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Monday, 1 December 2014


The Tanzanian government plans to spend Tsh1.9 trillion ($1.1 billion) to upgrade four of its highways in a bid to boost trade within the country and with the other East African countries.

Transport Permanent Secretary Shaaban Mwinjaka said the targeted roads will ease transport between Dar es Salaam and upcountry destinations and neighbouring Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda, Burundi, DR Congo and Zambia through Tanzam highway and the Central Corridor.
Key among the roads is the 100km Dar es Salaam-Chalinze expressway to be upgraded under a private-public partnership. He said users of the expressway that will cost Tsh881 billion ($519 million) will pay toll fees.
Transportation of cargo
The other major road is the 105km Arusha -Moshi-Himo Junction dual carriageway, estimated to cost Tsh679 billion ($400 million).
“This road will also facilitate the transportation of cargo from Arusha and Moshi and to the border posts and the Dar es Salaam and Tanga ports, and enhance regional and inter-regional economic integration,” he said.
The 188km Kidahwe-Ilunde-Malagarasi-Kaliua road is also earmarked for upgrade estimated at Tsh254.6 billion ($150 million). The road links the Kigoma port with Tabora municipality and passes through areas rich in agriculture, tourism, forestry and fisheries.
The government has also earmarked the Manyoni-Itigi-Tabora for rehabilitation at a cost of Tsh 96.7 billion ($57 million) to ease transportation of agricultural produce from Tabora to Dar es Salaam and Tanga ports for export.
The road links Tabora with the Central Corridor.
The East African

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