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Thursday, 14 May 2015


Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Pereira Silima.
The government has refuted widely circulated claims that the area occupying Oysterbay Police Station has been sold to an investor, who is set to construct a shopping mall. “The Oysterbay Police Station land has not been sold and will not be sold,” Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Pereira Silima told the National Assembly on Wednesday.

The Deputy Minister said that what was going on was a partnership that the police force has entered into with investors to construct 350 houses for police officers in the area including a shopping mall.

He was responding to a supplementary question by Moses Machali (Kasulu Urban - NCCR Mageuzi), who had sought the government’s statement on the allegations.

In his basic question, the legislator had wanted to know when the government would set aside a budget for the construction of houses for police and prison officers in Kasulu District, as was the case in other districts.

The Deputy Minister said it was true that the quarters occupied by police and prison officers in the district were in a dilapidated state.

He pointed out that requirement for construction of houses in the country to accommodate all officers in the country was high as the government has inadequate funds.

The Deputy Minister, however, said the government would continue with its efforts to construct more houses for police and prison officers, depending on the availability of funds.

With regard to the police, he said, the government was expecting to get a soft loan from the government of China to facilitate construction of 4,136 houses in the country, including Kasulu district.

According to the Deputy Minister, the police force, through a public-private partnership (PPP), would construct the said 350 houses in the Oysterbay police area.

For prison officers, Mr Silima said the Prisons department had been undertaking renovation of unfinished buildings and constructing new ones by using local materials to reduce costs.

Daily News

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