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Sunday, 5 February 2017


Ms. Angella Kairuki.
Only retired pilots and university lecturers will continue serving the government under contractual basis to cater for the shortage of the professionals, the Parliament was told on Friday.

Responding to a supplementary question from Ms Maria Kangoye (Special Seats - CCM), who wanted to know plans by the government to terminate employment contracts to the retirees and recruit the young professionals to replace them, Minister of State in the President’s Office (Public Service Management and Good Governance), Ms Angella Kairuki, said already the government has issued a circular directing that only the employments of pilots and lecturers will be extended on contractual basis.

“However, we have directed that when they (pilots and lecturers) get employment they have to write us their detailed plan on how they are going to nurture new professionals who will then fill their posts when they leave those positions,” said Ms Kairuki.

On her main question, Ms Kangoye wanted to know when the government would start recruitment since there’s a critical shortage of staff especially in the local governments.

Responding to that Ms Kairuki said already the government has employed 5,074 new servants in the current fiscal year, including the staff for new Mloganzila Hospital in Dar es Salaam. “We have recently issued permit for recruitment of 4,348 science teachers and lab-technicians.

We will keep issuing permits to different sectors as we continue to receive funds from our sources,” she said. The government’s answer prompted a follow-up question by Ms Hawa Ghasia (Mtwara Rural-CCM) who revealed when the government would recruit health workers in her region.

“We are now in February and in June this fiscal year will come to an end, when exactly the government is going to employ health workers in Mtwara and other areas which are now critically understaffed.”

According to Ms Kairuki, the government was now finalizing with new employments in the education sector and by between March and April a recruitment permit for the health sector will be issued.

Daily News

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