaders in volume traded were CRDB at 72%, TBL at 24% and DSE at 2% of total volume of shares traded (i.e. of the 4.8 million shares traded).

DSE Market Capitalization for Week Ending 23rd September, 2016

Friday 23rd September saw the DSE Total Market Cap up 3.9% at TZS 21.6 Trillion compared to the previous Friday recorded cap of TZS 20.8 Trillion. However the domestic market capitalization experienced a 0.5% decrease at TZS 8.1 Trillion, down from TZS 8.2 Trillion the previous week.

The drop in domestic market cap was contributed to by the Industrial & Allied and the Banking & Finance Sectors, where TBL sustained a 0.39% drop on its share price and lowered the IA sector's index by 13 points and DSE and CRDB sustained respective losses of 3.7% and 3.45% on their share prices and lowered the BI sector index by 34 points. The TSI responded by dropping 19.90 points equivalent to a drop of 0.5% compared to the previous week's averages.

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