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Tuesday, 23 August 2016


NMB Head of corporate Banking Mr. Filbert Mponzi (left) congratulates a senior lecturer of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Prof. Martin Shem after receiving a gift from NMB at an event that brought together NMB corporate customers in Morogoro recently. Looking on is NMB's Managing Director, Ms. Ineke Bussemaker.
National Microfinance Bank (NMB) has met with emerging and large corporates from Eastern Zone to foster business relationship and explore opportunities through training, capacity building and networking.

The NMB Executive Network members brought together over 100 emerging and large corporate who commands annual turnover of at least 10bn/- each and some top end SME’s customers with turnover of over 2.5bn/-.

The NMB Managing Director, Ms Ineke Bussemaker, said in Morogoro at the weekend that the aim of holding such meetings is to strengthen business relations with its top end business and corporate customers.

“NMB is committed in ensuring that we do continuous improvement of products and services to match the changing needs of customers. This is achieved through feedback from customers such as from the Executive Network,” she said.

Ms Bussemaker said that improvements done by the bank so far will help to bring services more close to this segment of customers where they will not only get the best services but also acquire various trainings including the ones received at the meeting on Wellness and Governance.

Members of the Executive Network normally get trained on capacity building in areas affecting business including business planning, taxation, business regulations, sponsorship to major trade countries (China, Hong Kong, Dubai).

Fast track counters at all NMB Branches, preferential forex rates, special customer ID as a recognition to all NMB Branches – all these are done in order to support businesses become and remain competitive.

NMB Executive Network is a forum that started in 2014 targeting major cities like Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mbeya, Mwanza and Morogoro with Kilimanjaro to be launched soon.

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