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Tuesday, 16 December 2014


On 5th December 2014, READ International in collaboration with the International School of Tanganyika opened a library at Makumbusho Secondary School in Dar es Salaam. The library has 856 newly purchased books and over 1000 donated books from the UK. An opening ceremony was held on the 5th December 2014 and the guest of honour Faraja Nyalandu, who is also a READ board member, ushered the Makumbuhso students into their new library. The ceremony also had a surprise guest, actor Gabo Zigamba, who spoke some few words to the students about the importance of the library. READ International's work doesn't stop with the library, they will be implementing a literacy program at the school in Februrary 2015 that will encourage the students to read and use the library.

About READ International

READ International is a UK and Tanzania registered charity.  Since 2004 we have distributed over 1.4 million books to over 1,000 Tanzanian schools, created 62 libraries in schools in 17 regions, and improved access to education for over 500,000 school students.  These vital educational resources have been distributed into thousands of schools across Tanzania by Tanzanian university student volunteers; providing help for schools to deliver their education programmes. 
To find out more visit
Twitter: @readint and @readinttanzania
Additional quotes from the Head Office can be provided on request.
READ International is a registered charity, no. 1128534, and a company registered in England and Wales, no. 06317982 and an NGO in Tanzania I-NGO/00006442
For more information please contact Montse on 0659 367 099 or

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