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Sunday, 14 June 2020


Within the past five years, the rate of mobile phone penetration in the sub-Saharan region has increased at an exponential rate.

According to the GSMA – the international telecoms trade body – by the end of 2018, the number of mobile phone users within the region had increased by over 20 million from the year before.

Estimates suggest that overall mobile phone penetration is set to increase even further, with an additional 167 million people expected to subscribe to mobile services by 2025.

Tanzania is no exception: the latest figures from the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority indicate that there were almost 49 million mobile telecom subscribers in the country at the end of 2019.

Looking to the future, current estimates suggest that between 2018 and 2025, Tanzania will see 10 million new mobile phone subscribers.

This predicted increase in the adoption of mobile phones is possible largely due to the country’s strong telecommunications sector. It also highlights people’s willingness to embrace new technology and to open a new chapter in Tanzania’s digital evolution.

It is increasingly clear that the investment in and adoption of digital technology will also play a key role in how countries develop in the coming years.

As the United Nations Secretary general said in a recent statement, “the future will be much more digital than the past.”

In Tanzania, mobile operators are working hard to ensure that their customers are at the forefront for reaping these benefits.

For example, Tigo Tanzania’s mobile money service – Tigo Pesa – has played a key role in enhancing the country’s financial inclusion. Tigo’s innovative service has helped provide previously unbanked individuals – such as those living in rural areas – with a means of accessing mainstream financial services.

Meanwhile, Tigo’s commitment to improving the accessibility of mobile technology and closing the digital divide is helping keep loved ones connected. For example, Tigo’s Kiochi 4G device provides customers with an affordable way of staying digitally connected by supporting applications including Gmail, Facebook and WhatsApp.

As the country continues to witness increased mobile penetration, it is good to see that Tigo is helping its customers reap the benefits from this progress.

Martin Nyela
University of Dar es Salaam Business School

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