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Saturday, 31 March 2018


Resolution Experts is a commercial contract advisory and management and alternative dispute resolution service provider based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania registered with Certificate of Incorporation no. 111179. Our wide range of services allow you to choose the type of service that best fits your needs on a case by case basis. With the guidance of a trained and experienced neutral, ADR provides timely and cost effec- tive closure for disputes, allowing the participants to move on.

Our web-based Dispute Management & Resolution System accessed via is the 1st Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) system in Tanzania. The online platform allows you to manage all your organizations legal matters from anywhere in the world.

Essentially, in providing our dispute resolution services we maintain independence from other legal practices or referrals, so that our clients have peace of mind knowing we are 100% committed to resolving their disputes.Our business philosophy is based on the belief that our clients’ needs are vital to the success of our company. We are committed to meeting those needs.

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