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Friday, 29 March 2024


Imagine calling someone who does not speak your language, say, French, then the other person speaks in French, but your phone relays the phone call to you in English. Is this even possible? Can such an evolution be already happening?

Yes. It is happening through the newly-launched, AI-Powered, Samsung S24. The S24 comes with several AI-powered features, including Live Translate. This particular feature translates phone calls in real-time directly on your device. You will essentially have your translator, which will make multilingual communication easier. [1]

The feature supports the following languages; Chinese Simplified, English (India, United Kingdom, United States), French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish (Mexico, Spain, United States), Thai, and Vietnamese. So many languages. Right? [2]

Users have already started warming up for this built-in Dialer app, which can translate phone calls in real time. The feature uses AI to generate voice and text translations of live phone calls. The person you’re calling doesn’t need a Samsung phone for Live Translate to work. The fine print notes that you’ll need an internet connection to use this feature, but Samsung also said the feature uses on-device AI to keep conversations private. [3]

There is no doubt that this evolutionary feature virtually eliminates language barriers, making the world the proverbial “global village.” The feature allows users to translate text, speech, or images in real-time, providing instant access to information without requiring manual input.

With at least 13 languages supported, Live Translate not only supports social interactions among people with diverse languages and cultures worldwide but also enhances business transactions around the globe. People can communicate effortlessly without needing a human translator, who is mainly prone to areas and loss of facts and meaning.

It is also important to note that Live Translate by S24 goes beyond written words. It can read translated text in the desired language, enhancing the user experience for those who prefer auditory communication or need assistance with pronunciation. This is an excellent move for those entering contractual agreements with people who speak a foreign language.

Moreover, with offline capabilities, as indicated by Samsung, users can download language packs, ensuring they stay connected even in remote locations. This is a game-changer.

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