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Friday, 28 June 2024


Afisa Mkuu wa Uendeshaji wa Benki ya CRDB, Bruce Mwile (kulia) akiwa pamoja na Mkurugenzi wa Wateja wa Awali na Kati wa Benki ya CRDB, Bonaventure Paul wakizindua rasmi Akaunti ya Biashara 'CRDB Biashara Account' kwenye hafla ya maadhimisho ya Siku ya Wajasiriamali Duniani iliyofanyika kwenye makao makuu ya benki hiyo, jijini Dar es salaam Juni 27, 2024.

Dar es Salaam, 27 Juni 2024: Benki ya CRDB imeungana na wadau wengine kuadhimisha Siku ya Wajasiriamali Duniani (International MSME Day) kwa kuendesha semina kwa wateja wake na baadhi ya wabia wa kimkakati.

Sherehe za maadhimisho hayo zimefanyika makao makuu ya Benki ya CRDB zikifunguliwa na Afisa Mkuu wake wa Uendeshaji, Bruce Mwile aliyesema kuwa kipaumbele chao siku zote ni kumhudumia Mtanzania na kuhakikisha anaboresha maisha yake kwa kumpa huduma zinazoendana na kukidhi mahitaji yake.

Ili kukuza ujasiriamali, Mwile amesema Benki ya CRDB inatambua kuwa shughuli zake zikichangia asilimia 27 ya Pato la Taifa na ili itoe mchango wake ipasavyo kunahitajika huduma na mifumo shirikishi itakayowasaidia wajasiriamali kuyafikia malengo waliyojiwekea.

“Kutokana mikakati tuliyojiwekea, Benki yetu imekuwa kinara katika uwezeshaji wajasiriamali kwani hadi Mei 2024 tulikuwa tumetoa zaidi ya shilingi bilioni 995.346 kwa zaidi ya wajasiriamali 21,470 katika sekta mbalimbali ikiwamo sekta ya kilimo, ujenzi na makazi, miundombinu, usafirishaji, afya, elimu, nishati, madini, biashara na viwanda, pamoja na uchumi wa buluu ili kuimarisha shughuli zao,” amesema Mwile.

Mwile amesema sekta ya ujasiriamali imekuwa kichocheo kikubwa cha ukuaji wa uchumi wa mataifa mengi duniani kwa kuchochea ubunifu na uanzishaji biashara mpya ambazo huongeza ajira na kuimarisha kipato cha watu binafsi na jamii kwa ujumla.

“Kwa kuanzisha biashara ndogo na za kati, wajasiriamali huchangia moja kwa moja kwenye ukuaji wa pato la Taifa na kuongeza mapato ya serikali kupitia kodi. Sekta hii pia ina mchango mkubwa katika kuboresha teknolojia na kuongeza ufanisi katika uzalishaji wa bidhaa na huduma, hivyo kufanya uchumi kuwa na ushindani zaidi kimataifa,” amesema Mwile.

Taarifa za Umoja wa Mataifa (UN) zinasema wajasiriamali ni injini muhimu ya kufanikisha utekelezaji wa Maendeleo Endelevu (SDG) kwani kundi hili linachangia asilimia 90 ya biashara zote zilizopo duniani ambazo hutoa kati ya asilimia 60 mpaka 70 ya ajira zenye staha na kuchangia zaidi ya nusu ya pato la dunia. Tanzania kuna zaidi ya biashara ndogo za ujasiriamali milioni 3 zinazowapa uhakika wa kipato wamiliki wake.

Ili kumkuza mjasiriamali kuanzia ngazi ya chini kabisa, Mwile amesema Taasisi ya CRDB Bank Foundation ambayo ni kampuni tanzu ya Benki ya CRDB inatekeleza programu ya Imbeju inayotoa elimu ya ujasiriamali na fedha kwa wanawake na vijana pamoja na kuwapa mitaji wezeshi inayoanzia shilingi 100,000. Hadi sasa tayari programu hiyo imewafikia wajasiriamali zaidi ya 400,000 na kutoa mitaji wezeshi zaidi ya shilingi bilioni 10.


Piga *150*53# Kulipia.


Thursday, 27 June 2024


Katika kuendana na mabadiliko ya Teknolojia Benki ya Equity Tanzania imezindua Kampeni ya Hapohapo ambayo inamuwezesha mteja kufungua akanti kwa njia ya kijiditi kwa kutumia simu ya mkononi.

Akizungumza wakati wa uzinduzi wa kampeni hiyo iliyofanyika jana katika benki ya Equity tawi la Mbagala, Meneja wa tawi hilo, Salum Halfan alisema kuwa kampeni hiyo itasaidia katika ukuaji wa uchumi kwa kuwa mteja ataweza kuendelea na kazi zake bila kufika benki kupanga foleni.

“Kwa mfano Mfanyabiashra badala ya kuacha biashara yake na kwenda kupanga foleni benki kwa ajili ya kufungua akaunti ataweza kufungua kupitia simu yake huku ajkiendelea kuhudumia wateja wake na bila kupoteza muda katika kuendeleza gurudumu la uchumi” alisema Salum.

Awali akizindua kampeni hiyo Kaimu Mkuu wa kitengo cha Malipo Benki ya Equity Tanzania, Haidari Chamshama alisema kuwa lengo la kampeni hiyo ni kurahisisha upatikanaji wa huduma za kibenki kwa kumfikia mteja popote alipo.

Chamshama alisema kuwa huduma hiyo ni salama na suluhu kwa watanzania ambao hawatumii huduma rasmi za kifedha katika kutumana kuhifadhi fedha zao.

Kwa upande wake mteja wa Benki hiyo, Theresia Elias alisema kuwa huduma hiyo itasaidia kuondoa msongamano wa wateja wanaofika benki kwa ajili ya kufungua akaunti na pamoja na mzunguko wa kutafuta viambatanishi mbalimbali kwa ajili ya kufungua akaunti.

Huduma ya Hapohapo inamuwezesha mteja kufungua akaunti popote alipo kwa kutumia simu ya mkononi na kitambulisho cha uraia (NIDA).


Sports stakeholders from various parts of Dar es Salaam follow proceedings of the announcement of Ndondo Cup 2024. In a groundbreaking initiative, the Ministry of Health, PO-RALG and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Breakthrough ACTION have partnered with Ndondo Cup Organizing committee to introduce the Ndondo Cup 2024, an innovative initiative will be implemented at national and community levels, leveraging the power of sports to enhance uptake of HIV services and vaccination.
Dar es Salaam Mayor Hon. Omary Kumbilamoto addresses participants during the announcement of Ndondo Cup 2024 in Dar es Salaam. In a groundbreaking initiative, the Ministry of Health, PO-RALG and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Breakthrough ACTION have partnered with Ndondo Cup Organizing committee to introduce the Ndondo Cup 2024, an innovative initiative will be implemented at national and community levels, leveraging the power of sports to enhance uptake of HIV services and vaccination.

Breakthrough ACTION Program, Manager Mark Lwakatare speaks in Dar es Salaam during the launch of Ndondo Cup 2024. 
Dar es Salaam, June 27, 2024: The Ndondo Cup 2024 tournament kicked off with a bang, marking a new era in the fight against HIV and immunization services in Tanzania. The innovative partnership between the Ministry of Health, the President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Breakthrough ACTION has sponsored and brought the grassroots soccer event to seven regions across the country.

This year's theme, " Understand the Streets", aims to leverage the power of sports to promote public health initiatives among young and middle-aged men, who are often reluctant to know their HIV status and utilize appropriate services. The tournament will focus on key aspects such as risk awareness, confidence building in HIV testing, promoting positive behaviors, supporting community values, and ensuring easy access to services.

"We believe that sports can be a game-changer in reaching our target groups with critical health information and services," said Mark Lwakatare, Program Manager of Breakthrough ACTION. "Through Ndondo Cup, we can reach young men who are avid followers of football and encourage them to take charge of their health."


Bank of Tanzania (BoT) Governor - Emmanuel Tutuba (left) welcomes to his office Access Bank Plc Executive Director (ED, African Subsidiaries) - Oluseyi Kumapayi when the later paid a working visit to Bank of Tanzania offices in Dar es Salaam recently. Access Bank PLC has announced the successful completion of its acquisition of African Banking Corporation (Tanzania) Limited BancABC Tanzania” or “BancABC), a strategic move that represents a notable step towards setting a railroad in Tanzania for intra-African trade within the East African region, Africa and the rest of the world.
Bank of Tanzania (BoT) Governor - Emmanuel Tutuba (fifth right), Access Bank Plc Executive Director (ED, African Subsidiaries) - Oluseyi Kumapayi (fourth left) and BancABC Tanzania Managing Director - Imani John pictured with other BoT and Access Bank Executives made a working visit to Bank of Tanzania offices in Dar es Salaam recently.

Bank of Tanzania (BoT) Governor - Emmanuel Tutuba (centre), listens to Access Bank Plc Executive Director (ED, African Subsidiaries) - Oluseyi Kumapayi when the later paid a courtesy call to Bank of Tanzania offices in Dar es Salaam recently. Looking on is the BoT Deputy Governor - Sauda Msemo.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024


ACI FMA Tanzania President, Ms. Naomi Mafwiri (second from left), exchanges ideas with some of the leaders of the ACI FMA in Dar es Salaam recently, shortly after concluding their meeting which discussed the achievements of the association over the 100 days since their leadership came into power. This included setting various strategies to ensure the institution fulfills its set goals. Ms. Naomi affirmed the association’s commitment to strengthening stakeholder engagements and fostering a collaborative environment within the financial markets arena. From left are Mr. Lawrence Mlaki, Treasurer, Mr. Nicholas Mkisi, Vice President, and Ms. Catherine Mwita, Secretary of ACI FMA Tanzania.

The ACI Financial Markets Association of Tanzania has affirmed its commitment to strengthening stakeholder engagement and fostering a collaborative environment within the financial markets arena.

Speaking in Dar es Salaam during the association’s leadership team strategic meeting at the weekend, marking the charter’s first 100 days in office, ACI FMA Tanzania charter President Ms. Naomi Mafwiri Rhubera highlighted the substantial strides the new team has made in supporting financial market players while upholding rigorous ethical standards.

"One of the key initiatives we have undertaken during our first 100 days includes proactive engagement with the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) to ensure strict adherence to the 'FX Code of Conduct 2024'. Through a series of physical and virtual meetings, all stakeholders have been sensitized and briefed on this critical framework. Amid challenges such as the scarcity of the greenback, ACI FMA Tanzania has collaborated closely with stakeholders to enhance forex liquidity by implementing crucial measures," said Ms. Naomi.

Ms. Naomi also mentioned several impactful training sessions, notably a comprehensive exploration into the derivatives space led by market expert Brian Onyino, the Senior Financial Services Executive from Nairobi, Kenya. Additionally, the ACI Dealing Certificate training, facilitated by essential partner Petter Skerritt & Associates from Johannesburg, South Africa, has equipped market participants with essential skills for global market operations.

"Going forward, plans include further training sessions, panel discussions, and social gatherings aimed at promoting networking and addressing ongoing challenges," Ms. Naomi added.

She also emphasized the leadership team's 'open door policy', encouraging feedback and collaboration from financial market players to achieve shared goals and enhance ACI FMA Tanzania.

ACI FMA Tanzania is a non-profit organization under the umbrella of ACI FMA. The aim of ACI FMA Tanzania is to influence industry behavior and support best market practices by providing access to relevant training, engagements, and professional certifications in the attempt of creating ethical and professional financial markets practitioners.
ACI FMA Tanzania President, Ms. Naomi Mafwiri (second from left), shakes hands with ACI FMA Tanzania Treasurer, Mr. Lawrence Mlaki, in Dar es Salaam recently, shortly after concluding their meeting which discussed the achievements of the association over the 100 days since their leadership came into power. This included setting various strategies to ensure the institution fulfills its set goals. Ms. Naomi affirmed the association’s commitment to strengthening stakeholder engagements and fostering a collaborative environment within the financial markets arena. Looking on are the Association’s Vice President, Mr. Nicholas Mkisi, and Ms. Catherine Mwita, Secretary of ACI FMA Tanzania.
ACI FMA Tanzania President, Ms. Naomi Mafwiri (second from left), shakes hands with ACI FMA Tanzania Secretary, Ms. Catherine Mwita, in Dar es Salaam recently, shortly after concluding their meeting which discussed the achievements of the association over the 100 days since their leadership came into power. This included setting various strategies to ensure the institution fulfills its set goals. Ms. Naomi affirmed the association’s commitment to strengthening stakeholder engagements and fostering a collaborative environment within the financial markets arena. Looking on are the Association’s Treasurer, Mr. Lawrence Mlaki (left), and Mr. Nicholas Mkisi, ACI FMA Tanzania Vice President.


The era of buying “just” any TV is gone. Nowadays, a TV is not just about showing pictures and entertaining the household. It is all about decoration, minimalism, the mounting, the projection, and the sound.

Buying a new TV can be a difficult experience if you don't know what to look for. All the specs and acronyms can get overwhelming and, without someone right there beside you when you're shopping, you might be worried that salespeople don't have your best interest at heart.

Here are the things you should consider:

The space where the TV is to be placed

Do you have a TV Space in your room? How large or small is it? You do not want to buy a TV only to return it because the space is too small or too big to fit. Measure the space and determine the screen size you need. Calculating your TV size is less complicated than you might think. A TV's size refers to its diagonal length, which comes from measuring from the upper left-hand corner of the actual TV screen to the lower right-hand corner. Most are expressed in inches.

The size of the TV

TVs come in various sizes, but experts recommend selecting the largest size your budget allows. If you are considering getting a TV that's 75 inches or more, there's something you should know. According to Samsung Internal Research, a major reason for purchasing new TVs is the demand for bigger screens. And that even after purchase, satisfaction remains very high. So, has there been a particular screen size that's been on your mind? Then, now's the time to go big and never look back.

The viewing distances

TVs are marketed based on the diagonal measurement of the screen. When measuring a TV for your space, always take into account the bezel and stand or mount. Divide your viewing distance by two to get an ideal screen size for your space. The best and most immersive viewing experience is when the screen takes up 40 degrees of your field of view. This field of view distance can be calculated by just knowing the size of your TV. To get this suitable distance, multiply the screen size by 1.2. So for a 75-inch TV, that means sitting 90 inches, or 2.3 meters away.

The brand

There are so many TV brands in the market. Do not go for any brand. Go for known brands such as Samsung. These known brands give you a sense of ownership and prestige and assure you of warranties and having your product for long.

The resolutions

The general rule of thumb is that as the screen size increases, so should the total pixel count or resolution. The better the resolution, the more you see the image instead of the pixels. This is why buying a big-screen TV is highly recommended to go with a high-resolution picture quality like 4K.

Monday, 24 June 2024




Partnership for the NBC Dodoma Marathon: The Director General of Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC), Masanja Kadogosa (seated left) and NBC Bank Chief Finance Officer, Barnabas Waziri (seated right) sign an agreement allowing TRC to transport participants of the upcoming NBC Dodoma Marathon from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma and back using the modern high-speed SGR train. The signing ceremony took place over the weekend in Dar es Salaam The marathon is scheduled for July 28th at Jamhuri Stadium in Dodoma. Others are officials from both parts.
Introducing the Deal: The Director General of Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC), Masanja Kadogosa (left) and NBC Bank Chief Finance Officer Barnabas Waziri (right) introducing the partnership agreement enabling TRC to provide high-speed SGR train transportation for participants of the NBC Dodoma Marathon from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma and back. The signing ceremony took place over the weekend in Dar es Salaam. 
Experiencing the Journey: The Director General of Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC), Masanja Kadogosa (seated left) and NBC Bank Chief Finance Officer, Barnabas Waziri (seated right) discuss the high-speed SGR train experience with other stakeholders, including runners from Dar es Salaam, during the trial run from Dar es Salaam to Morogoro and back. The two parts have introduced the partnership agreement enabling TRC to provide high-speed SGR train transportation for participants of the NBC Dodoma Marathon from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma and back.

Dar es Salaam, June 23, 2024 - In a move that promises to make the upcoming NBC Dodoma Marathon more accessible, the National Bank of Commerce (NBC) has teamed up with the Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) to offer high-speed train transportation for participants.

Through a strategic agreement, over 1,000 runners from Dar es Salaam and Morogoro will have the opportunity to experience the comfort and convenience of Tanzania's modern high-speed train, the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), as they make their way to the city of Dodoma.

The signing ceremony, held at the TRC Head Offices in Dar es Salaam over the weekend saw the Director-General of TRC, Mr. Masanja Kadogosa, and the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) at NBC, Mr. Waziri Barnabas, sealing this transformative partnership. But the journey to this milestone began earlier, as the stakeholders, including NBC officials, sponsors and select runners, embarked on a trial run from Dar es Salaam to Morogoro and back, allowing them to experience the comfort and convenience of the SGR train.

"To gain experience and witness the quality of this train transportation for the participants of our marathon who will use it in a few days, we, as the bank and other stakeholders including sponsors, have used this transportation today, and the truth is that it has impressed us greatly," Mr. Waziri expressed, his enthusiasm palpable.

The NBC Dodoma Marathon season five, scheduled for July 28th at the Jamhuri Stadium, is more than just a sports event – it is a powerful platform to raise funds for the fight against cervical cancer and provide educational sponsorships for midwives, ultimately improving the health of mothers and infants in the country.

Saturday, 22 June 2024


Arusha: Juni 21, 2024: Benki ya Taifa ya Biashara (NBC) imekutana na wateja wake wakubwa yaani makamppuni na taasisi mbali mbali (Corporates) wa jijini Arusha ili kujadili fursa za biashara, kutambulisha huduma mpya za benki hiyo sambamba na kuwaejengea uelewa zaidi wateja hao kuhusu faida na manufaa ya huduma hizo. Benki hiyo pia ilitumia fursa hiyo kujadili na wateja hao namna inavyoweza kuboresha huduma zake kulingana na mahitaji yao.

Akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya chakula cha jioni iliyoandaliwa na benki hiyo kupitia timu yake ya Biashara na Uwekezaji (CIB) mwisho wa wiki hii jijini Arusha, Mkurugenzi wa wateja wakubwa, taasisi binafsi na za serikali kutoka NBC, James Meitaron alisema tukio hilo ni muendelezo wa matukio kama hayo mahususi kwa wateja wakubwa katika mikoa mbalimbali hapa nchini ikiwemo Dodoma, Mwanza na Arusha.

“Tukiwa kama muhimuli muhimu wa utoaji wa huduma za kifedha nchini, NBC tunatambua umuhimu wa utoaji wa huduma bora kwa wateja na kukuza ushirikiano kati yetu na wateja wetu. Hii inasababishwa na mabadiliko yanayotokana na ubunifu na maendeleo ya kiteknolojia.’’

"Hivyo hatua hii ya kukutana na wateja wetu wakubwa inatoa fursa kwetu kuelezea maboresho makubwa tuliyofanya kwenye huduma zetu sambamba na kutambulisha huduma mpya zilizorahisishwa zaidi kidigitali na zinazoendana na mahitaji ya wateja wetu hususani hawa wakubwa." Alisema.

Aidha, kupitia mpango huo benki hiyo imekuwa ikielezea mikakati yake mipana inayolenga kuwahudumia kwa ufanisi zaidi wateja hao, kuwajengea mitandao ya kibiashara miongoni mwao sambamba na kuwasogezea huduma za kibenki karibu zaidi huku huduma ya NBC Connect ikitajwa kama suluhisho muhimu katika kuwasogezea huduma za kibenki wateja hao wakubwa yakiwemo mashirika na kampuni binafsi, pamoja na taasisi za serikali.

Friday, 21 June 2024




Kilombero, Morogoro Juni 21, 2024 – Kampuni ya Kilombero Sugar inajivunia kutangaza uzinduzi wa kampeni ya Ushirikishaji wakulima na uwekezaji kama sehemu ya Mradi wake wa Kupanua kiwanda cha K4. Wenye kaulimbiu ya "Soko la kuaminika, kipato endelevu, na kuboresha maisha," kampeni hii inalenga kuimarisha maendeleo miongoni mwa wakulima wa miwa kupitia mawasiliano ya kimkakati na ushirikiano na wadau.

Kampeni hiyo imezinduliwa rasimi katika mashamba ya miwa ya Kilombero na imefanikiwa kuhudhuriwa na watu wengi, ikijumuisha ushiriki wa wasimamizi, maafisa wa serikali za mitaa, na wakulima wa miwa, ambao wote ni viungo muhimu katika mnyororo wa thamani wa kilimo cha miwa.

Kutokana na changamoto za msimu uliopita zilizosababishwa na mvua kubwa zilizopelekea El Nino, Kilombero Sugar imechukua hatua madhubuti ya kuwatuliza na kuwaliwaza wakulima kupitia mradi wa wa upanuzi wa kiwanda cha K4. Ambao hadi sasa umefikia 90%, Huu ni uwekezaji mkubwa kuwahi kufanywa na illovo barani Afrika. Mradi huu mkubwa unathibitisha imani ya kampuni kwa jamii ya wakulima wa ndani, ambao watazalisha 60% ya miwa inayohitajika katika kiwanda hicho.

Akizungumza katika hafla hiyo, Bw. Pierre Redinger ambaye ni Mkurugenzi wa Wakulima wa nje Kilombero Sugar, amesisitiza jukumu muhimu la jamii katika jitihada hizi , Amesema “Uwekezaji wetu katika Mradi wa Kupanua kiwanda cha K4 unatokana na imani tuliyonayo kwa wakulima wetu, Safari hii ilianza mwaka 2018 kwa usajili wa wakulima, ukiungwa mkono na Ofisi ya Wilaya ya Kilombero, ambao ulifungua njia kwa biashara hii muhimu."

Wednesday, 19 June 2024


Piga *150*53# kulipia kifurushi



In collaboration with the IOC, and OBS, Samsung Galaxy technology will provide fans around the world with a new, up-close view of the world’s greatest athletes during the Games.

SEOUL, Korea – June 19, 2024 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic Partner, today announced its plans alongside the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) to revolutionize the Paris 2024 broadcast experience for viewers and fans. New, first-of-its-kind footage – which will be captured and shared with Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra – will play an integral role in opening up the historic Opening Ceremony on the Seine River and the Olympic Games’ sailing competitions like never before.

As the Official Smartphone and Computing Equipment partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Samsung will harness its advanced mobile technology and 5G connectivity to provide a closer perspective of these iconic celebratory and competition moments. This new view, powered by Samsung Galaxy innovation, will not just help Paris 2024 deliver on its promise to be the most open Games ever, but also further Samsung’s legacy of innovation in support of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

“In an increasingly connected society, Samsung Galaxy mobile technology has helped deepen and transform users’ relationships with the world, wherever they are. Having been a Worldwide Partner for nearly three decades, we know first-hand how important it is to create and enable the same meaningful connections at the Olympic and Paralympic Games,” said Stephanie Choi, EVP & Head of Marketing of Mobile eXperience Business at Samsung Electronics. “We’re honored to be working closely with the IOC and OBS to provide high quality footage that will be part of a series of firsts at Paris 2024 and bring fans at home and onsite even closer to the excitement.”

In about a month, the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games will take place outside of a stadium for the first time ever. Paris 2024 will see 10,500 athletes float down the Seine River in designated boats for each national delegation, in what aims to be the most open and accessible opening ceremony in history. Departing from the Austerlitz bridge, the iconic parade will follow a six-kilometer route through the centre of Paris, passing some of the official Olympic Games venues before the ceremony’s grand finale at the Trocadéro.