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Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Three local listed companies have emerged to be the top mover of shares at the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) last week after commanding almost 100 per cent of the business.
According to the DSE weekly report, Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) led by 98.3 per cent followed by TCC and NMB by 0.7 per cent and 0.6 per cent respectively. Share dropped to 500,000 from 2.8 million shares traded in the week before.
Similarly, the equity market closed the week with a total market turnover declining to 5.5bn/- from 13.2bn/- of the preceding period. The total market capitalization increased by almost 500bn/- to 19.12tri/-, which is equivalent to 2.5 per cent rise compared to 18. 65tri/-. Domestic market capitalisation remained at 7.5tri/- as it was in the previous period.

On cross listed companies, the best performer during the week under review were the Kenya Airways 8.33 per cent, followed by East African Breweries 6.86 per cent and Acacia Mining 3.51 per cent. Worst performer during the week was Jubilee Holdings 0.10 per cent.
The DSE all share index increased by 53 points due to price appreciation of various companies listed at the bourse. The Tanzania Share Index remained at an average of 3,550/- week by week.
The industrial and allied sector index remained at an average of 4,508/- on weekly basis while the banking sector index was on same level at an average of 2,644/-. Also, the service sector index remained at an average of 3,158/-.

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