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Sunday, 14 August 2016


Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) Executive Director, 
​Dr. ​Aggrey Mlimuka (right), welcomes Chinese Deputy Ambassador to Tanzania, Gou Haodong during a one day workshop organized for the Chinese business community in the country on labor laws, working permits and other integrated issues. The workshop was organized by ATE in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania and Prime Minister’s Office, Labour, Youth, Employment and People with Disabilities. The event was held in Dar es Salaam over the weekend.
The Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) Legal Services Manager, Suzanne Ndomba (right), elaborates on legal issues during a one day workshop organized for Chinese business community in the country on labor laws, working permits and other integrated issues. 
The Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania and Prime Minister’s Office, Labour, Youth, Employment and People’s With Disabilities has conducted a one day seminar to educate the Chinese business community to understand labor laws, working permits and other integrated issues.

Speaking in Dar es Salaam over the weekend on the sidelines of the one day workshop, ATE Executive Director, Dr Aggrey Mlimuka said that the association of employers in Tanzania has teamed up with the China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) to hold a one day training seminar for the Chinese business people in order to improve their understanding of the Tanzanian business environment, labor laws, working permits procedures and other related issues.

“We have invited our counterparts from Norway, China and Kenya to share with us their experience and best practices in their respective countries in order to revamp and improve our trade and business relations between Tanzania and China,” he said.

He underscored that the main focus of the seminar is to educate the Chinese business community here in Tanzania the labour laws and collective bargaining agreements for the Chinese businesses in the country in order to avoid misunderstanding and chaos at the workplaces.

Dr Mlimuka has reiterated that ATE will continue to educate the Chinese business community in the country to pave the way for more investments from China.

On his part, the Chinese Deputy Ambassador to Tanzania, Gou Haodong said that the seminar will create awareness and improve understanding on labour laws, working permits and other business issues to majority of Chinese business community in Tanzania.

“This training will increase the performance of Chinese here while adding value to the country’s GDP which will foster social and economic development of the country,” he added.

He said that the workshop will improve bilateral ties between the two countries due to the fact that most of the Chinese business people were not aware of the labour laws, working permits and other issues.

“I can assure you that the mutual understanding between Chinese employers organ with the Tanzanian counterpart will bring positive results in the near future including creating more jobs for Tanzanians,” he noted.

The Labour Commissioner from the Prime Minister’s Office, Labour, Youth, Employment and People with Disabilities, Hilda Kabisa said that the government plans to continue educating foreigners including Chinese on how to apply working permits to avoid government legal action.

She said that currently her office has 8,000 application of working permits from different foreigners who seek to work and investment in the country.

Kabisa said that through the Non-Citizen Regulation act of 2015 described clearly on which clear procedures that the foreigner should follow to acquire a working permit that allow him or her to start a business.

The Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) is the most representative Employers Organisation in Tanzania. It is a consultative advisory organization on employment and labour matters. Formerly known as the Federation of Tanganyika Employers (FTE), ATE was formed in 1960 by a number of companies, industries and association of employers.

ATE is one of the three tripartite forums that address all industrial relations and labour related issues at sectoral and national levels in Tanzania. Other forums are Government of Tanzania and Trade Unions.

The Association represents employers in all sectors of the national economy excluding the civil service. ATE members are drawn from private business firms, companies and some parastatal organisations. Members are classified into eight divisions namely Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Mining, Banking and Finance, Oil industry and Utilities and Service as well as Private Security divisions.

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