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Wednesday, 31 January 2024


Absa Bank Tanzania Head of Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Aron Luhanga, handsover a dummy cheque of Tshs. 10 million to Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA), Chief Executive Director, Ms. Tike Mwambipile (left) in Dar es Salaam, to equip the association’s legal aid clinics in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Mbeya, Arusha, Tanga and Dodoma to provide free and quality legal aid services to women and children victims of gender-based violence. Second left is TAWLA Head of Programs, Ms. Mary Richard and Absa Bank Citizenship Manager, Ms. Hellen Siria.

Absa Bank Tanzania has donated TZS 10m to Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) to equip legal aid clinics in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Mbeya, Arusha, Tanga and Dodoma to provide free and quality legal aid services to women and children victim of gender-based violence.

Speaking at the handover occasion ih Dar es Salaam today, the Head of Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Mr. Aron Luhanga said that, “Our passion for our communities is as strong as ever and our commitment to serve and protect them is unwavering. Therefore, we continue to invest in people’s wellbeing while ensuring we play a role in the society we exist in and serve.

Mr. Luhanga also added by saying that the GBV victims are of no difference from all other women and children but there is a special need for their legal support and a proper welfare support while at the legal aid clinics.

“Legal aid clinics for these women and children is very key for us at Absa considering these children have a greater impact into our country tomorrow and it will raise the families hope in taking care of the children but also empower women to have a voice in their communities and the children to have something better to look unto everyday as they aim to achieve their dreams,” said Mr. Luhanga.


Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa EABL, Jane Karuku akipanda mti katika kiwanda cha Serengeti Breweries Ltd. (SBL) kilichopo Manispaa ya Moshi Mkoani Kilimanjaro katika kampeni ya kulinda mazingira.
Katika harakati za kuinua kipato cha mtu mmoja mmoja, Serikali imedhamiria kupambana na umasikini kwa kujenga Uchumi wa Kiushindani wa Viwanda. Serikali imeweka jitihada za makusudi kwa kuanzisha Mpango wa Tatu wa Taifa wa Maendeleo wa Miaka Mitano FYDP III (2021/22 – 2025/26). Mpango huo pia unatambua umuhimu wa sekta zingine katika kuleta maendeleo kama kudumisha utawala bora, elimu, maji safi na salama, pamoja na kuunda uchumi thabiti na wa ushindani. Kushughulikia utofauti wa mapato na matumizi katika jamii kunatambulika kama kipengele muhimu katika kufikia malengo yaliyoainishwa katika Dira ya Maendeleo ya Taifa. Mnamo 2023, kampuni ya Serengeti Breweries Limited iliimarisha zaidi dhamira yake ya kusaidia FYDP III(2021/22 - 2025/26).

Wakazi 2,000 wa Mkoa wa Pwani wamepata maji safi:

Programu ya maji safi na salma kutoka SBL imekuwa na matokeo makubwa baada ya kujenga bwawa la usambazaji maji katika Wilaya ya Handeni, Mkoa wa Tanga, Tanzania, na kuwanufaisha zaidi ya wakazi 2,000 katika eneo la Pwani. Kwa ushirikiano na WaterAid, bwawa hilo linazalisha mita za ujazo 137,000, sawa na zaidi ya mabwawa 53 ya kuogelea ya Olimpiki. Huu ni mradi wa 25 wa SBL kutekelezwa kote Tanzania katika muongo uliopita, kutoa maji safi na salama kwa jamii za Tanzania.

Utekelezaji wa ahadi hii ya SBL inadumisha juhudi za serikali katika kuongeza usambazaji wa maji safi kwa asilimia 85 ya wananchi na asilimia 95 ya wananchi kupata huduma bora za vyoo katika maeneo ya vijijini ifikapo 2025.

Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Kampuni ya Bia ya Serengeti, Obinna Anyalebechi, alisema, “mradi huu wa maji wa TZS milioni 380 unathibitisha dhamira yetu ya usimamizi endelevu wa rasilimali za maji na unatambua umuhimu wa rasilimali hii ya thamani kwa kizazi cha sasa na kijacho”.

Friday, 26 January 2024


Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (kulia), akisalimiana na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania, Bw. Philip Besiimire, baada ya kukutana na kufanya mazungumzo na ujumbe kutoka Kampuni hiyo, ambapo wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya kuimarisha ushirikiano kati ya Serikali na Kampuni hiyo.
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), akizungumza wakati wa kikao chake na ujumbe kutoka Kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania ulioongozwa na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya hiyo, Bw. Philip Besiimire (hayupo pichani), jijini Dodoma, ambapo wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya kuimarisha ushirikiano na uwekezaji kati ya Serikali na Kampuni hiyo.
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (katikati), akizungumza wakati wa kikao chake na ujumbe kutoka Kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania (kulia) ulioongozwa na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya hiyo, Bw. Philip Besiimire, jijini Dodoma, ambapo wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya kuimarisha ushirikiano na uwekezaji kati ya Serikali na Kampuni hiyo.
Ujumbe kutoka Kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania ukiongozwa na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni hiyo, Bw. Philip Besiimire (kulia), ukimsikiliza kwa umakini Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (hayupo pichani), wakati wa kikao chao kilichofanyika jijini Dodoma, ambapo wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya kuimarisha ushirikiano na uwekezaji kati ya Serikali na Kampuni hiyo.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania, Bw. Philip Besiimire, akizungumza jambo wakati wa kikao cha Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) na ujumbe wa Kampuni hiyo, jijini Dodoma, ambapo katika kikao hicho wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya kuimarisha ushirikiano na uwekezaji kati ya Serikali na Kampuni hiyo.
Kamishna wa Sera Wizara ya Fedha, Bw. William Mhoja (kushoto), Kamishna Msaidizi wa Sera Wizara ya Fedha, Bw. Cyril Chimilila (katikati) pamoja na maafisa wengine wa Wizara ya Fedha, wakiwa katika kikao cha Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) na ujumbe wa Kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania, jijini Dodoma. Ambapo katika kikao hicho wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya kuimarisha ushirikiano na uwekezaji kati ya Serikali na Kampuni hiyo.
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (wa tano kulia), na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania, Bw. Philip Besiimire (wa tano kushoto), wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na ujumbe wa Vodacom Tanzania pamoja na Maafisa wa Wizara ya Fedha, baada ya kumalizika kwa Kikao chao, jijini Dodoma, ambapo katika kikao hicho wamejadiliana masuala mbalimbali ya kuimarisha ushirikiano na uwekezaji kati ya Serikali na Kampuni hiyo.

Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba ameahidi kuwa Serikali itaendelea kuboresha sera za kodi ili kuchochea uwekezaji kutoka sekta binafsi ili kukuza uchumi wa nchi, ajira na maisha bora kwa watanzania.

Dkt. Nchemba (Mb) amesema hayo Jijini Dodoma, alipokutana na kufanya mazungumzo na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya Mawasiliano ya Vodacom Tanzania, Bw. Philip Besiimire.

Alisema kuwa Sekta binafsi inafanya kazi nzuri kwa kuunga mkono jitihada za Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Dkt. Samia Suluhu Hassan, za kukuza sekta hiyo inayotoa ajira kwa watanzania, kuchangia kodi ya Serikali na kwamba na Vodacom ikiwa miongoni mwa walipa kodi wakubwa.

“Tunaipongeza Kampuni ya Vodacom kwa kuendelea kuongeza mtandao wenu unaosaidia katika kutoa huduma jumuishi za kifedha kupitia mfumo wa kutuma na kutoa fedha kidigitali”, alieleza Dkt. Nchemba.

Akizungumzia maombi yaliyotolewa na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji huyo wa VODACOM-Tanzania, Bw. Philip Besiimire, kuhusu kupunguza Kodi ya Ongezeko la Thamani (VAT) kwenye simu janja (smartphone) ili watu wengi waweze kutumia simu hizo, Dkt. Nchemba alisema kuwa maoni hayo yawasilishwe na kujadiliwa kwenye kamati ya kukusanya maoni ya sera za kodi ili yachakatwe na kupatiwa ufumbuzi.


CREDITINFO Tanzania Executive Director, Edwin Urassa (left) shakes hands with ICRA Rating Agency International Director, Zeeshan Khan in Dar es Salaam recently after exchanging documents for credit evaluation services to financial institutions in the country.

CREDITINFO Tanzania and Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency (ICRA) Rating Agency have partnered to provide credit rating services to Tanzania institutions giving them a competitive edge in the international markets.

Credit ratings are essential for lenders, borrowing companies, and entities considering investments in equity shares or bonds of borrowing firms.

Lenders rely on credit ratings to evaluate a company’s creditworthiness and make informed decisions regarding loan approvals or denials.

The ICRA Rating Agency General Manager, Zeeshan Khan said in a statement that with the agreement, credit evaluation solutions are going to be available, creating new standards and opportunities for the financial industry.

“It is a new milestone as we introduce ICRA Rating Agency as the first credit rating agency locally based in Tanzania and fully geared towards uplifting the economy, by providing credit rating services that are African-centred,” he said.

“We believe that credit rating will provide ample opportunities and also offer a competitive edge to various institutions, most especially the Tanzanian institutions in the International Market.


Waziri wa Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), akizungumza kuhusu umuhimu wa uwekezaji katika sekta ya kilimo wakati wa mkutano na ujumbe kutoka Kampuni ya NMS Infrastructure kutoka nchini Uingereza, ikiongozwa na Mratibu wa Kampuni hiyo kwa nchi za Afrika Mashariki, Bw. Tom Vaughan (hayupo pichani), jijini Dodoma. Kulia ni Waziri wa Kilimo, Mhe. Hussein Bashe.
Mkurugenzi wa Maendeleo ya Biashara wa Kampuni ya NMS Infrastructure anayesimamia nchi za Kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara, Bw. Alistair Johnston (katikati), akizungumza jambo wakati wa Mkutano na Waziri wa Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) na Waziri wa Kilimo, Mhe. Hussein Bashe (Mb), jijini Dodoma (hawapo pichani), kulia ni Mratibu wa Kampuni hiyo kwa nchi za Afrika Mashariki, Bw. Tom Vaughan.
Waziri wa Kilimo, Mhe. Hussein Bashe, akizungumza jambo kuhusu mpango wa Serikali wa kuongeza nguvu ya uwekezaji katika sekta ya kilimo hususan katika kuongeza uzalishaji na mnyororo wa thamani katika mazao ya kilimo, wakati wa mkutano na ujumbe wa Kampuni ya NMS Infrastructure ya nchini Uingereza, ikiongozwa na Mratibu wa Kampuni hiyo kwa nchi za Afrika Mashariki, Bw. Tom Vaughan (hayupo pichani), jijini Dodoma. Kushoto ni Waziri wa Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb).
Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Fedha, Dkt. Natu El-maamry Mwamba, na Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Kilimo, Bw. Gerald Mweli, wakisikiliza kwa makini wasilisho la Kampuni ya NMS Infrastructure ya nchini Uingereza, kutoka kwa Mratibu wa Kampuni hiyo kwa nchi za Afrika Mashariki, Bw. Tom Vaughan (hayupo pichani), kwenye mkutano wa Ujumbe wa Kampuni hiyo na Waziri wa Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) na Waziri wa Kilimo, Mhe. Hussein Bashe (Mb), jijini Dodoma.
Baadhi ya wajumbe kutoka Wizara ya Fedha, wakiwa katika mkutano wa Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), Waziri wa Kilimo, Mhe. Hussein Bashe (Mb) na Ujumbe wa Kampuni ya NMS Infrastructure ya nchini Uingereza, ulioangazia uwekezaji kwenye sekta ya Kilimo, uliofanyika jijini Dodoma.
Kamishna wa Idara ya Usimamizi wa Madeni, Wizara ya Fedha, Bw. Japhet Justine, akizungumza jambo wakati wa mkutano kati ya Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), Waziri wa Kilimo, Mhe. Hussein Bashe (Mb) na Ujumbe wa Kampuni ya NMS Infrastructure ya Uingereza, jijini Dodoma.
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) na Waziri wa Kilimo, Mhe. Hussein Bashe (Mb) wakiwa katika mkutano na Ujumbe wa Kampuni ya NMS Infrastructure ya Uingereza, ulioangazia uwekezaji kwenye sekta ya kilimo, jijini Dodoma.


Piga *150*53# kulipia kifurushi chako cha Poa Shs 10,000 tu ufurahie mechi hii.


Thursday, 25 January 2024


Dar es Salaam Wine Festival is where wine takes the spotlight!!

It's a vibe with friends, everyone casually swirling glasses, sharing laughs and diving into a grapey adventure.

No pretentiousness here just good times discovering which wine tickles your taste buds. From fruity giggles to oaky chuckles. 

It's a relaxed grape escape where sipping is an art, and the only rule is to enjoy every drop!

Cheers to a fun-filled wine journey!

Get your early bird tickets to #darwinefestival now in bio.



As the world comes together to celebrate the first International Day of Clean Energy, Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL), a subsidiary of Diageo, proudly stands at the forefront of the brewing industry's sustainable revolution. In alignment with Diageo's ambitious 10-year ESG action plan, "Society 2030: Spirit of Progress," SBL is making significant strides toward reducing its environmental footprint and embracing clean energy solutions.

Eliminating Waste, Elevating Efficiency

SBL's sustainability journey begins with a steadfast commitment to eliminating waste across all its operations, with a particular focus on energy conservation. In the past five years, the brewery has achieved remarkable success, slashing both energy and water usage by more than half. This reduction is not merely a numerical achievement but a testament to SBL's dedication to responsible resource management.

The significance of this phase lies in its immediate impact on resource preservation and operational efficiency. By curbing wasteful practices, SBL not only contributes to a healthier planet but also streamlines its brewing processes, creating more sustainable practices in the industry.

Embracing Technological Advancements

Moving seamlessly into the second phase of their sustainability journey, SBL deploys cutting-edge technology within its brewing processes. Energy recovery systems and state-of-the-art plant and packaging lines exemplify the commitment to efficiency without compromising on quality. The brewing industry, historically energy-intensive, is now witnessing a paradigm shift as SBL leads the way in embracing greener, more efficient technologies.


25 January 2024: Old Mutual Limited today announced the sale of its full stake in UAP Insurance Tanzania, its short-term insurance business to a group within its current Minority Shareholding, pending regulatory approval.

This decision follows a thorough strategic review of the businesses relative to the immediate-to-long-term objectives of the broader Old Mutual Group.

Old Mutual Holdings CEO, Arthur Oginga commented: “Since acquiring UAP Insurance Tanzania in

2015, it has been our ambition to scale and grow in a way that would position us as one of the leading financial services providers in the market. Along the way, we made strategic investments to ensure that our business remained on the right footing and was able to compete successfully. However, the business in Tanzania has faced challenges in meeting expected return on capital for various operational and environmental reasons. We have evaluated various options to attaining market leadership in Tanzania, however, we no longer see a clear path to achieving this strategic objective. As a result, we have decided to sell our stake in our short-term insurance business to Strategic Ventures Company Limited, a grouping from the existing minority shareholders of UAP Insurance Tanzania Limited.”

UAP Insurance Tanzania said that it does not foresee any impacts to the policies and relationships with its customers and stakeholders in Tanzania and will collaborate with the incoming owners to ensure a smooth transition.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024


Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (kushoto), akimkabidhi mwongozo wa Sheria ya Usimamizi wa Kodi, Sura ya 438 kwa Msuluhishi wa Malalamiko na Taarifa za Kodi, Bw. Robert Manyama, baada ya kuzindua Taasisi ya Usuluhishi wa Malalamiko na Taarifa za Kodi (Tax Ombudsman Service Tanzania - TOST), katika ukumbi wa Kambarage, Wizara ya Fedha, Dodoma. Taasisi ya Usuluhishi wa Malalamiko na Taarifa za Kodi ni chombo huru chenye jukumu la kupitia na kushughulikia malalamiko yote ya walipakodi kuhusu huduma, masuala ya kiutaratibu na kiutawala yanayoweza kujitokeza katika usimamizi wa sheria za kodi zinazotekelezwa na Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania-TRA.
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) (kulia), akiitambulisha rasmi Tovuti ya Taasisi ya Usuluhishi wa Malalamiko na Taarifa za Kodi (Tax Ombudsman Service Tanzania –, wakati wa Uzinduzi rasmi wa Taasisi hiyo katika ukumbi wa Kambarage, Wizara ya Fedha, Dodoma. Hafla hiyo imehudhuriwa na Kamati ya Kudumu ya Bunge ya Bajeti, Viongozi wa Taasisi mbalimbali za Serikali, Viongozi wa Wizara ya Fedha, Viongozi wa Dini, Taasisi zisizo za Kiserikali pamoja na wanahabari.
Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya Uzinduzi wa Taasisi ya Usuluhishi wa Malalamiko na Taarifa za Kodi-TOST, iliyofanyika katika ukumbi wa Kambarage, Wizara ya Fedha, Dodoma. Taasisi hiyo imeanzishwa baada ya Bunge la Tanzania, tarehe 13 Juni 2019, kupitisha Sheria ya Fedha ya mwaka 2019, iliyoanza kutumika tarehe 1 Julai 2019, ambapo Sheria hiyo ilifanyiwa marekebisho Sheria ya Usimamizi wa Kodi, Sura ya. 438 ili kuanzisha Taasisi hiyo inayojulikana kama “Taasisi ya Usuluhishi wa Malalamiko na Taarifa za Kodi - Tax Ombudsman Service Tanzania”.

Waziri wa Fedha, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) ameiagiza Ofisi ya Usuluhishi wa Malalamiko na Taarifa za kodi (TOST) kuhakikisha inatatua migogoro mbalimbali ya kodi kwa wakati ili kuiwezesha Serikali kukusanya mapato pamoja na kuimarisha mazingira ya ufanyaji biashara nchini.

Dkt. Nchemba alitoa agizo hilo Jijini Dodoma wakati akizindua rasmi Ofisi hiyo mpya ambayo iko chini ya Wizara ya Fedha.

Mhe. Nchemba alisema kuwa Serikali inatarajia kwamba Ofisi hiyo itasaidia kupunguza migogoro ya kikodi na kuongeza kiwango cha ulipaji kodi kwa hiari, hivyo kuongeza mapato ya Serikali.

“Ofisi hii utasaidie kupunguza migogoro ya kodi na kuongeza kiwango cha ulipaji kodi kwa hiari, siku tukifanikiwa kuongeza idadi ya walipakodi (taxbase), tutakuwa na uhuru mkubwa sana wa kupunguza hivi viwango vya ulipaji kodi”, alisema Mhe. Dkt. Nchemba.

Alisema ni matarajio ya Serikali kuwa ustawi wa biashara utaongezeka kutokana na walipa kodi kupata jukwaa huru litakalotoa fursa ya kusikiliza changamoto zinazohusu usimamizi wa sheria ya kodi pamoja na huduma zinazotolewa na Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA).

Mhe. Dkt. Alisema Wizara ya Fedha itaendelea kusimamia na kuboresha utendaji wa Taasisi hiyo kwa kuhakikisha kuwa mahitaji yote muhimu yanapatikana ikiwemo rasilimali watu, vifaa na mifumo ya kisasa ili iweze kutoa huduma bora kwa walipa kodi.

Aidha, Aliagiza Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA) kuendelea kukusanya kodi kwa weledi kwa kutafuta njia ya majadiliano na wafanyabiashara wanaokiuka taratibu badala ya kufunga biashara zao.

Mhe. Dkt. Nchemba aliwaagiza Wafanayabiashara kufanya biashara zao kwa kufuata sheria, taratibu na kanuni zilizopo ili kuepusha misuguano isiyo ya lazima na Mamlaka ya Mapato.


Tanzanian philanthropist, Mohammed Dewji, known across the globe as Mo Dewji, has continued to cling to The 20 Billionaires On The 2024 Forbes List of Africa’s Richest People, with his net wealth jumping to 1.8 billion US dollars from 1.5 billion US dollars.

In the 2024 ranking issued by the Forbes Magazine, the businessman has climbed to the 12th position in Africa, jumping one place. In 2023 Forbes List of Africa’s Richest People, Mr Dewji occupied the 13th slot with net wealth of 1.5 billion US dollars .

According to the Forbes List, the Tanzanian businessman is still the youngest billionaire for ten years in a row in East and Central Africa.

Mo’s Mohamed Enterprises Tanzania Limited (MeTL) Group is active in textile manufacturing, flour milling, beverages, transport and edible oils.

The Tanzanian philanthropist, who signed the Giving Pledge in 2016, promising to donate at least half his fortune to philanthropic causes, employs over 40,000 people in his diversified venture.

Mo Dewji, who grew up in Singida, and studied finance and international business and theology for his university degree at Georgetown University in the US, has been quoted several times as saying that growing up, he always wanted to become wealthy but as time went by he realised that money was not the most important thing.


Julieth Lwehabura, a Bachelor of Arts in Community Economic Development graduate, was one of 50 participants in GGML's 2023 internship program. Terry Strong, Managing Director of Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML), presented Julieth with a certificate of completion. Charles Masubi, Senior Manager of Human Resources (left), and Dominic Marandu, Manager of Learning and Development (right), wishes her luck in her future professional endeavours.

Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) recently concluded its 2023 internship programme and awarded certificates to 50 university students who participated in the programme.

The interns, consisting of 30 females and 20 males, were recruited in January 2023 and began their internships in February of that year. They completed the programme in January 2024.

GGML's move to offer university students work experience in various areas of the mine is part of their plan to support the government's efforts to enhance graduate employability. As a responsible mining company, GGML is dedicated to promoting sustainable development in the communities surrounding the mine and building local skills and capacity. GGML believes that workplace learning models are essential tools in achieving its goals. To this end, the company has implemented various initiatives, including apprenticeships, internships, and practical training for employees, contractors, students, and graduates from various institutions.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony, GGML Managing Director, Terry Strong, congratulated the graduates on their professionalism and dedication to their work over the year at the mine.

He said that the graduates had worked hard and demonstrated their skills in various areas assigned to them by their supervisors within GGML.

He also asked them to be good ambassadors to promote GGML for all the good things they have learnt during the year.


Tuesday, 23 January 2024



Absa, a leading financial institution, has once again earned the esteemed Top Employer designation for the year 2023, marking the third consecutive year of recognition by the prestigious Top Employer Institute, this accolade extends across five key markets, namely South Africa, Zambia, Ghana, Botswana, and Kenya.

The certification underscores Absa's steadfast commitment to upholding exemplary people practices and initiatives that consistently surpass rigorous global benchmarks. Notably, Absa has been commended for its exceptional performance in digital HR, learning, career development, ethics, and integrity, placing the Group above industry standards. This recognition emphasizes Absa's dedication to fostering a human-centered work environment, nurturing talent at all organizational levels, and continually optimizing employee experiences.

Jeanett Modise, Absa Group Chief People Officer, expressed pride in receiving this certification once again, emphasizing that it highlights Absa's unwavering commitment to cultivating a workplace where excellence thrives, setting the standard for the financial services industry. Modise stated, "This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our entire team and reaffirms Absa's position as a leading employer of choice."


In the heart of Tanzania's agricultural landscape, Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) is crafting a narrative of empowerment and inclusivity through its innovative programs, Kilimo Viwanda and STEM Apprenticeship. As the Government Relations Manager of SBL, Neema Temba, aptly puts it, "This initiative reflects SBL's commitment to education, sustainability, and the growth of Tanzania's agricultural sector while ensuring females aren't left behind."

Agriculture, contributing 30% to Tanzania's GDP and employing 70% of the population, plays a pivotal role in the nation's economy. However, the sector faces a demographic challenge as young people hesitate to participate actively. In response, SBL initiated the Kilimo Viwanda Program, a beacon of hope for underprivileged students pursuing agricultural-related courses.

For the past four years, SBL has sponsored over 200 students through this program, creating a pool of knowledgeable professionals ready to make a significant impact in the agricultural sector. Neema Temba the Government Relations Manager of Serengeti Breweries Limited highlights SBL's dedication, emphasizing that the Kilimo Viwanda Program aligns seamlessly with the company's commitment to eco-friendly practices and sustainability within the supply chain.

"The Kilimo Viwanda Program is not just a scholarship initiative; it's a strategic investment in the future of Tanzania's agricultural legacy by ensuring both girls and boys are equally educated," states Temba. "It reflects our commitment to nurturing talent and creating a more sustainable, inclusive, and robust agricultural sector."

Furthermore, Tanzania faces challenges in secondary education enrollment, particularly for girls, resulting in the under-representation of women in STEM fields. Recognizing this disparity, SBL took a bold step by establishing the STEM Apprenticeship program, part of its parent company Diageo's strategic 10-year plan, Society 2030: Spirit of Progress.

Friday, 19 January 2024





NMB Bank has initiated a massive account opening campaign dubbed “NMB Pesa Haachwi Mtu” seeking to incorporate new customers into the formal banking system.

Announcing the inclusive finance initiative yesterday, Retail Banking Chief, Filbert Mponzi said the NMB Pesa Account opening drive seeks to increase the number of people with access to formal banking services in the country.

The undertaking, he explained, will also help the bank to expand its client base that currently comprises over six million customers who apart from an extensive branch network are also served by over 30,000 agents.

“The latest Finscope study shows that currently only 22 percent of people qualified to have bank accounts have them, which is not an impressive figure,” Mr Mponzi noted in a live interview during EFM’s Joto la Asubuhi programme.

As a responsible and leading bank, he explained, NMB is obliged to help to address the fiscal anomaly hence the decision to conduct the campaign that mostly targets the unbanked and underserved segments of society such as petty traders, boda boda riders and food vendors.

The consumer banking expert noted that opening of the NMB Pesa Account, which has no monthly charges, requires only TZS 1,000. According to him, the account can be digitally opened anywhere any time by the bank’s mobile sales personnel specifically assigned for the task.

“Through this initiative, we want to fulfil the dreams of all those wishing to have bank accounts by easing the process to open and operate them,” Mr. Mponzi said, noting that having an NMB Pesa account delivers many benefits.

The merits of the service include instant connection to NMB Mkononi and eligibility to its various solutions such as the Mshiko Fasta digital loans.

The bank’s head of the Branch Network and Retail Sales Department, Mr. Donatus Richard, called on Tanzanians to capitalise on the opportunity offered by NMB Pesa Account to enjoy the premium services NMB Bank Offers.

He said the bank will continue offering new and highly innovative solutions to help address financial challenges encountered by many people in the market.

Thursday, 18 January 2024


Mpenzi wako akipewa nafasi ya kusema kitu “special” kinachomvutia au kinachokufanya uwe wa kitofauti, unadhani atasema Nini? 

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Wednesday, 17 January 2024



NMB Bank in partnership with its Bancassurance partner Reliance Insurance handed over a 270m/- dummy cheque that will be used to compensate 18 small and medium entrepreneurs who were affected by a mudslide in Hanang District, Manayara region that occurred on December 3, 2023 leaving many people displaced and counting losses.

The compensation is part of loan insurance, a financial product that assists with loan repayment in the event of an unforeseen occurrences.

Speaking during the handover ceremony held at Katesh Bus Stand over the weekend, the NMB Bancassurance Head Martin Massawe said his bank believes Insurance is a cornerstone of risk management for businesses adding that bank’s compensation initiative seeks to provide financial relief to the bank’s 18 customers who had initially insured their loans.

“Entrepreneurs and small business owners face numerous challenges and uncertainties. In this regard, insurance is a critical tool that can provide a safety net for businesses, shielding them from unexpected events that could otherwise jeopardise their survival and success,” he said.

Massawe noted that his bank is committed to accelerating uptake of insurance products especially at grassroots levels across the country as part of the bank’s efforts to support growth and of local businesses.

“We have today gathered at this auspicious occasion to handover 270m/- to our 18 customers who were affected by the ill-fated Hanang mudslide. The good part is that the loans they secured from the bank were initially insured. This compensation will be a big relief to receivers and I believe they will be in position to operate their businesses smoothly,” Massawe said.