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Thursday, 24 July 2014


Tanga Cement Company Limited through its product, Simba Cement, and READ International are collaborating to set up libraries in 3 secondary schools, as part of READ’s Library Refurbishment Programme.  On the 14th July, READ will launched its Library Refurbishment Programme for 2014.  This is the 6th year that READ has been running this programme in Tanzania.  The aim of the programme is to create libraries in secondary schools that improve and support access to books, create an environment that is conducive to study, and provide a creative space where reading for pleasure is encouraged. 
Tanga Cement Company Limited is sponsoring the refurbishment of Chalinze Secondary (Bagamoyo district), Kinyerezi Secondary School (Ilala district) and Mingoyo Secondary School (Lindi Municipal district) for the total cost of Tzs46,586,100 (GBP 16,500).  Each school has a spare classroom that has been selected to become the library.  READ has recruited university student volunteers who, working in teams, will spend 3 weeks at each school working to transform a spare room into a brand new library.  Their work will include making minor repairs to the building, repainting the walls, installing new furniture, setting up a referencing system for the books, and training library prefects. 

READ International has been generously supported by our partners Atlas Copco and Goat Races Charity who have donated a total of TZS 15.5 million for locally published books and Nabaki Afrika who   have donated paint for the libraries we are refurbishing in July and August 2014.  

READ International is a UK and Tanzania registered charity.  Since 2004 we have distributed over 1.3 million books to over 1,000 Tanzanian schools, created 57 libraries in schools in 17 regions, and improved access to education for over 500,000 school students.  These vital educational resources have been distributed into thousands of schools across Tanzania Tanzanian university student volunteers; providing help for schools to deliver their education programmes.

To find out more visit

Twitter: @readint and @readinttanzania

Additional quotes from the Head Office can be provided on request.

READ International is a registered charity, no. 1128534, and a company registered in England and Wales, no. 06317982 and an NGO in Tanzania I-NGO/00006442

For more information please contact Montse on 0659 367 099 or

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