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Saturday, 21 November 2015


Salum Awadh, Managing Partner of SSC Consulting. The brainchild and manager of EA Export Fund.
East Africa Export Fund (EA Export Fund) is an export promotion fund that seeks to support companies in Tanzania to become export led and enjoy the benefits that the regional integration offers.

The Fund offers technical and financial intermediation support for companies operating in Tanzania as a way to build their capacities, exposure, and understanding on how to start and manage an export business. The fund is a brainchild and managed by SSC Consulting.

Inter-trade in Africa is still very low, accounting for less than 20% of the total trade that Africa does with the rest of the world, this calls for multi-stakeholder initiatives in ensuring that tariff and non-tariff barriers are addressed, but also the capacity of local companies is built to become export viable companies

East African Community, like other regional blocs across the continent offers massive market opportunities for locally produced products that can help transform these local companies into international companies

Financial intermediation services

We understand the role and importance of finance in building the capacity of local companies to become export-led companies. Whether is about expanding the manufacturing capacity or adding value of agricultural produce, the role of finance is critical.

We also understand that access to finance is among the most problematic areas affecting small and medium enterprises, which we serve. Our fund helps by offering intermediation services to help our clients access finance, in doing this, we work with Private equity and venture capital firms, Commercial banks, Development finance institutions, International financial institutions, and Grants makers.

Technical Support

In supporting the local exporters, we provide them with Export business planning services, advice on Research & market entry strategies, overseas investment advice, advice on Risk management strategies for operating in a foreign country, Advise on regulatory and tariff issues for export, as well as Advice on tax and other regulatory issues for operating a business in another country.

Information Exchange

We understand in any business undertaking, information is power, we make sure that we develop mechanisms in ensuring that the exporters get all the necessary information needed.

We do this through sharing of market information and opportunities in the region, Match-making between importers and exporters, preparing the database of African importers, issuing Monthly newsletter on market updates, and linking Tanzanian exporters to various available incentives and support from other players

Trade advocacy

With trade advocacy, we are involved with Policy review, Promoting better trade environment, Promoting fair trade, as well as Education & Awareness

For further details, please visit

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