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Monday, 31 October 2022


Mkuu wa wilaya ya Mbeya, Dr. Rashid Chuachua (wapili kulia) akifurahia baada ya kuzindua rasmi kampeni ya NMB Mastabta – Kotekote iliyozinduliwa kitaifa mkoani Mbeya yenye lengo la kuhamasisha malipo ya bidhaa na huduma kwa kutumia kadi, kuskani QR (Lipa Mkononi) na malipo ya kimtandao. Benki ya NMB Imetenga zawadi za zaidi ya milioni 300 kwa ajili ya kampeni hii. Wapili kushoto ni Afisa Mkuu wa Wateja Binafsi na Biashara wa benki ya NMB, Filbert Mponzi, kulia ni Afisa Mkuu wa Rasilimali watu wa benki hiyo, Emmanuel Akonaay na kushoto ni Mkuu wa Idara ya Kadi, Philbert Casmir.

Msimu wa nne wa kampeni ya NMB MastaBata tayari umeanza baada ya promosheni hiyo ya kuchagiza malipo kidijitali kuzinduliwa Mbeya Ijumaa huku sehemu ya zawadi zenye thamani ya TZS milioni 350 ikipangwa kutumika kuwawezesha wateja kiuchumi.

Kiasi cha TZS milioni 173 na pikipiki 14 zitatumika kuwakwamua kiuchumi washindi wa shindano hilo linalojulikana mara hii kama NMB MastaBata, Kote-Kote!

Kwa mujibu wa Afisa Mkuu wa Wateja Binafsi na Biashara wa NMB, Bw Filbert Mponzi, utaratibu huo utasaidia kuimarisha vipato vya wateja watakaoibuka washindi.

MastaBata ya mwaka huu itaua ndege wawili kwa jiwe moja. Itahamasisha matumizi zaidi ya kadi za NMB Mastercard na Lipa Mkononi(QR) na kuwapa fursa wateja kuboresha uchumi wao.

“Tofauti na mwaka jana, mwaka huu tumeamua kuwa na zawadi ya fedha pamoja na pikipiki sababu tunahitaji sio tu kuhamasisha matumizi ya kadi lakini pia kuwa chachu ya mabadiliko ya kiuchumi ya wateja wetu, tunaamini pikipiki hizi zinakwenda kutumika katika biashara na kuongeza kipato cha washindi wetu,” Bw Mponzi alibainisha.


Waziri wa Habari, Mawasiliano na Teknolojia ya Habari, Nape Nnauye akipokea mfano wa hundi yenye thamani ya Shilingi milioni 50 kutoka kwa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Abdulmajid Nsekela ikiwa ni uwezeshaji kwa biashara bora changa za TEHEMA (digital startups) kupitia programu ya uwezeshaji kwa vijana na wanawake ya benki hiyo inayofahamika kama "IMBEJU" ambayo imezinduliwa katika Kongamano la Sita la TEHAMA lililofanyika katika hoteli ya Golden Tulip, Zanzibar Ijumaa iliyopita. Wengine pichani ni Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mjini Magharib, Iddrisa Kitwana (watatu kulia), Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Habari, Mawasiliano, na Teknolojia ya Habari, Dkt. Jim Yonazi (wapili kushoto), Naibu Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Habari, Mawasiliano, na Teknolojia ya Habari, Mohammed Abdull (wakwanza kushoto), Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya Tume ya TEHAMA, Prof. Leornad Mselle (wapili kulia), na Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Tume ya TEHAMA, Dkt. Nkundwe Mwasaga.

Ikiendeleza jitihada zake za kukuza ujumuishi wa kiuchumi nchini, Benki ya CRDB kwa kushirikiana na Tume ya TEHAMA imezindua programu mpya ya uwezeshaji kwa vijana na wanawake wajasiriamali, Sh. bilioni 5 zatengwa.

Programu hiyo iliyopewa jina la ‘IMBEJU’ imezinduliwa katika kilele cha Kongamano la Sita la TEHAMA lililofanyika katika ukumbi wa mikutano wa hoteli ya Golden Tulip na kuhudhuriwa na viongozi mbalimbali wa Serikali na taasisi kutoka ndani na nje ya nchi.

Akielezea kuhusu programu hiyo Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Abdulmajid Nsekela amesema kupitia ‘IMBEJU’, benki hiyo itakuwa ikitoa mitaji wezeshi kwa vijana na wawawake wajasiriamali wenye biashara na mawazo bunifu.

Nsekela alisema kupitia programu hiyo vijana watakuwa wakiwasilisha mpango wa biashara zao, na mawazo bunifu kwa upande wa wanafunzi, kisha wataalamu wabobezi watakuwa wakichambua na kuidhinisha mtaji na mafunzo kulingana na vigezo.

“Katika programu ya IMBEJU tutakuwa pia tukitoa mafunzo ya usimamizi wa biashara, matumizi ya mifumo ya TEHAMA, elimu ya fedha na masoko, na usaidizi wa kuboresha bidhaa na mawazo bunifu,” alisema Nsekela.

Aliongezea kuwa Benki hiyo pia imeanzisha kituo maalum cha mafunzo na ubunifu wa biashara katika Makao Makuu ya zamani ya Benki hiyo mtaa wa Azikiwe jijini Dar es Salaam. Kituo hicho kitasimamiwa kwa ushirikiano na Tume ya TEHAMA nchini.

“Katika programu za vijana wajasiriamali tumeweka mkazo mkubwa zaidi katika biashara zinazoanza katika sekta ya TEHAMA tukilenga zaidi kuchochea uchumi wa kidijitali. Biashara katika sekta nyengine pia zitakuwa zikipata uwezeshaji,” alifafanua.

Kwa upande wa uwezeshaji wa wanawake wajasiriamali, Nsekela alisema Benki hiyo itakuwa ikifanya kazi na taasisi na mashirika yaliyojikita katika kufanya uwezeshaji kwa wanawake. Uwezeshaji utafanyika kwa vikundi na wajasiriamali mmoja mmoja.

Friday, 28 October 2022


Dar es Salaam, 27th October 2022 – Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) has launched an anti-drinking program for the under-age aimed at curbing alcohol-drinking behavior among school going children.

Tanzania is among African countries with early age initiation to alcohol consumption. A study conducted in 2019 in Mwanza and Kilimanjaro regions found the prevalence of alcohol consumption among secondary school students aged 15 and above ranging from 12.9% among girls in Mwanza to 63.9% among boys in Kilimanjaro. The prevalence of alcohol use among students aged 13–15 in Dar es Salaam was 5.6%.

Dubbed SMASHED, SBL’s anti-drinking campaign, is an interactive theatre experience conducted in schools to educate secondary school going students about the side effects of alcohol consumption at a tender age advising them to refrain from consuming alcohol before maturity.

“The program involves delivery of key learnings on negative effects of underage drinking to both the youth and community. The program combines use of drama presentations and students’ engagement in a motivational learning environment to equipping them with facts, skills, and confidence to make responsible choices and develop responsible attitudes in health-related matters,” said Rispa Hatibu, SBL’s Communications Manager.


Mkaguzi wa Ndani wa NMB - Benedicto Baragomwa akitoa wasilisho la NMB, kwa wadau wa Kongamano la sita la TEHAMA (Tanzania Annual ICT Conference) linalofanyika kwa mara ya kwanza Visiwani Zanzibar. Kongamano hilo limeanza Oktoba 26 hadi 28, 2022.
Mkaguzi wa Ndani wa NMB - Benedicto Baragomwa (pili kushoto), akishiriki mjadala wakati wa Kongamano la sita la TEHAMA (Tanzania Annual ICT Conference) linaloendelea Visiwani Zanzibar.
Sehemu ya wadau na washiriki wa Kongamano la sita la TEHAMA (Tanzania Annual ICT Conference) wakifuatilia wasilisho la Benki ya NMB.

Benki ya NMB imekuwa mstari wa mbele kwa ubunifu katika sekta ya TEHAMA kwa kutoa masuluhisho mbalimbali kwa wateja wake wa nyanja zote. NMB wameshiriki katika Kongamano la sita la TEHAMA (Tanzania Annual ICT Conference) linalofanyika kwa mara ya kwanza Visiwani Zanzibar na kuzinduliwa na Mhe. Dkt. Hussein Ali Mwinyi, Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi. Kauli mbiu ya kongamano hilo ni Mabadiliko ya Kidijitali kwenye Uchumi wa Buluu kwa Maendeleo ya Jamii na Kiuchumi.

Akifanya wasilisho la benki hiyo, Mkaguzi wa Ndani wa NMB – Benedicto Baragomwa alisema kuwa, wametumia fursa ya kongamano hili lenye zaidi ya washiki zaidi ya 800 wakiwemo viongozi wa serikali, watalaam wa TEHAMA, wadau wa maendeleo pamoja na wawekezaji katika sekta ya TEHAMA kutoka ndani na nje ya nchi kuonyesha uwezo, utayari na ushiriki wao katika kuwawezesha wananchi kutumia fursa zinazotokana na uchumi wa buluu.


FINCA Tanzania CEO, Edward Talawa acknowledged the support from the Government of Tanzania, the business community and individual stakeholders have made the bank continuously deliver quality services as a continued effort to achieve its mission grounded in three main banking solutions areas, namely village banking, provision of group loans and loans to individuals.
Mbeya Regional Commissioner, Honourable Juma Zubeir Homera officiated the opening of the new FINCA bank branch in Mbeya, encouraging individuals and group residents, industrial and commercial institutions, social business institutions like schools and colleges to make use of the bank's presence in the region.
FINCA customers had an opportunity to openly share their feedback about the bank’s services and how best the new branch can meet their needs.

FINCA Microfinance Bank Tanzania has inaugurated its new Branch in Mbeya to offer financial solutions that enable Tanzanians to achieve their business and personal goals.

The bank that has relocated to Mafiat, Royal Tughimbe Hall was successfully inaugurated by Hon. Juma Zuberi Homera, the Regional Commissioner of Mbeya region who was the guest of honour. Other attendees included government officials, FINCA customers and the bank’s representatives led by the CEO Mr. Edward Talawa, Mr. Jeffrey Smith a representative stakeholder, Ms. Nasama Massinda the Chairperson on the Board of FINCA Tanzania.

At the inauguration ceremony, the Guest of Honour congratulated the bank representatives and said, “The presence of FINCA Tanzania in Mbeya is notably a sign of positive relations that FINCA continues to build and promote among the different geographically dispersed communities in Tanzania… I take this opportunity and platform to encourage individuals and group residents of Mbeya and industrial and commercial institutions and indeed social business institutions operating in the region, such as schools and colleges, to take advantage of the presence of this bank branch by joining as new and as continuing customers.’’

Thursday, 27 October 2022


Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb), akiwa na Kamishna wa Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wa Kamisheni ya Ulaya Bi. Jutta Urpilainen, baadaa ya kuzindua mpango wa pili wa msaada wa Umoja wa Ulaya kwa Tanzania wenye thamani ya euro milioni 166 sawa na shilingi bilioni 380 kwa ajili utekelezaji wa miradi mbalimbali ya maendeleo, Jijini Dar es Salaam.
Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (Mb) akiteta jambo na Kamishna wa Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wa Kamisheni ya Ulaya Bi. Jutta Urpilainen, baadaa ya kuzindua mpango wa pili wa msaada wa Umoja wa Ulaya kwa Tanzania wenye thamani ya euro milioni 166 sawa na shilingi bilioni 380 kwa ajili utekelezaji wa miradi mbalimbali ya maendeleo, Jijini Dar es Salaam.
Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba, akizungumza na waandishi wa vyombo vya habari mbalimbali nchini wakati wa mkutano pamoja na Kamishna wa Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wa Kamisheni ya Ulaya Bi. Jutta Urpilainen, (hayupo pichani), wakati wakitangaza mpango wa pili wa msaada wa Umoja wa Ulaya kwa Tanzania wenye thamani ya euro milioni 166 sawa na shilingi bilioni 380 kwa ajili utekelezaji wa miradi mbalimbali ya maendeleo, Jijini Dar es Salaam.
Kamishna wa Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wa Kamisheni ya Ulaya Bi. Jutta Urpilainen akifafanua jambo wakati wa kikao na Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (hayupo pichani) jijini Dar es Salaam. Kushoto ni Balozi wa Umoja wa Ulaya nchini Tanzania Mhe. Manifredo Fanti.
Mkutano ukiendelea, ujumbe wa Tanzania uliongozwa na Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba na Kamishna wa Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wa Kamisheni ya Ulaya Bi. Jutta Urpilainen, jijini Dar es Salaam, kabla ya kuzindua mpango wa pili wa msaada wa Umoja wa Ulaya kwa Tanzania wenye thamani ya euro milioni 166 sawa na shilingi bilioni 380 kwa ajili utekelezaji wa miradi mbalimbali ya maendeleo, Jijini Dar es Salaam.
Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (katikati) na Kamishna wa Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wa Kamisheni ya Ulaya Bi. Jutta Urpilainen (wan ne kushoto) wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na baadhi ya viongozi kutoka Tanzania na baadhi ya viongozi kutoka Umoja wa Ulaya, baadaa ya kuzindua mpango wa pili wa msaada wa Umoja wa Ulaya kwa Tanzania wenye thamani ya euro milioni 166 sawa na shilingi bilioni 380 kwa ajili utekelezaji wa miradi mbalimbali ya maendeleo, Jijini Dar es Salaam jijini Dar es Salaam.

Na Benny Mwaipaja, Dar es Salaam

Umoja wa Ulaya (EU) umeipatia Tanzania msaada wa euro milioni 166 sawa na takribani shilingi za Tanzania bilioni 380 ajili ya utekelezaji wa miradi mitatu ikiwemo kuibua fursa zitokanazo na bahari (uchumi wa buluu), sekta Jumuishi ya fedha na kuimarisha ushirikiano.

Msaada huo umetangazwa tarehe 26 Oktoba, 2022 Jijini Dar es Salaam mbele ya wanahabari na Kamishna wa Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wa Kamisheni ya Ulaya Mhe. Jutta Urpilainen na Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango, Mhe. Dkt. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba.

Dkt. Nchemba alisema kuwa msaada huo umeidhinishwa na Umoja wa Ulaya katika mwaka wa pili wa utekelezaji wa ushirikiano kati ya Tanzania na Umoja wa Ulaya kwa kipindi cha miaka saba kuanzia mwaka 2021 hadi 2027, ambapo katika awamu ya kwanza, tarehe 22 Machi, 2022, Serikali ilipokea msaada wa euro milioni 180, sawa na zaidi ya shilingi za Tanzania bilioni 400.


DTB CEO, Ravneet Chowdhury addresses the bank's staff members during the launch.

Diamond Trust Bank has launched a new brand promise Bank with us, Bank on us" campaign. The campaign was launched by DTB’s Head Office staff members by having fun activities at SawaSawa Bay Beach in Mikocheni. The fun filled activities featured aerobic sessions, games and lots of team building activities.

The new brand promise not only tells the customers to bank with us, but reiterates on our capability as a dependable bank that delivers on our promises. In his inaugural speech, The CEO of Diamond Trust Bank Plc, Ravneet Chowdhury, reminded the staff in attendance about the history of the bank, the current state of affairs as well as future plans.

Diamond Trust Bank Plc recently relocated its headquarters to Masaki. The new building is equiped with new/advanced technology as well as features to help staff members serve their customers better.

DTB CEO, Ravneet Chowdhury unveils a curtain to officially launch the "Bank with us, Bank on us" campaign.


KCB Bank Board Chairman, John Ulanga speaks in Dar es Salaam yesterday during a press conference to announce that the bank has grown its assets value to over TShs 1 trillion for the third quarter of the year 2022. Second right is KCB Bank Managing Director, Cosmas Kimario. Extreme right is the bank's Head of Finance, Willis Simbatia and on the left is Acting Head of Marketing and Corporate affairs, Shose Kombe.

KCB Bank Tanzania’s assets value has increased by 105 per cent in five years to 1.04tri/- as of last month, giving the lender financial muscles to expand service delivery to its customers while continuing to implement its expansion plans.

The increase was mainly driven by growth in customer deposits, which grew by over 103 per cent in five years (2017/22) while profit before tax grew by 182 per cent in the period under review.

KCB Bank Tanzania Managing Director, Mr Cosmas Kimario said in Dar es Salaam yesterday when announcing the bank’s third-quarter performance that the achievement is a result of strong strategies laid by the bank as well as improvement of the country’s business and economic environment.

“Most businesses laid down intermediate strategies to revive their activities and they have started bearing fruits. This has helped us to earn a strong asset base while serving our clients better,” he said.

He said the banking sector has started gaining momentum from the Covid-19 adverse effects that hit the globe in 2019.

Deploying digital technology in its operations was cited as another key driver for the growth, whereby the bank has focused on strengthening service delivery through alternative channels instead of the branch network alone.

“Digital services like internet banking, mobile banking and Point of Sale (POS) have increased efficiency in service delivery to our customers. Currently, most transactions are done out of the banking halls offering more convenience to customers,” he said.

Mr Kimario also cited the improvement of the country’s economy, a result of stable and sound economic policies put in place by the government and the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) as another contributor to the growth.


NMB Bank has become the first African financial institution to receive the workplace gender equality certification from the Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE) Certified Foundation due to its commitment to promoting gender equality in the country.

The bank has made remarkable milestones in gender equality by increasing gender equality ratio from 45 per cent women in 2015 to 49 per cent this year compared to 55 per cent men ratio in 2015 down to 51 per cent men employee ratio in 2022.

In February this year, the bank issued the first ever East African bond targeting gender empowerment called Jasiri Bond that received 74.2bn/- that allows NMB to extend affordable financing for women-owned or women-controlled enterprises and/or businesses whose products or services directly impact a woman.

As of June this year, NMB had provided nearly 1,483 loans worth 35bn/- to women-owned businesses across all regions.

NMB’s Chief Human Resources Officer, Mr Emmanuel Akonaay said, “NMB bank has become Africa’s first financial institution to be awarded the EDGE Certificate in recognition of its commitment to promoting gender equality internally and advancing the noble cause nationally,”


Afisa Mkuu Rasilimali Watu wa Benki ya NMB, Emmanuel Akonaay (katikati) na Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Shirika la IFC, Frank Ajilore (watatu kulia) wakionyesha hati ya kutambulika ya Uimara wa Kiuchumi na Usawa wa Kijinsia iliyotolewa kwa benki ya NMB na taasisi ya The EDGE (Economic Dividends for Gender Equality) Certified Foundation. Hafla hiyo ya makabidhiano ilifanyika jijini Dar es Salaam. Kulia ni Mkuu wa masuala Jinsia wa IFC Afrika, Anne Kabugi, kushoto ni Afisa Mkuu Huduma Shirikishi wa NMB, Nenyuata Menjooli na wapili kushoto ni Afisa Mkuu wa Udhibiti NMB, Doreen Joseph.

Ubaguzi wa kijinsia ni mwiko kwa Benki ya NMB na juhudi zake za kutokomeza kabisa unyanyapaaji huo nchini zimeiheshimisha duniani na kupelekea harakati zake za kupambania usawa wa kijinsia kazini kuthibitishwa rasmi kimataifa.

Benki hiyo imetunukiwa na taasisi ya The Edge Certified Foundation hati maalumu ya kutambulika rasmi duniani kama kinara katika mgawanyo wa kiuchumi kwenye suala la kijinsia (EDGE Certification) miongoni mwa taasisi za kifedha barani Afrika.

NMB ni ya kwanza kupata mafanikio hayo kitaasisi kwenye nchi zote zilizoko kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara. Bw Akonaay alisema zipo taasisi nyingine mbili ambazo si za kifedha zenye hati hiyo za Kaskazini mwa Afrika (Moroco na Misri).

Aidha, tafiti zimedhibitisha kuwa uwiano wa kijinsia ni kichocheo kizuri cha ubunifu na ukuaji wa kiuchumi, kuimarika kwa shughuli za uzalishaji mali na kuwepo utulivu wa kifedha na uwiano wa kipato.

Pia NMB inatambua kuwa swala hili ni miongoni ya vipaumbele vya Malengo ya Maendeleo Endelevu (SDGs) ya Umoja wa Mataifa. Bw Akonaay alisema umuhimu wake kimaendeleo ni pamoja na kuzingatia ukuaji wa biashara za kibenki.


Benki ya CRDB imetangaza kuanzisha programu ya uwezeshaji kwa vijana na wanawake wajasiriamali ikiwa na lengo la kukuza ujumuishi wa kiuchumi nchini.

Taarifa hiyo imetolewa leo na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Abdulmajid Nsekela wakati wa hafla ya ufunguzi wa Kongamano la sita la TEHAMA (TAIC) linalofanyika visiwani Zanzibar kwa muda wa siku tatu kuanzia 26 hadi 28 Oktoba 2022.

Kongamano hilo limezinduliwa na Rais wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar, Mhe. Dkt. Hussein Ali Mwinyi na kuhudhuriwa na viongozi mbalimbali wa Serikali, na taasisi kutoka ndani na nje ya nchi.

Nsekela alibainisha kuwa kwa kushirikiana na Tume ya TEHAMA, katika kongamano hilo Benki ya CRDB inakwenda kuzindua programu wezeshi kwa wajasiriamali vijana na wanawake wenye biashara na mawazo bunifu katika sekta mbalimbali ikiwamo sekta TEHAMA iliyopewa jina la “IMBEJU”.

Benki ya CRDB ni mdhamini mkuu wa Kongamano la TAIC 2022 ambalo limepewa kauli mbiu ya“Mabadiliko ya Kidijitali kwenye Uchumi wa Buluu kwa Maendeleo ya Jamii na Kiuchumi”.

Rais wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar, Dkt. Hussein Mwinyi akimkabidhi cheti cha udhamini mkuu wa Mkutano wa Mwaka wa Sekta ya TEHEMA, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Abdulmajid Nsekela katika hafla ya ufunguzi wa mkutano huu unaofanyika katika hoteli ya Golden Tulip, Zanzibar kuanzia Oktoba 26 hadi 28, 2022. Kulia ni Waziri wa Ujenzi, Mawasiliano, na Uchukuzi Zanzibar, Dkt. Khalid Salum.

Rais wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar, Dkt. Hussein Mwinyi akizungumza wakati akitoa hotuba yake katika hafla ya ufunguzi wa Mkutano wa Mwaka wa Sekta ya TEHEMA nchini, ulioanza leo kwenye hoteli ya Golden Tulip, Zanzibar. Mkutano huo utafanyika kwa siku tatu kuanzia Oktoba 26 hadi 28, 2022.

Waziri wa Habari, Mawasiliano na Teknolojia ya Habari, Nape Nnauye akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya ufunguzi wa Mkutano wa Mwaka wa Sekta ya TEHEMA nchini, ulioanza leo kwenye hoteli ya Golden Tulip, Zanzibar. Mkutano huo utafanyika kwa siku tatu kuanzia Oktoba 26 hadi 28, 2022.

Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Abdulmajid Nsekela akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya ufunguzi wa Mkutano wa Mwaka wa Sekta ya TEHEMA nchini, ulioanza leo kwenye hoteli ya Golden Tulip, Zanzibar. Mkutano huo utafanyika kwa siku tatu kuanzia Oktoba 26 hadi 28, 2022.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022



Jumatano hii kwenye michuano ya #UEFA 

⚽ Ajax Amsterdam kukipiga dhidi ya Liverpool na 

⚽ Barcelona atakipiga na Bayern Munich!

Lipia mapema kifurushi chako cha Compact Plus kwa kupiga *150*53#



Minister for Energy, Hon. January Makamba (left) receiving Stanbic Bank's independent macroeconomic study on the Tanzania Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project from the bank CEO, Kevin Wingfield (centre) during the reports launch event today in Dar es Salaam. In Tanzania, this report is the first of its kind, and will help policymakers, investors, the public and other stakeholders in the energy sector to understand the economic impacts of the implementation of the LNG project. Looking on is Manzi Rwegasira (right), Head of Corporate and Investment banking.
  • LNG Project set to increase Tanzania’s GDP by over $7bn per year and contribute over $2bn in government revenues 
Dar es Salaam, 26th October 2022 - Stanbic Bank Tanzania (a subsidiary of Standard Bank Group) released an independent macroeconomic study on the Tanzania Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project. The study is the latest in a series of macroeconomic reports examining the socio-economic impact of major energy projects on countries on the continent and their people. A previous study looked at Mozambique’s economy and the potential impact of its LNG projects.

The report was launched in Dar es Salaam at an event attended by Honourable January Makamba, Minister for Energy of the United Republic of Tanzania, senior government officials and representatives from the Ministry of Energy; representatives from the Tanzanian private sector, industry experts, civil society and other stakeholders.

According to the Bank’s analysis, Tanzania could expect to see significant economic benefits from the LNG project. It is believed that, upon completion, Tanzania LNG will be the largest energy project in Africa’s history in terms of capital investment. It would increase Tanzania’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by $7 billion per annum. By comparison, Tanzania’s GDP in 2020 was $62 billion according to the World Bank (WB).

The magnitude of the economic impact is correlated with the expected future price of LNG. The Bank has therefore modelled for different future price scenarios, starting with $5.50 MMBTU as a baseline and rising to $12.00 MMBTU as an upside case.


Full vacancy title: Chief Communications Specialist

Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Position Grade: PL3
Position Number: 50107032
Posting Date: 25-Oct-2022
Closing Date: 11-Nov-2022


We are looking to employ an experienced and enthusiastic communications specialist with exceptional research and writing skills. The specialist is expected to be a strategic thinker with meticulous attention to detail, working well under pressure, and meeting deadlines. The specialist’s responsibilities include drafting executive level speeches suited to diverse audiences and platforms, completing revisions according to client feedback, and meeting all deadlines. Furthermore, the specialist will work with other Bank staff in and outside of the Cabinet to support the management of external and internal communications needs directly related to the Presidency. In doing so, the incumbent will assist in supporting and promoting a positive public image and controlling the dissemination of information on the President’s behalf.


Under the general guidance of the Director-General of Cabinet, the incumbent will be assigned the following duties, including but not limited to:

  • Researching and fact-checking up-to-date information on a broad range of subjects for the Executive Office of the President;
  • Researching materials of topical, technical, scientific, cultural, and /or historical nature for incorporation in speeches, talking points, presentations and reports, as necessary;
  • Gathering and organizing ready to use files on information on possible events to enable early communications responses to emergencies and/or crises; and
  • Assessing a variety of materials with staff throughout the Cabinet and other offices, as appropriate, checking all supporting data with the most reliable internal and external sources, as appropriate.
  • Understanding written briefs and the specifics of speeches, talking points, presentations and reports, which may include structure, points of emphasis, appropriate humour, content, and overall style;
  • Submitting draft speeches, talking points, presentations and reports outlines and subsequent drafts on time for approval;


Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania’s Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Herman Kasekende responds to questions by The Citizen’s Managing Editor, Mpoki Thomson in Dar es Salaam recently.
  • Four months after his appointment as Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania’s Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Herman Kasekende had a one on one with The Citizen’s Managing Editor, Mpoki Thomson to discuss the lender’s priorities in Tanzania’s financial market, operational landscape, the role it plays in financing key strategic projects, as well as new developments in the sector. Excerpts;
As the new CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania, what are your top priorities, and how will they impact Tanzania’s financial sector?

As a global bank, strategic priority number one is to leverage our network in Tanzania. With our strengths being in Africa, Middle East and Asia, while also being listed in the UK and Hong Kong, what we do very well is to deliver that network to our clients, mainly the corporate banking clients.

The next strategic priority is about digitizing our operations. We want to make sure that we invest a lot more in digital and get all of our operations and transactions to online channels. Right now, close to about 95 percent to 96 percent of our transactions are actually done digitally.

Another strategic area is about sustainability and climate change. As an institution we’ve taken steps to accelerate our operations to net zero.

I’m happy to note that our key regulator – Bank of Tanzania (BoT), is actually committed and aligned with the ambitions for sustainability.

We’re also working with the Ministry of Finance to come up with a sustainable finance framework which will enable the country to take advantage of some better priced financing which is available in the debt and capital markets.

Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania is set to exit consumer, private and business banking in Tanzania. What does this mean for your clients and your operations in the country?

We are committed and we believe in the prospects for Tanzania in terms of growth. When you look at East Africa, one of the best performing markets is actually Tanzania in fundamental areas: GDP growth, inflation, stability of exchange rates and interest rates.

However, what we did was to rebalance our portfolio by assessing our priority areas and where we can make the most impact. We will only do business where we believe there is scale and scope. I have no doubt that there are enough banks active to support the retail business in Tanzania.




SuperSport International (Pty) Limited, moja ya kampuni tanzu ndani ya Kundi la Makampuni ya MultiChoice inayowakilishwa hapa nchini na kampuni ya MultiChoice Tanzania Limited, imbainisha kuwa ina haki za kipekee za matangazo kwa Televisheni za kulipia (exclusive Pay Tv broadcast rights) ya mashindano ya FIFA WORLD CUP 2022kitendo ambacho kinaifanya SuperSport kuweza kuonyesha mbashara mechi zote 64 za mashindano hayo.

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa iliyotolewa na MultiChoice Tanzania, matangazo ya aina hiyo ya mashindano ya Kombe la Dunia la FIFA 2022 yanaruhusiwa kurushwa kupitia Chaneli za SuperSport pekee ambazo hupatikana katika kisimbuzi cha DStv. Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hiyo haki hizi ni kwa ukanda wote wa Afrika – Kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara na visiwa jirani (Sub-Saharan Africa and adjacent islands) ikiwemo Jamuhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania.