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Saturday, 13 April 2019


French Ambassador to Tanzania, His Excellency Ambassador Frédéric Clavier welcomes members of the Media to a reception at his residence in Dar es Salaam on Thursday.
French Ambassador to Tanzania, His Excellency Ambassador Frédéric Clavier addresses members of the Media to a reception at his residence in Dar es Salaam on Thursday.

French Ambassador to Tanzania, His Excellency Ambassador Frédéric Clavier addresses members of the Media to a reception at his residence in Dar es Salaam on Thursday. Behind him are staff of the French Embassy.
Economic Attache' of the French Embassy to Tanzania, Mashaka Ntobela (right), Director of Agence Francaise De Development, Stephanie Mouen (centre) and Arden Kitomari (left) from Kitomari Banking & Finance Blog at the reception. 
French Embassy to Tanzania Consul and Head of Administration, Carole Bouvier-Loisel (right), Press Officer at the French Embassy, Iku Kasege (centre) and Arden Kitomari (right) from Kitomari Banking & Finance Blog at the reception.
French Embassy to Tanzania Consul and Head of Administration, Carole Bouvier-Loisel (right), Mwananchi Communications Executive Editor, Bakari Machumu (centre) and Arden Kitomari (right) from Kitomari Banking & Finance Blog at the reception.
French Ambassador to Tanzania, His Excellency Ambassador Frédéric Clavier (right) and Arden Kitomari from Kitomari Banking & Finance Blog at the reception.
Speech of the French Ambassador to Tanzania, His Excellency Ambassador Frédéric Clavier, when he hosted members of the Media to a reception at his residence in Dar es Salaam on Thursday.


Dear Friends from the Media,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you all for finding time to be with us to day. It is both an honour and a pleasure for me to welcome you to the French Residence this evening.

Looking at all of you who have accepted my invitation, I can proudly say you have given me a great honor!

I especially would like to thank all Senior Executives, we are most honoured that you were able to find the time amongst your compelling daily responsibilities.

Your presence here tonight is not only a great pleasure, but also an indication of the dynamism of media in Tanzania. It is important to remind ourselves that Media is key to a vivid, dynamic, democratic society. There is no development without access to knowledges, no democracy without access to information. I would even say that there is no unity and no cohesion without the togetherness created by the information and the entertainment provided by media.

In these modern times technologies are changing the shape of the media communities at an incredible pace, both positive and negative. In all countries around the world, this comes with new challenges and new responsibilities. Media will play an increasing role in creating and shaping public opinion and strengthening the society. One of France’s contributions to this goal is the presence in Tanzania since 2010 of Radio France international broadcasting in Kiswahili.

My experience here in Tanzania brings me to trust your capacity to adapt for the best to this changing reality. Since my arrival in the country I have seen good progress in the dialogue between government and media stakeholders on issues related to human rights, protection of free speech including criticism. While I do realise such issues are work on progress, we would like to reassure you that the French Embassy supports a continued dialogue in order to ensure the country’s economic stability, peace and security continue to be strengthened.

Your presence here tonight is also our way to express our sincere appreciation to you, for the support you have given us in covering our events. We are proud to say that, over the years, we have developed a binding relationship with Tanzanian media, you have continuously demonstrated your interest to our actions and activities. I would like to highlight here some of the recent important events that were launched and covered by you in the last couple of months:
  • The Launch of Campus France Information Points at the Alliance Francaise of Dar es Salaam in January and at the University of Dar es Salaam in February. These Information Desks will inform and support Tanzanian students wishing to study in France;
  • The inauguration of the new Cultural Centre-Association Franco-Zanzibarite at the Old Dispensary in Stonetown;
  • “Goût de France “ – French gastronomy Event, that celebrated French culinary heritage and open the way for renowned French chefs to train local Tanzanian Chefs;
  • Our many cultural, concerts, conferences, debates, exhibitions and film festivals, and especially the Francophonie Week celebrating the French language and its various cultures;
  • Our actions to support Civil society, for example in the field of access to justice for victims of gender-based violence or of small scale farming;
  • AFD’s support to health, energy and water sectors;
  • You have also reported the vibrancy of the French economic diplomacy in Tanzania, for example with the French Energy Day Workshop, organized last February with the help of major French companies operating in Tanzania such as Total, Engie, Lafarge, Maurel & Prom, Bouygues Energies and, on the Tanzanian side the Economic and Social Research Foundation, Energy Ministry officials among others;
All these events were a great success partly thanks to you and your quality press coverage. We will keep you inform about our next actions to foster and enhance the win-win relations between France and Tanzania. High on our agenda is for example the visit mid-June of a special delegation of French Companies in the agriculture sector (production and equipment), to follow up with the success of the visit last April of the French Business Confederation (MEDEF).

Of course our diplomatic action is not public knowledge, but let me ensure you that we are also active in this area to enhance the relations between our two countries. The visit in Paris of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation in February this year is one example of this constant and constructive dialogue of our two countries. We strive to implement the will of the French president to strongly invest in Africa around key priorities: education, climate change, gender equality, access to clean water and health, quality infrastructures, democracy and human rights,

We recognize the need for continued collaboration between The French Embassy and media stakeholders. We would like to reassure you that I and my Team are geared to ensure that this partnership is strengthened for the mutual benefit of our countries.

Dear Media friends, to conclude my remarks it is now my privilege and pleasure to ask you to feel at home, you will get the opportunity to meet French Embassy staff working in different departments such as the Political Department, Development Cooperation and Cultural Affairs, Economic and Trade, Alliance Française of Dar es Salaam, Consular Section as well as the French Agency for Development (AFD).

Thank you for your attention.

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